wasn't my time


wait... what goes here?
May 21, 2008
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Carlisle, Pennsylvania
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Couple nights ago coming home from work it was dark and raining and I was stopped at a redlight. between the rain and the glare from the on coming headlights I didn't see the car coming up the cross street. My light turned green the oncoming traffic was drifting forward so I started to take off slowly because the roads were slick. I made it a few feet and the bike stalled about that time a little green car ran the red light doing like 45mph:eek: I dont know where it came from or what they were thinking but they pulled into one of the parking spaces on the other side of the intersection. I just got the bike started after the holy $&*@ did that just hppen felling went away and rode home knowing how lucky I am.
Glad you got out of that ok, been there myself.

Just after getting the FZ6. Went to pull onto the main road, and the thing stalled (TPS recall fixed that problem). Re-started the bike, looked up and thought... NAh, I'll wait for the light truck to pass. Lucky I did, as he got level with me, he locked up the brakes and stopped about 6 inches from the back of a car waiting at the lights.
If I had gone around in front of the truck, I would have been rather skinnier than what I am now... (Am a tad over 6 inches thick...lol) as I would have been behind that car.

It was a real wakeup call knowing that the simple mistake of letting the cluch out to fast keep me from being someone's hood ornament. It's not like he was trying to bet the yellow his light was red and mine was green before he even got there.
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It was a real wakeup call knowing that the simple mistake of letting the cluch out to fast keep me from being someone's hood ornament. It's not like he was trying to bet the yellow his light was red and mine was green before he even got there.

I always look each way before I go. It means you lose the odd drag race but will help in exactly that situation....unless they've got no lights on....but there's only so much you can do. Glad to hear you're OK, and you'd be nuts not to do some soul searching after that kind of thing.:thumbup:
Good to hear you made it out man. I look each way at every intersection: stop light, stop sign, yield, NO MATTER what. Something similar has happened to me and the only way I feel comfortable now is making 100% sure no cars are going to run the red light/stop sign or whatever it may be.

Sometimes you have to learn the hard way, at least you didn't have to learn the REALLY hard way. :thumbup:
It was a real wakeup call knowing that the simple mistake of letting the cluch out to fast keep me from being someone's hood ornament. It's not like he was trying to bet the yellow his light was red and mine was green before he even got there.

Someone must have been looking over you that day. :rolleyes: