Wallet Raping Ba$tards....


MT Man!
Jan 23, 2009
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Adelaide, Australia
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With Wolfmans recent run in with the law in an unposted area, I too have been caught this morning doing 70 in what turned out to be a 50 zone (again unposted) then there were more cops running an operation on Richmond rd as I left work today and radars in both directions on Pt Wakefield Rd also....What really steams me is that the powers that be, CLAIM improvements in safety because of their initiatives, when the REALITY is that fatalities have dropped as a result of more modern cars on the road with features like air bags and ABS....If you looked at the rate of actual accidents you will see that it has actually increased and that cage drivers are more impatient and selfish than ever....Improvements will ONLY be seen when money is directed at driver training rather than Blatent revenue raising in the name of SAFETY....P.S. I will be fighting this you can be your ass on that....O.K....now I've vented, I can go have a lie down....:ban:
Couldnt agree more mate , its highway robbery to fund the Policemen's Ball....If it were safety related there would have be charges laid against the dude that nearly killed Jamie and they would have been there to witness Mike's incident the other week and the one the other month for that matter :banghead:......If it was all in the name of "safety" they would be patrolling these back streets where they know that the idiot's hang out , but noooo they sit in unposted area's making the quick dollar :spank: and why ???? I'll tell you why , its closer to Gloria Jeans coffee thats why :eek: yep thats right coffee drinking , donut eating lazy ar$e Jack Boot Gestapo revenue raisers.....I have been subjected to this crap my whole working life and have to put up with the most stringent conditions ever enforced upon a truckie anywhere in the world and yet im still expected to be there on time........(Ahhhh take a breath :D).....Legally rested and not to mention have no spelling mistake's in my logbook :eek: , can somebody please tell me how a spelling mistake is a "safety" issue :confused:.......Fight it mate and fight it hard......Rant complete , now i need a Bex and a good lay down......
Your not wrong the fat prick the that booked me wouldn't have seen his old fella for years and probably stays a bike cop coz of the boots and the fact he can't tie his own shoe laces...his missus would have left him coz she was sick of doing it....I actually asked him when was the last time he chased down a REAL criminal....He didn't seem to see the humour...
You should see them here in California! The state's totally broke so every cop is out working double time to justify his job by raking in as much revenue as possible. I counted 5 tickets being written on my 60 mile ride home yesterday.
+1 to Ca. cops.
On a downhill section of I-80 near Applegate it's cops shooting speeders in a barrel.
What really sucks is watching them speed to get back to their staging area to pick off another speeder.
Lead by example-not!
Probley wont help any but I ended up sending TN 256$ and paid for traffic school and went to traffic school for 56 in a 30, that used to be a 45, that was only lowered for income and I really havent spent a dime in TN since. I will make sure I have enough gas in KY to get to NC where I will fill up again, drinks and all will be brought thru. Screw em.

Maybe this picture will help. It made me think of you.
Drove from buffalo to syracuse last weekend when the weather was in the 60's. Counted 12 cops giving citations and a few more doing radar.
Maybe this picture will help. It made me think of you.

Have you been SPYING on me? Its like looking in a mirror, a VERY big mirror[/QUOTE]

Sheeesh Matty, you got a pretty tight set of cheeks on ya buddy! :eek:

O a serious note...to quote the great Twisted Sister..."We're not gunna Take It......"

Time to follow this up...gunna ring a lawyer i reckon...

You are on the money Wolfman. They are out to revenue raise. Just be thankful that you are not in VIC. They will nail you for 3km over

Stick to the track brother :thumbup:
You are on the money Wolfman. They are out to revenue raise. Just be thankful that you are not in VIC. They will nail you for 3km over

Stick to the track brother :thumbup:

Hence while i am putting a throttle lock / cruise control on the bike before we ride over for the WSBK next week...that's one $hit way to put a downer on a great trip...prop up the Government's ailing coffer's!

Hence while i am putting a throttle lock / cruise control on the bike before we ride over for the WSBK next week...that's one $hit way to put a downer on a great trip...prop up the Government's ailing coffer's!


How long before the coppers start to put a radar out at Mallala?..lol. "Look, these idiots keep zooming in front of the camera....come in spinner"...LMAO.

It's only a matter of time.:spank::spank:
How long before the coppers start to put a radar out at Mallala?..lol. "Look, these idiots keep zooming in front of the camera....come in spinner"...LMAO.

It's only a matter of time.:spank::spank:

They have already....been doing it for years! :(
Is there no other way of telling what the speed limit is suposed to be, even in the abscence of speed signs?


Now there's the question. In a built up area the default limit is 50 unless otherwise posted. A built-up area used to be defined as an area of street lights not less than 850metres long with the street lights not more than 150metres apart. So unless you've driven/ridden a road and measured it all out you just can't be sure, so you have to do 50 only to have some dude fly up your 455 doing 80 because he came onto this road further back where there is an 80km/h sign or other. It's all a touch confusing. Some streets they put up a "Remember 50km/h unless otherwise marked in South Australia". Great.

How about a sign that actually tells me what speed I'm supposed to be doing instead....lol...Like the million dollar road. The resistance to putting in speed signs after a speed limit change on King Willy Road was second only to their resistance if I had asked to .....well, let's not go there. Needless to say, a low accident area was being targeted very heavily with cameras and due to some level of confusion was reaping a handsom profit. This is not a joke, exaggeration or rant. The hunger for revenue is why they set up hundreds of radars a year on a road whose worst year ever had in the realm of a dozen injury accidents, and a total of 13 speed traps in 3 years at a place that claims lives regularly. I don't make this up. I was reading about it just the other night. SAPOL like to take credit for airbags and the drought. I notice that when it rains and everybody starts crashing again it's all the drivers fault, not the bad policing effort of SAPOL:Flip::Flip::Flip:.

I wouldn't have a leg to stand on with my bagging of them if they were to target the nasty areas and areas that aren't at the bottom of hills.

Now, it seems they've moved on to areas of confusion. If they find they are getting loads of infringements in these areas you would think (in the interests of safety) they would themselves make some mention of the fact and that there would be some avenue by which the problem could be rectified, but that is NOT the case. They are just after the money. They can call it what they will, but the obvious truth is out there for all to see.

Seems like a global problem.

Here in UK if 95 speeding tikets get issued to dudes doing 36mph in a 30mph zone and 5 mugging crimes don't get investigated that's a very impressive 95% Clear Up rate !

BTW, the weekly magazine, MCN (Motorcycle News) here reports that by Easter 2009 "Safety Initiatives" will be operating on a test basis on a few trial roads to better identify bike speeding. Underground sensors, reportedly, will differentiate the weight difference between bikes and cars, and Hi-Res cameras will be targetted at bikes' rear number-rego plates (here in the UK, bikes do not have front number-rego plates).
Seems like a global problem.

Here in UK if 95 speeding tikets get issued to dudes doing 36mph in a 30mph zone and 5 mugging crimes don't get investigated that's a very impressive 95% Clear Up rate !

BTW, the weekly magazine, MCN (Motorcycle News) here reports that by Easter 2009 "Safety Initiatives" will be operating on a test basis on a few trial roads to better identify bike speeding. Underground sensors, reportedly, will differentiate the weight difference between bikes and cars, and Hi-Res cameras will be targetted at bikes' rear number-rego plates (here in the UK, bikes do not have front number-rego plates).

Obviously there are no more serious crimes plaguing your great nation:thumbup:. We have a similar situation here, where cops are going to put on the camo and hide in the bushes. That's the day I go out and get some line and fuel and head out with the line trimmer and chainsaw to rid the roads of some nasty view disrupting shrubbery....lol...or a jar full of red back spiders hurled into the bushes as I pass...LMAO:Flip:

Not any sort of reccomendation, but civil resistance and disobedience has helped some in the past.

I read this story once about somebody that bought a large box of roofing nails. Everytime they would pass a known speed trap they would fling a handfull out the windown into the area where the speedtrappers were known to lurk.

Its bad in a way that if someone is in actual danger the the speedtrappers would take longer to respond, the other side is do they really do anything of value?

I dont know about you guys down there but alot of us are getting very fed up with our government.

Last night when I went to bed the poll I started was over 88% for hanging all of them, 12% against it.
Not any sort of reccomendation, but civil resistance and disobedience has helped some in the past.

I read this story once about somebody that bought a large box of roofing nails. Everytime they would pass a known speed trap they would fling a handfull out the windown into the area where the speedtrappers were known to lurk.

Its bad in a way that if someone is in actual danger the the speedtrappers would take longer to respond, the other side is do they really do anything of value?

I dont know about you guys down there but alot of us are getting very fed up with our government.

Last night when I went to bed the poll I started was over 88% for hanging all of them, 12% against it.

The police speed trappers would be adversely affected in response time by this. The camera vehicles don't respond to emergency calls (not really coppers) so it would be ok to use on them but would get other people.

I reckon just remove the bushes they hide behind. Shrubbery shouldn't be that close to the road anyway IMHO.:thumbup: