

New Member
Jul 7, 2008
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Byfar one of the sickest movies ive seen in my life! the CG is amazing, the storylines awesome, makes the matrix look stupid in my opinion, oh yea and you get to see Angelina's Ass, quite the added bonus
I'm gonna see it soon! Dunno about the comment of the matrix, cuz the matrix's script, plot, story will remain one of the best to "awaken" peoples minds and show them something different. Its a very high awareness movie and will remain for me one of the best of all time. It almost hits the nail on the head as a metaphor for our current exsistence...
i dont think the matrix is garbage compared to it but it is a action packed must see :rockon:

Agree, it's no Matrix but it's a good summer flick. Guessing the language and violence got it the "R" rating in the US, and not Ms Jolie's rear, heh. Great fx, ok storyline.
Byfar one of the sickest movies ive seen in my life! the CG is amazing, the storylines awesome, makes the matrix look stupid in my opinion, oh yea and you get to see Angelina's Ass, quite the added bonus

+1 Liked it. Also thought it was similiar to the matrix in more than one way. Angelina is hot but too damn skinny. Her arms are as thin as pins, face looks little tired, and the @ss, I don't recall getting a woody :eek:
I'd bet it's not even her arse anyway but a body double.

Still, MUST SEE! Maybe later this week!
It's a good movie, but you're saying it blows away a movie that was made 9 years ago...........that should always happen.
It was a good movie, especially for the first hour (as has been the case with many recent films), but in my opinion, the last portion was way too rushed, and it seemed to leave me wanting for something. Had it not been hyped as some amazing movie, maybe I wouldn't have expected something so outrageous, but, I felt alittle let down. Another hour and a half film, that should have been two hours. Still a B+, worth paying to see, but not worth paying to see again
Never heard of this movie. I usually don't watch movies with Angelina Jolie in 'em....I don't think she's a good actress and she always plays the "slutty" roles. :D
So i just got back from seeing it. Whomever says it puts the Matrix to shame should be put to sleep :Flip: Nah seriously apart from comparing special effects its 2 different ball games and Matrix would win for overall quality (to even be compared after coming out soo much before is proof enough that Matrix is tha $hit :D)
So i got what i was expecting, alot of cool effects and "WTF" & "In Yo Faaaace" moments. I agree i have a feeling that the movie feels a bit rushed...Also seems like they tried too hard to make the main character into a "spinless whimp" that gets walked all over, is self degrading all the time, and in consequence i do not feel sorry for him in the begining. I did come to like him though and loved Jolie (which guy wouldnt :D and boy is she "jolie" [french word for pretty for those who are wondering, lol] throughout the film, the butt scene is deff worth my $$$ :D) nothing sexier than the ultimate badass girl with skillz :rockon:. I like how they go into the violence of the kills, theres some killer camera angles and effects, i give them made props for that! Overall i'd give it a 8/10 even though i do feel something is missing (maybe because the movie felt rushed to me)...
I dunno...The Matrix series is one of my all time favorites. IMO it is a much higher caliber of movie than "Wanted" and one of the greatest pieces of sci-fi ever written. I'm not sure the two movies are truly comparable. That being said.... "Wanted" was bad-a$$ and I loved it from beginning to end. Its true one never truly feels sorry for "our hero" but the transformation that he undergoes has a coolness factor of 8.7 out of 10.

Can't wait for it to come out on dvd to add it to my collection!!!
Maybe I'm the only one who was a bit disappointed with Wanted then. It didn't do much for me, and I'm a sucker for those kind of action movies.

The story was not very compelling, I didn't bond with the characters... Like somebody said before, it felt kinda rushed. They wrapped some lame dialogues around the action scenes, and that was it. I wouldn't go see it again, and it's soooo not in the same league as The Matrix. And I like my women with a bit more flesh on them ;)

Right now I'm very much looking forward to the new Batman movie, which is coming out next week here.
Maybe I'm the only one who was a bit disappointed with Wanted then. It didn't do much for me, and I'm a sucker for those kind of action movies.

The story was not very compelling, I didn't bond with the characters... Like somebody said before, it felt kinda rushed. They wrapped some lame dialogues around the action scenes, and that was it. I wouldn't go see it again, and it's soooo not in the same league as The Matrix. And I like my women with a bit more flesh on them ;)

Right now I'm very much looking forward to the new Batman movie, which is coming out next week here.

Was it at least worth watching?
Good movie, worth the money, but NO WAY is it better than Matrix. Matrix acquired "cult" status, something I don't ever see happening with Wanted.

And Angie is emaciated. That's not sexy, that's sick. I prefer the way she looked in "Tomb Raiders" - that's sexy.