We did it!


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Jun 25, 2007
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6 Blocks from Fenway
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Just got back from the Brown party in Boston. Shot heard 'round the country! In his speech, Senator Brown mentioned that this is going to make the mid-terms very interesting.

Aside from people's differences on the issues, this was the best managed, cleanest, positive campaign I have ever seen. Brown did not run one negative ad, despite getting blasted by the biased media and the dirty campaigning of his primary rival. Should be a model for other candidates. Watch for Brown in future presidential elections - if 2012 wasn't so soon, he'd be a good partner for Mitt.

From the party downtown tonight (sorry, camera phone)...
I've been keeping an eye on this all the way down here in Texas. I like Scott Brown and it's freaking awesome that he'll be in a seat that was held by Ted for 47 years. This is my kind of Hope and Change.
“In Scott Brown we have an irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex-nude model, teabagging supporter of violence against woman and against politicians with whom he disagrees.” - Keith Olbermann


This is why liberals lose.

Go America!!!

A republican from MASS????????? Ahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahah
Hopey Changey!!!
I saw Ed "propaganda hour" Shultz on MSNBC this morning, hilarious. He's been running non stop attacks on Scott Brown for a while now, advocating voter fraud and saying he would cheat to put Martha Coakley in office. He didn't look so happy.

78% of Brown voters are "strongly opposed" to the current health care reform effort.

52% said this was their #1 reason for voting Republican.

In the most liberal state in the Union... :thumbup:

You know I'm all about the checks and balances so this is a huge win for the country in my opinion. We still have the chance to avoid passing a horrible bill. Scott Brown may actually have saved the democrats from themselves here, time will tell.
So it seems the current health care bill is dead. I was watching an explanation of reconciliation last night by Judd Gregg, and the process isn't as simple as Harry Reid pretends it to be. In order to use reconciliation it has to be for budget concerns, not policy. The dems threat was that the house would pass the current senate monstrosity as it is, then use reconciliation to change it since they'd only need 51 senate votes to do so. You cannot use reconciliation for policy changes though, only budget. This means the entire bill would be scrubbed and challenged on that basis by republicans. The dems could vote on funding changes, etc. but the policy would be removed by challenge. Mandates, preexisting conditions, etc. would be destroyed, leaving nothing but taxation and spending cuts to medicare. Not something anyone would vote for. That's why they didn't use this when they had 59 votes, because they can't.

The house members (dems) seem to feel that if the senate bill came to the floor it wouldn't get 100 votes, so this may be a mute point anyway. Obama is conceding that they may need to scale it back, pass incremental changes that are bipartisan, focus on what we actually agree on. Things like the preexisting conditions, donut holes, etc., not massive taxes and subsidies, not bribes to Nebraska, Lousiana, Florida, and the unions.

It's a massive ego hit for the White House to take, but I think it's great. We all seem to agree that the current bills are garbage, packed with incentives for the insurance industry and bribes to specific supporters, and not effective at cost controls. We may disagree on where to go from here, but at least we aren't wasting the one chance we have at effective reform by passing an unsustainable bill that doesn't solve the problems we need it too. Conservatives, not Bush style republicans, do actually have a lot to offer when it comes to containing the cost. Tort reform, interstate competition, drug company reforms, all things that Obama and the dems completely abandoned (they are heavily supported by lawyers, health insurers, and drug companies who all have their hands in shaping this to their needs) may be back on the table if we hope to come up with a compromise.

Democrats may have been saved by this election result, since they are no longer capable of such drastic overreaching. They can't write blank checks anymore and act without transparency, which the polls show has been killing their popularity. They now have checks and balances.
I'm glad Obama got his front teeth kicked in---and I voted for him. I'm happy Obama got slapped in the face yesterday.

Here we are ONE YEAR LATER, and we're still spinning our wheels in Iraq & Afghanistan. And, the big bank FATCATS that got big bailout money are probably still bragging at the supper table about how stupid Obama & Co. were for letting them still get big, fat, BONUSES! As if that weren't enough, Obama says that everybody will be held "accountable" for the Detroit airline fiasco but, last time I checked, the main person (Homeland Security Napolitano) who said that everything "worked like clockwork" is still on the job. How come she didn't get fired 60 seconds after making that jackass statement? All that bailout money, Obama assured us, would keep unemployment under 9%. Yeah, right! What else? Yeah, the health reform bill business was going to be "transparent" but then they decide after election to make it secret. I'm still miffed about the Detroit incident. Geee, what next: Will there be another "intel"communications fiasco about some father's warning about his terrorist son getting lost? And again, Obama, when asked why didn't he get the **** off the Hawaii golf course and return to Washington he responds: "Well, the 100 kiloton nuclear device didn't go off did it? It malfunctioned, so I might as well go back to my Banana Daiquiri. I'm on vacation, you know."
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