wear mesh? important!!

What is with Harley riders. Yesterday I saw maybe 3 dozen some had the skull cap type helmet most did not. But almost all had on tank top, string tops or just a t-shirt. I guess with a harley it's not cool to gear up.
whats so special about aerostitch?

If you ever get to check one out you will see. Its a hell of a suit. Its custom made to fit you. Very protective. With proper maintence it is waterproof.

I have the Highland II fieldsheer suit. Its not near or even close to the quality of the stich. The highland is my cold/wet/winter suit now. This fall I will order heated gear to wear under it. My suit will wear out long before the stich will.
What is with Harley riders. Yesterday I saw maybe 3 dozen some had the skull cap type helmet most did not. But almost all had on tank top, string tops or just a t-shirt. I guess with a harley it's not cool to gear up.

Man I think its several things.
One is peer pressure the other way. To fit in with the group they cant wear gear. Another, one I hear is I dont plan on wrecking. You must plan on wrecking since you got all that gear on. Another one I heard from a really pretty lady. It kinda takes the cake for me. Nobody could see me. The group is not the same.

When you find a group of people on the internet they are not your usual riders. They are for the most part serious about it. We exert peer pressure to ride with gear on. I mean if one of had shown up at the Deals Gap meet with a helmet on backwards, riding in shorts and tshirt, he/ she would of felt very very out of place. When riding with a group of squid somebody in full leathers, boots, gauntlets, and full face would feel very out of place in a bunch of guys in shorts, lowtop sneakers, sunglasses and a hat on backwards.

Motorcyclist wont print a photo of a rider on the highway with out a helmet.
Superstreet bike will.

Its just peer pressure more than anything. I try to exert it gently on other guys I know that ride without even a helmet here.
just drink lots of water. u cant get heatstroke if ur well hydrated i dont think

Here in Austin where Fred and I live it's been 97+ degree for the past couple of weeks and is supposed to get warmer this week. Lately I've been wear my First Gear mesh jacket which is a two layer one with armor and a back pad. I've also been wearing jeans not my pants, it is too damn hot.

Not sure what the weather is in the Great White North by here in the South it's been a very rough summer.

There has to be a balance between protection and comfort.

You can only drink so much water in a day.
As Nate always says, "Dress for the crash, not the ride" and I'm a firm believer in this. MEsh, so long as you're moving, actually keep you cooler although the protection value isn't there for the high-speed folks. The wind blows through and the fabric keeps the sun off your skin. Of course, stopping is a bear and is hot.

Top, we've been having a bit of a hot spell up here in NH. The issue up here is the amount of humidity that typically accompanies the heat. I'll take 97 with under 35% humidity over 80 with 60% humidity if I could have it. But I feel for you all in the south/southwest because your hot season is a LOT longer than ours. On the bright side, it means you get to ride a ton more than us too. Lucky Dogs!! :D
As Nate always says, "Dress for the crash, not the ride" and I'm a firm believer in this. MEsh, so long as you're moving, actually keep you cooler although the protection value isn't there for the high-speed folks. The wind blows through and the fabric keeps the sun off your skin. Of course, stopping is a bear and is hot.

Top, we've been having a bit of a hot spell up here in NH. The issue up here is the amount of humidity that typically accompanies the heat. I'll take 97 with under 35% humidity over 80 with 60% humidity if I could have it. But I feel for you all in the south/southwest because your hot season is a LOT longer than ours. On the bright side, it means you get to ride a ton more than us too. Lucky Dogs!! :D

It has been very humid lately. On Saturday I was heading for my NG drill at 0545 and my bike looked like it had been hosed down! I forgot to put my cover on it and it had beaded water standing on it, soaked. It was brutal hot that day too. Yesterday was like a sauna in the morning too. We did our Physical Training test and my goose was cooked at day from the humidity. I must have drank a gallon of water yesterday and I still feel dried out.

I agree you will stay much cooler if you have something over your skin. My mesh jacket is silver, light gray color and relects a lot of the heat, I really like it. My textile is black and dark gray and my leathers are dark blue so they don't get worn much in the summer.

The leathers are great, amazing armor, but I won't wear them until the late Fall, ie: November.
It has been very humid lately. On Saturday I was heading for my NG drill at 0545 and my bike looked like it had been hosed down! I forgot to put my cover on it and it had beaded water standing on it, soaked. It was brutal hot that day too. Yesterday was like a sauna in the morning too. We did our Physical Training test and my goose was cooked at day from the humidity. I must have drank a gallon of water yesterday and I still feel dried out.

I agree you will stay much cooler if you have something over your skin. My mesh jacket is silver, light gray color and relects a lot of the heat, I really like it. My textile is black and dark gray and my leathers are dark blue so they don't get worn much in the summer.

The leathers are great, amazing armor, but I won't wear them until the late Fall, ie: November.

I did not realize that Austin got that much humidity. After a blistering day like you described, what's the temp in the dead of night?

My CIO is moving back to Austin next year when he retires from our company. I'm hoping he does some contract work and can help my wife and I find work in that area since it is so technology-rich! He's my best reference and technology jobs these days are often acquired by "who you know". I'm content here for now. Wife? She's an accountant and every where you go, someone needs their beans counted. :D I'll find a way to deal with the heat a lot easier than dealing with snow and ice for 4 - 5 months while my poor bike sits with the Battery Tender keeping her company. ;)

So, if this does happen, I'll have to invest in lighter colors for mesh!
Man I think its several things.
One is peer pressure the other way. To fit in with the group they cant wear gear. Another, one I hear is I dont plan on wrecking. You must plan on wrecking since you got all that gear on. Another one I heard from a really pretty lady. It kinda takes the cake for me. Nobody could see me. The group is not the same.

When you find a group of people on the internet they are not your usual riders. They are for the most part serious about it. We exert peer pressure to ride with gear on. I mean if one of had shown up at the Deals Gap meet with a helmet on backwards, riding in shorts and tshirt, he/ she would of felt very very out of place. When riding with a group of squid somebody in full leathers, boots, gauntlets, and full face would feel very out of place in a bunch of guys in shorts, lowtop sneakers, sunglasses and a hat on backwards.

Motorcyclist wont print a photo of a rider on the highway with out a helmet.
Superstreet bike will.

Its just peer pressure more than anything. I try to exert it gently on other guys I know that ride without even a helmet here.

they are weak individuals then. it takes a real strong person to decide "this is what i want to do" and then do it in the face of adversity. guess those squiddish harley riders are more image then anything else. but another factor is they dont appreciate the need for the gear as high enough to really WANT to wear the gear in the first place.
ouch. looks like it's time to invest in some perforated leathers. The mesh was ripped up, but on the good side, compared to the jacket, his arm looks to be in good shape, so it at least did its job before shredding
What is with Harley riders. Yesterday I saw maybe 3 dozen some had the skull cap type helmet most did not. But almost all had on tank top, string tops or just a t-shirt. I guess with a harley it's not cool to gear up.

I've talked to a few of them and the general idea was "I don't plan to crash".

Well hello Darwin! I guess that's what the cruiser guy I saw last year in Indiana thought as he lay bleeding from head injury after being struck by a car at an intersection in Madison IN. I rode by the crash on my Suzuki about 5 minutes after the crash. Police on hand but no ambulance yet.

PS: And then just 2 days ago. :(
Motorcycle crash kills 2 from Madison | courier-journal | The Courier-Journal
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I did not realize that Austin got that much humidity. After a blistering day like you described, what's the temp in the dead of night?

My CIO is moving back to Austin next year when he retires from our company. I'm hoping he does some contract work and can help my wife and I find work in that area since it is so technology-rich! He's my best reference and technology jobs these days are often acquired by "who you know". I'm content here for now. Wife? She's an accountant and every where you go, someone needs their beans counted. :D I'll find a way to deal with the heat a lot easier than dealing with snow and ice for 4 - 5 months while my poor bike sits with the Battery Tender keeping her company. ;)

So, if this does happen, I'll have to invest in lighter colors for mesh!

102 today, at 9:00 pm it is 82 and 60%. Yuck... In the mornings it is 100% from about 4:00 am until 7:30 am. I go for my run then and it is misserable.

In the late night, 2 to 3 in the morning we will drop down to 75 or so.

I like to visit family in AZ, 108 and 10% feels nice!

Oh and we found out today that the A/C my wife had installed 2 years ago was installed incorrectly. House is a 78 right now. They may have to remove the A/C and furnace and reinstall the whole thing! The good part is, no cost to us. Thank goodness!

Finally we are just beginning the hot season, now until about Oct 1st. Many people stop doing outdoor activies. And to top it off some years we get smoke that blows across the Gulf from Yucatan when they burn their fields there. It can make you eyes and lungs burn. That doesn't happen but every 5 or 6 years however.
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I was going to ask if it had any pads in it but his elbow is OK. I am going to guess that it had an elbow pad and it looks like it did a good job.:cheer: To bad the pad wasn't bigger.:(
I live in Al. Dying of heat stroke isn't better than road rash. I just ordered a mesh jacket to wear in the heat. Mesh is better than a tee shirt.

Here in Austin where Fred and I live it's been 97+ degree for the past couple of weeks and is supposed to get warmer this week. Lately I've been wear my First Gear mesh jacket which is a two layer one with armor and a back pad. I've also been wearing jeans not my pants, it is too damn hot.

Not sure what the weather is in the Great White North by here in the South it's been a very rough summer.

There has to be a balance between protection and comfort.

You can only drink so much water in a day.
((((((((One is peer pressure the other way.)))))))

My 16 year old son doesn't want me to die yet. He wants me to wear a jacket when I ride to be safe. That is the pressure I am listening to. That is why I just ordered a mesh jacket to wear in the heat.
Although I am a true believer in the "dress for the crash, not the ride" mantra, having crashed twice in my youth, with the only real protective gear I had on being a helmet (which is why I'm still here...)
However...I've been experimenting with my 3 jackets in both hot weather and warm weather:-(disclaimer: this is purely a personal, subjective POV)

-JR Sonic 2.0 leather jacket (non-perforated, but with removable panels in the arms and side of torso)
-JR Rasp Textile jacket with removable front panels that reveal mesh. Lots of zippered vents that open revealing mesh.
-JR Phoenix 4.0 mesh jacket. Double-layered mesh in front, back and upper sleeves; textile on shoulders, upper back, sides and lower arms (the shredded area in the OP's picture is heavy textile with mesh underneath).

I spent a week in Osoyoos, BC a week ago, where the temps reached the high 90's every day, with relatively high humidity. It's located right on the US border, in what is Canada's "desert". It's also approx. 3000 ft above sea level, which made for some interesting changes to my FZ6's performance from its usual home at sea level...but that's another story. (yes, it was faster up high)
Anyway...I discovered that the textile and mesh jackets were NO COOLER than my leather jacket when I was on the move...in fact, I had the sensation that the leather jacket was actually cooler. It was purely subjective, but the hot air blowing through my textile and mesh jackets was more bothersome than cooling....hard to explain, but there you are. With the leather jacket, I could introduce air into the sleeves when I wanted to by simply sticking my elbows out, and stopping it by tucking in. When stopped at intersections, I can't say that I heated up any more with my leather jacket on than with either my textile or mesh jacket. The only time I really heated up in my leather jacket was when we stopped and got off the bikes. This tells me that if I was commuting on my bike in stop/go traffic in the same heat, a leather jacket would be hell. However, for most of the type of riding I do (get out of town, fun stuff), there's no doubt in my mind that a leather jacket is the way to go, regardless of temperature.
The other advantage (if you will) of a leather jacket is that it doesn't "move" when I'm riding...I was constantly aware of my textile and mesh jackets "moving" when I was riding. They are tight-fitting, not loose at all...but leather just seems to stay put better.
I was also concerned about the movement of the shoulder armour in both the textile and mesh jacket, and its ability to stay in place in a tumble. I have FULL confidence in my JR Sonic leather jacket's protective abilities, and that the armour will stay put.
To sum up, I am going to hang up my mesh and textile jackets and purchase a JR Sonic 2.0 perforated leather jacket for hotter weather. There truly is nothing new under the sun, imho.
As a sidenote, all three jackets zip to my First Gear Mesh-Tex riding pants, which are FANTASTIC. :D
I can also recomment my Sidi Vertigo Air boots for hot weather. Well worth the expense of a 2nd set of boots. Wear good absorbant hiking socks underneath, it makes a difference.
Here in Austin where Fred and I live it's been 97+ degree for the past couple of weeks and is supposed to get warmer this week. Lately I've been wear my First Gear mesh jacket which is a two layer one with armor and a back pad. I've also been wearing jeans not my pants, it is too damn hot.

Not sure what the weather is in the Great White North by here in the South it's been a very rough summer.

There has to be a balance between protection and comfort.

You can only drink so much water in a day.
Hi Pete,

I don't know how you all do it when the heat is on. I was in Texas a good few years ago visiting my brother. It was so hot the birds were falling out of the trees in his yard.
It is about 86F here at the moment and it is to hot for me. I have always hated wearing gloves. I nearly don't wear them every single ride in the summer. I wear a mesh jacket and I am sure that it will offer some protection, leather is best but dehydration can occur without you becoming aware of the event. I think that anyone who wears any sort of gear is going to be better off than those who don't. You most certainly need to consider comfort over protection or take the car lol "Aircon Rocks"

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leather is best but dehydration can occur without you becoming aware of the event.

That's a very good point you've raised there, Nelly. :thumbup:
I always try to stay hydrated regardless of the activity that I'm doing, particularly if it's riding my bike. I find my CamelBak M.U.L.E. very handy for many of the activities that I engage in, including motorcycling. On shorter trips, I simply put a couple of bottles of water into my tank bag.

Nelly said:
I think that anyone who wears any sort of gear is going to be better off than those who don't. You most certainly need to consider comfort over protection or take the car lol "Aircon Rocks"


Wise words, mate. ;)
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-JR Sonic 2.0 leather jacket (non-perforated, but with removable panels in the arms and side of torso)

It really is a great jacket, I do wish I got the perforated version but it was my first jacket and I didn't know better a little over 3 years ago. it has held up well and actually has a more tailored fit than the Joe Rocket Phoenix jacket. The Phoenix seems saggy in the mid section and the collar doesn't fit right. I do like the 2 arm straps on each arm (lower bicep and forearm) with the Phoenix jacket though, it makes a very secure fit. The Sonic jacket only has one strap on each forearm so it will flap a little at high speeds. Not even enough to bother me, I just notice it.

I'm surprised more people don't know about the Sonic Jacket though. I've used it up to 105 degrees and down to 20 degrees F with all the panels and liner in and it has been comfortable. I'm taking a 4,000 mile trip to California, up the coast, and back down the Rockies tomorrow. I'll hit scorching deserts and cool mountain passes so it will be interesting to see how it does in so many different environments back to back.

I am bringing the JR Phoenix jacket and a camelback just in case the desert is too much
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That's a very good point you've raised there, Nelly. :thumbup:
I always try to stay hydrated regardless of the activity that I'm doing, particularly if it's riding my bike. I find my CamelBak M.U.L.E. very handy for many of the activities that I engage in, including motorcycling. On shorter trips, I simply put a couple of bottles of water into my tank bag.

Wise words, mate. ;)
I have seen the hydration packs and thought that they were just a gimmick. That was until I had to do a mere 60 mile round trip a few days ago. I was very hot wearing all my gear. I was dry mouthed and had to stop twice to get a cooled vegetable extract based drink (no advertising necessary). I will certainly look out for one. As a rough guide once you have the physical symptoms of dehydration thirst, dry mouth ect you have already used about 10% of your availible internal fluid. If you lose 20% fluid your body needs to compensate for this loss by increasing your heart rate to maintain your blood pressure (a state of shock). As this continues cellular energy is rapidly used. This may result in confusion and confusion on your bike my friends would be disasterous.

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