VID: Harley rider pulls a Rockford on his bike and dumps his old lady on her ass....Whatta tool


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[ame=]YouTube - Devil's Highway AZ Ride Crash, Aug 15 2009[/ame]
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I'm guessing he's trying to slow down for the corner coming up and locked his rear and then just lost it. I've watched it a few times and that's all I can come up with.
It really did'nt look like they were going that fast. Strange thing is something like this happened a couple of weeks ago on a major motorcycle road around here. The police said that alcohol and speed were not a factor but somehow one harley rider managed to run into another on a corner and they both went down rather hard. He past away the next day but his wife/girlfriend was in critical condition.
I past through the area right after the road was reopened and stopped to see the marks on the ground. The accident did not seem that bad but I suspect that one of the bikes being as heavy as those things are kind of mangled the guy.
Watch the end of the video, the bike is pretty much supporting itself upright. It has close to no ground clearance, so I guess the guy was trying to slow it down so he could walk it through the corner. This is all speculation on my part though.
Enlighten me. what the hell happened in this video?

Harley rider pulls a Rockford on his bike and dumps his old lady on her ass....

That should clear that right up.

You're welcome.


He seemed to panic as soon as his rear slid out. That was NOT a terrible rear wheel slide. What's the first thing you DONT do when facing a motorcycling mini-crisis...... well, you dont try to stop the bike with your feet!! That was his first impulse. Then he no doubt overcompensated with clutch, brake, throttle in various combinations until it eventually pulled that really quite cool 180.

If that was any of us "madmen" on sportsbikes we would have just thought to ourselves, "oh, another rear wheel slide....not to worry, been through this before a million times".

While it is true that harley rider may have 90k miles on his resume.....I dare to assume that 89,986 of those miles were within 5-10kph of the speed limit and at LEAST 89,837 of those miles were in a situation where the bike was within 5 degrees of being vertical.
That was the funniest **** I've ever seen! Not only is it amazing that the bike was upright at the end, but when she flew off the bike at the end, I couldnt help but think that it was just her that was supposed to fall that day,LOL. Some higher power wanted her and no one else to end up on their ass, there for, No traffic, No damaged bike, No injured rider, Just a pissed off chick with road rash because cruiser losers think crotch rocket riders are the only ones who fall. :rof::rof::rof::rof::rof::rof::rof::rof:
I paused the video and restarted several times only to notice his brake light go on and it leads me to believe he braked in a curve to slow down and landed up locking the wheel or loosing traction at his current speed. Looks from the crash it was not too bad it could have been a lot worse if there was any oncoming traffic :eek:
My guess is wheel lock (obvious) compounded by passenger freaking out and weighting one side and driver trying to compensate and it just kept getting worse until they end up going down.

I wonder if the next turn just took him by surprise.

No, they weren't going that fast but with passenger on board and unknown curves ahead, I think they were going too fast.

The rider subscribes to the "Don't use the front brakes, they're dangerous." school of riding.

No, I'm not making that up. There are many riders who believe that the front brakes are too powerful, and are therefore dangerous and should not be used. I've been lectured by them on the subject.

The rider subscribes to the "Don't use the front brakes, they're dangerous." school of riding.

No, I'm not making that up. There are many riders who believe that the front brakes are too powerful, and are therefore dangerous and should not be used. I've been lectured by them on the subject.


Yet that same rider will bore that Harley out to get more power! You should be doing the lecturing Fred.:D
I think when he saw the camera guys (friends?) he wanted to stop and talk? When he looks back at the turn he's starting to veer left. A little too fast he hits the rear a little too hard. That scares both of them and he hits the rear again while she's leaning left(?) which really throws the balance off. Then he hits the rear again harder which then (with the help of gravity) starts the spin and by then he's on the front brake as well!!
The rider subscribes to the "Don't use the front brakes, they're dangerous." school of riding.

No, I'm not making that up. There are many riders who believe that the front brakes are too powerful, and are therefore dangerous and should not be used. I've been lectured by them on the subject.


that boggles my mind. i would LOVE to have 10 minutes with them. no not to beat them up, but rather to talk them into submission with reasons explaining why they are retarded.
that boggles my mind. i would LOVE to have 10 minutes with them. no not to beat them up, but rather to talk them into submission with reasons explaining why they are retarded.

You cant man. I promise I have tried. Its like talking to a cow.