Watch out for Civics!

Speaking of horns, why is it that the smaller the vehicle, the less threatening the horn? The FZ6 horn sounds like: little guy walks up and taps on shoulder "Uh, ex-ex-excuse me s-s-s-sir?"

Where do I get a horn that says "GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!!"?

search for horn mods...... I think you can buy it at harbor freight

maybe Stebil Natilus horn?
Ask and you shall receive.

resurecting an old topic here ,but have you heard one of those bad boys in action

[ame=""]YouTube - Bigger than a Train Horn![/ame]
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yeah we have all had our close calls, it seems like every time i go out riding 2 people try to kill me. thats why you have to be careful. you need to think that every car on the road has know clue you are there, even with loud pipes. the best advice i can give is never ride in someones blind spot. i learned my lesson a couple of times. so to compensate just go faster than everyone else. makes cheating death more fun on every ride.
I would have probably executed the situation differently. I think this is a classic example why you should be prepared to use your horn. You sensed that there was something strange about the behavior of that vehicle, so covering the horn would have been a better option. As soon as she started to swerve into your lane, a blaring horn probably would have put her back into her lane. Just my opinion based on your scenario that you just described.

The bottom line is that you were able to execute a good emergency stop. You can practice all you want, but it's not until you experience it in a real situation that you can reevaluate yourself on how well you were able to stop. Pat yourself on the back not only on your stop, but to spot the potential hazard ahead of time. Classic example of \"SEE\" Search, Evaluate, Execute.

Get use to using the horn, it's your best friend. Most riders forget to use their horn in many situations that could have prevented them from crashing. The horn is the easiest, and one of the best defensive tools available to a rider, it's a shame that most riders are not trained to use it instinctivley like braking. Practice using the horn and get a louder horn than the stock too.

ya horns are great for swerving and or stopping in an emergency situation!!!

sorry but I don't like that advise... he did just fine, if anything he should have had a greater following distance and if the horn was needed it should have been used when he as wondering what the cage was trying to do.

Omg using the horn could eat up vaulable time in an emergency!

I use my horn when I see people starting to come over not when they suddenly swerve and I barely have time to stop.
she swerved extremely fast. No time for the horn. I usually follow the two second rule, but she was in the other lane.