Wanna buy a cell Phone...


Staff member
Feb 9, 2007
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Hey all please send our famous cell phone spammer a thank you message he keeps setting up user accounts and posts his ads usally get him deleted and banned in about 30 seconds lol.. So send him a thank you message or 100 to

[email protected]

He would love to hear from you!!

Dude, they still write me.

I wrote them a long rambling insane letter in 24 different colors of crayon when I was in high school.(I had been smoking something your not supposed to all day) I still to this day get mail at my dads house from them wanting me to come in for a Vulcan Mind Meld or something.

I asked them for a job testing cosmetics on monkeys, or whatever they had available, they didnt bat a eye. For the first year or so I got freaking HAND written letters from different people.
I was well gutted earlier. You know when you think of a fantastic line after the incident? Well, this time it came to me straight away. Some divvie had posted an ad for cheap laptops and the like. Said he had great wares at low prices and we could rely on his faith in GOD for a good deal. Well, quick as a flash I posted "and does that come with an infinite warranty?". 2 minutes later whole thing was deleted. Gutted
Hey Dennis,
can't you ban or block a IP address? I know that this has been done on other forums. You can also notify his ISP and let them know about his behavior, they will drop faster than a baby in a tree top on a windy day.:thumbup:
Hey Dennis,
can't you ban or block a IP address? I know that this has been done on other forums. You can also notify his ISP and let them know about his behavior, they will drop faster than a baby in a tree top on a windy day.:thumbup:

yep we have blocked all 4 of them lol... wonder if he will be back....