Voting now open for January BOTM

There are so many different pictures I like and reasons I like specific pictures. Sorry I can only vote for one.
Hard call.... Again, lots of stiff competition, great seeing how folks look at their bikes and want others to see them, keep it up folks
Best ade

Sent from the phone: sorry 'bout my spileng, fat know!
Come on..................

There are 19 members who have voted here and we have 17,181 members!!

We have more people voting for "how tall you are and who's crossing a double yellow line" than BOTM!
Wow over 17,000 members all over the world...

I feel almost famous LOL!
Lets vote!

Where are you people!? Let's make it happen! :BLAA:
Where are our voters??? Ba Da Bing! Ba Da Bump! How U doin? Yeah, that's right! Tuff Guy!
Yeah come on folks, those of us that enter are doing the hard bit, endeavouring to show our bikes to their best advantage, we just want you to tell us which one takes your fancy the most...... and as we all have HUGE egos, most of us will jump at the chance of entering the next BOTM,

come on make it worth our while
grovel grovel grovel
Thanks to those that have voted.

Maybe this will make people more comfy...:D
One word


Sent from the phone: sorry 'bout my spileng, fat know!