Welcome to Vegas Krid & Lone

This next picture below is a motorcyclist that I kept running into. I would stop at one park or viewpoint, and I would see him go by. Then he would stop, and I would go by. This went on for about two hours until I caught up to him and decided to stop and the same place. He was from Quebec, another Canadian! He was on a BMW KT1200, and has been on the road for a month. Ironically, he had travelled the same road as I did, going up Highway 1 from Stinson Beach.


I never got his name, but we talked for a while. After this picture was taken, I rode up to Coos Bay Oregon, and refueled and ate dinner at a local casino. What can I say, felt like home. LOL....as I was pulling back onto the highway, here he comes. At that point, it was starting to get dark, and the heavy misty fog/rain was starting to roll in. I decided to head inland where the weather was probably better and head into Portland which was 225 miles away. I end up running with this guy all the way to Eugene, as he took the same route. We never discussed our route, just turns out we took the same road. I took advantage of his bright BMW Lights as he led the way.


This was the last stoping point for me to take pictures of the Oregon Coast.


Great pics, nice and sunny too. Is it warmer than Monterey?
Dirk was a bit shocked (as was I years ago) by those not so toasty summer temps along the Pacific Ocean in Ca.
I had lunch with Vegasrider, and we tried to get him some new tires, but we couldn't find anyone that had the rear tire in stock, or they were closed till Tuesday. We were told that pilot road 2ct don't sell to well here in the NW, so they don't stock to many. Michelins are on sale, both front and back are cheaper than my bridgestone tires that I bought less than a year ago. We did get him a new chain though.

It was great meeting you Kenny, hopefully we can get a ride in before you head north to the other Vancouver.

Met up with another forum member, Richard who happened to have a Red FZ6. We met up at Cycle Gear in Vancouver Wa and as we were talking, a silver FZ6 passes us. I flagged him down and asked him if he is on this forum? His name is Trenton, and he said he has never been on this forum!:spank:

Once again, the generosity of other members. Richard was kind of enough to donate his clear visor, as I accidently grabbed the wrong one leaving the house :spank:. It was for my Scorpion helmet, and I'm currently using my Shoei. For the meantime, my bike is grounded. I'm keeping my riding down to a minimum until I get new tires.

Maybe we will see him. Here are some pics.


Nice year and color Richard has!

I rode from Salina, UT up interstate 70 today. What an amazingly beautiful road. Amazing scenery, spectacular sweepers especially for interstate, and decent flow..... that is, until I went through the Eisenhower Johnson tunnel. Two HOUR gridlock due to Denver yuppies leaving their central Colorado condos to head back to work. Then there were big storms over Denver that I waited out. My plan originally was to hit Cheyenne WY tonight but in the interest of getting home ASAP, I am gonna cross Kansas.

Tonight finds me in Limon Colorado. Tomorrow, 800+ miles home as long as things go as planned.
Nice year and color Richard has!

I rode from Salina, UT up interstate 70 today. What an amazingly beautiful road. Amazing scenery, spectacular sweepers especially for interstate, and decent flow..... that is, until I went through the Eisenhower Johnson tunnel. Two HOUR gridlock due to Denver yuppies leaving their central Colorado condos to head back to work. Then there were big storms over Denver that I waited out. My plan originally was to hit Cheyenne WY tonight but in the interest of getting home ASAP, I am gonna cross Kansas.

Tonight finds me in Limon Colorado. Tomorrow, 800+ miles home as long as things go as planned.

Come on Krid, take a lesson from Vegas! :needpics:

Stay safe in the final push. I will call you when I get in the St. Louis area.
Still in Portland. Getting my tires replaced Tuesday morning. I have to settle with the Pilot Pures.

I'm planning on leaving Portland Wednesday morning for Vancouver BC. From there, on Thursday onto Whistler, Kamploops, and Banff National Park into Calgary. Friday,head south back into the USA heading towards Yellowstone. That's the plan anyways.
Still in Portland. Getting my tires replaced Tuesday morning. I have to settle with the Pilot Pures.

I'm planning on leaving Portland Wednesday morning for Vancouver BC. From there, on Thursday onto Whistler, Kamploops, and Banff National Park into Calgary. Friday,head south back into the USA heading towards Yellowstone. That's the plan anyways.

Just read a little on that tire and it sounds like a good choice! You could prolly get a cheaper tire but .......Keep us posted my friend!:D
The weather forecast for the next 2 weeks in the BC interior is for sunshine and temps from 25 degC (75 degF) in Vancouver to 35 degC (100 degF) in the BC Interior.:cool:
The ride from Vancouver to Whistler will be on the S2S (Sea To Sky) highway, which was completely reshaped and repaved for the recent winter olympics that were held here this year...it's a beautiful stretch of road. The ride from Whistler to Kamloops will probably be on the Duffy Lake road, which is a favourite road that's included in many group rides here in BC.
I'm hoping to meet up with Vegas when he's passing through Vancouver.:thumbup:
Re: Vegas and MXGOLF tour Oregon/Washington

OK guys and girls, I just got home from an almost 300 mile jaunt with Vegas Rider from Beaverton Oregon to Long Beach Washington. I have taken some pictures and will post them a little later today. Vegas Rider Ken left Long Beach for British Columbia. Long day for him. We had a great time. :thumbup:
Glad you're home safe and sound. :D
Had a great time meeting and riding with you and everyone else. I'm so envious that you could take enough time off to make the journey all the way out to the west coast.
Hope to see you again some time. :thumbup:
And a few more pictures. I tried photo book but haven't figured out how to get photos from there to hear> :spank: That's bad since I am pretty good with a computer. :spank: That's OK I had a great ride today. :D
Glad you're home safe and sound. :D
Had a great time meeting and riding with you and everyone else. I'm so envious that you could take enough time off to make the journey all the way out to the west coast.
Hope to see you again some time. :thumbup:

Yeah it was cool meeting everyone. I really only missed 6 days of work. A week and a day. It took a good bit of determination to do such a huge amount of miles over such a short time.
Spoke to Ken on his cell about an hour ago...he's waiting for the ferry from Port Townsend to Oak Harbour in WA state, so he's still a couple of hours away from the US/Canada border. It looks like he won't be at his overnight stop in Richmond, BC till quite late tonight. He's leaving early a.m. north to Whistler and then east to Kamloops and Calgary, so I won't be able to meet up, unfortunately....darn work gets in the way. :(
Should have been more specific. My work week is Tues through Saturday. I took off Saturday the 31st of July then Tues 3 August through Saturday 7 August. Got home Monday 9 August and back to work yesterday 10 August. So my trip was 10 days but I only missed 6 work days.

I need to update my signature map!