Wacked the bike...


Elite Member
Mar 28, 2008
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Shelburne, VT
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yea... feel really stupid.. :confused: no pictures so sorry, i can get them later...

so i came home for lunch with the intention of taking the bike back to work after lunch... where i live i have to park the bike in front of the car due to the a-hole next to me not letting me use the extra parking spot.. yea, condo life.. so since this is the 8 or 9th time i have pulled in with the bike, im still not perfect on how far to pull forward.. luckly the bikes kick stand was away from the car, so when i "tapped" :eek: the bike, the only damage was a mable sized dent in my car's front license plate from the peg feeler.. the bike didnt fall over or anything, just damage to the car's front plate..

but wow.. i was on the cell when i was pulling in and the girl on the other end of the line got an earfull over my stupidity.. just goes to show even in a car, you need to pay atention to bikes... especially your own :thumbup:
Sorry to hear about the ding, but at least the bike is OK.

I have the Cortech soft luggage, side and tank bags. Well, leaving work one day, I slung the bags on the back, and then got distracted from my normal routine of immediately tying them down.

So, I take off and about 6 miles later, while in I4 doing 70, I guy in a cage pulls along side and points at the back of my bike, a look back and can barely see out of the corner of my helmet my bags dragging behind the bike. I immediately headed for the shoulder. Somehow the tie-down loop snagged the turn signal otherwise I would have completely lost the bags and probably would not have noticed until I got home 40 miles later.

The top bag is ruffed up on one corner, but the side bags are fine. I was royally pissed at myself for being so forgetful. But I'm over it now.

I learned that you need to do a check before you take off.

As the saying goes, SH!
right.. that was the first word out of my mouth... well.. at least the bike is ok.. and at least you got to keep your bags... i tell you.. its soo important to pay attention.. on the bike and off.. cuz who wants to lose gear or the bike.. or gods forbid themselves....
Funny. I did the exact same thing when I lived at my townhome (no garage). Nice little round dent in my cars license plate. First and last time for that to happen. I have a garage now though, so I don't have to worry so much anymore... :D
I have the same parking situation, and it freaks me out everytime. I never tapped the bike, but I've come close.
my dad used to put a peice of 2x4 for his tires so that he wouldnt back up to far in the garage.. i have thought about doing something similar, but would hate it if someone was to move the peice and i hit the bike.. to bad i dont have a garage :(... but yea.. nice dimple in the license plate.. funny thing is that the car is only like 5 months old.. but i was way more concerned about the bike.. :)
i was on the cell when i was pulling in
Just goes to show you DON'T DRIVE AND TALK ON THE DAMN PHONE!!! :spank: :(

Gotta say that serves you right. There are enough dangers and distractions out there without cagers on their phones not paying attention to what's going on!

Surely I'm not the only one that thinks this!?! They finally made it illegal in the UK.
I'm glad you didn't hurt your bike but I'm with sanger - DON'T BE TALKING ON THE PHONE WHILE YOUR DRIVING!!! You could have just as easily run into me sitting at a red light. I just don't understand what is so important that people have to talk about it while they drive (what was on Letterman last night???) :confused:
reio - i do have insurance, but the peg feeler just pressed into the license plate on the car.. the only thing damaged was the license plate.. cars fine and the bike is fine...

to everyone else about the cell phone... i do have a wired headset and drive with both hands on the wheel.. but your right, cuz i did tap the bike...

but all is ok.. the bike is fine and still looking great... car needs a bath, but is fine.. and now i know not to try and misjudge distance...
Studies at the university of Utah have shown that even with a headset, talking on the phone whilst driving impairs your abilities more than driving whilst drunk.
reio - i do have insurance, but the peg feeler just pressed into the license plate on the car.. the only thing damaged was the license plate.. cars fine and the bike is fine...

to everyone else about the cell phone... i do have a wired headset and drive with both hands on the wheel.. but your right, cuz i did tap the bike...

but all is ok.. the bike is fine and still looking great... car needs a bath, but is fine.. and now i know not to try and misjudge distance...

I was joking about the insurance for the car, just giving you a hard time...
Studies have also been done showing you are more likely to have an accident whilst talking to passengers in the car. I don't plan on stopping that. I think if you use the headset responsibly it is ok. IE only give it second priority for your attention. Not trying to start something, just sayin'
Studies have also been done showing you are more likely to have an accident whilst talking to passengers in the car. I don't plan on stopping that. I think if you use the headset responsibly it is ok. IE only give it second priority for your attention. Not trying to start something, just sayin'

I agree and also use a loudspeaker in the car and headset on the bike, but was just saying for the record what they found in the study.
I suggest you get an old mattress and strap it over your front bumper. Doesn't matter is the car looks ghetto, save the bike!!
to everyone else about the cell phone... i do have a wired headset and drive with both hands on the wheel.. but your right, cuz i did tap the bike...
Better then! :) I hate mobiles anyway and barely check mine, so I have no idea how distracting it is using a headset or not! But at least you had your hands on the wheel! :thumbup:
If i talk on a cell while driving it is 1st off only for a min and 2nd off its on the interstate and half the time the person I am talking to has to repeat what they say because I am concentrating more on driving! I have almost been run into numerous times because of cell phones! And I would have to say I see 99% of the time its women on them, or more correctly girls such as roughly 16-22 age range......To be honest if you hit your bike and knocked it over, prob would have said serves you right..... sorry driving and cell phones really do not mix!!!
Studies at the university of Utah have shown that even with a headset, talking on the phone whilst driving impairs your abilities more than driving whilst drunk.

soo... that would have ment that if i hit the bike drunk with the car.. there would have been way more emotion going into that "oh sh!t" feeling.. but i hear ya man.. :thumbup:

I was joking about the insurance for the car, just giving you a hard time...

no prob man.. i was just giving it back :thumbup: hey how cold is it at night up in NH now.. i was thinking of doing a bike camping trip and wanted to possibly put NH as a point of destination.. let me know...

Studies have also been done showing you are more likely to have an accident whilst talking to passengers in the car. I don't plan on stopping that. I think if you use the headset responsibly it is ok. IE only give it second priority for your attention. Not trying to start something, just sayin'

my thoughts exactly.. good way of summing it all up...

I suggest you get an old mattress and strap it over your front bumper. Doesn't matter is the car looks ghetto, save the bike!!

have you seen my car.. that would be funny as hell... my girl is laughing herself silly right now over that... :thumbup:

Better then! :) I hate mobiles anyway and barely check mine, so I have no idea how distracting it is using a headset or not! But at least you had your hands on the wheel! :thumbup:

i know the feeling.. i only talk to like 3 people on mine.. and when driving i always use the headset.. again due to i dont want to sholder it because i drive with both hands on the wheel... the car has paddle shifters so i kinda need 2 hands..

To be honest if you hit your bike and knocked it over, prob would have said serves you right..... sorry driving and cell phones really do not mix!!!

honest but cold man.. i dont want to hurt the bike.. be hey, at least your honest... :thumbup:

there is the only damage... thank god right...
oh and here is a pick of the car.. so now you know why it would be really funny to strap the mattress to the front of it.. wouldnt look to good going down the road....
soo... that would have ment that if i hit the bike drunk with the car.. there would have been way more emotion going into that "oh sh!t" feeling.. but i hear ya man.. :thumbup:

no prob man.. i was just giving it back :thumbup: hey how cold is it at night up in NH now.. i was thinking of doing a bike camping trip and wanted to possibly put NH as a point of destination.. let me know...

my thoughts exactly.. good way of summing it all up...

have you seen my car.. that would be funny as hell... my girl is laughing herself silly right now over that... :thumbup:

i know the feeling.. i only talk to like 3 people on mine.. and when driving i always use the headset.. again due to i dont want to sholder it because i drive with both hands on the wheel... the car has paddle shifters so i kinda need 2 hands..

honest but cold man.. i dont want to hurt the bike.. be hey, at least your honest... :thumbup:

sorry the truth is cold.... to be honest I did the hands free etc... even had the all in one headunit with built in bluetooth and it went though factory speakers, i found myself straining from time to time to understand what others are saying...... as far as talking to someone in the car your not supposed to be looking at them when you drive.... lol