Very Bad Freak FZ6 Accident


Naked Rider
Jul 9, 2007
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Crete, Greece
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Mods this may not be in the right section but I need to get this on the forum. Please move if in the wrong section.

This did not happen to me but to my 2 cousins who were riding an Fz6.

Four days ago while riding his 4 month old 2007 Fz6 with his cousin on the back he was in a terrible accident. He was illegally overtaking a slow moving truck on a two way road, one lane in either direction. As he was doing this an old man crossing the road sees him coming and starts to run across trying to make it in between 2 parked cars on the other side. He is doing about 120km = 75mph (stupid) in a 40mph zone. He starts to brake and cannot swerve left into the opposite lane due to oncoming traffic so he tries to swerve to the right to avoid the old man. Unfortunately he hits the old man sending him flying 2 car lengths down the road. The bike continues to rear ending an illegally parked car and then the bike rotates and slams the right side into the back of the parked car. As a result of the first impact into the back of the car the passenger is launched over the driver over the parked car hitting the parked car with his hands which made him flip in mid air and finally landing in a field. The passenger (not wearing a helmet) (STUPID) is not hurt. The driver wearing a helmet and padded jacket is hurt in the worst way known to man. When the first impact happened the passenger's weight is directed to the drivers back which forced him up against the gas tank of the bike. The gas tank caved-in from the pressure causing a jagged edge which wounded the driver down under. Yes, he was almost castrated!! His scrotum was ripped open and his testicles were fully exposed and hanging.

The old man is in critical condition with a broken collar bone, broken hip and six broken ribs.

My moron cousin was stitched up and spent 3 days in the hospital. His bike, 4 months old, trashed.

So far everyone in the accident is ok (thank god) but it just goes to show you how one stupid move can result in near death. I know all these details because it was all caught on tape by a convenience store's security cameras.

Please ride safe. The thrill is not worth the pain. When he is able to get his bike from the impound lot I will try to post some pics. I'll let you guys know how the ongoing investigation and lawsuit are going as well.
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What lawsuit?
The old man suing your cousin for almost killing him?

Yep, more than likely. This guy is like 73 years old, if (god forbid) he dies his family is definetaly going to sue. But you know what, that's what my cousin deserves. Oh, I almost forgot to cousin doesnt have a drivers license. :thumbup::thumbup:

Great isn't it?
Hi, what country did this happen in? What’s your location?
Man that’s bad all round Im not entirely sure its a freak accident though.
Ultimately your cousin is in the sh#t is he insured?
The old man hasn't got age on his side. His injuries sound life threatening and if he survives he will be requiring Physio for a while. I'm sorry that your cousin was also badly injured and I do hope that he recovers fully from his injuries. It's impossible to think how he must be feeling knowing that his minute of poor judgment has caused so much pain.
I hope your ok to as its never nice when family are injured or in trouble.
Sorry to hear about that, even though I know stuff like this happens all too frequently. The best we can hope for post-crash is that we all learn from this, possibly preventing or minimizing more of the same, and that the lawyers don't get too stinking weathy.
Yep, more than likely. This guy is like 73 years old, if (god forbid) he dies his family is definetaly going to sue. But you know what, that's what my cousin deserves. Oh, I almost forgot to cousin doesnt have a drivers license. :thumbup::thumbup:

Great isn't it?
F**king Hell, It never rains but it pours. Will this mean that his insurance will be invalidated? Is the old man in intensive care?
Does not sound like a freak accident to me. That's messed up.

Man, almost getting your cohones cut off in a motorcycle accident qualifies for a freak accident in my book.

1. This happened in Greece. I live in Greece.
2. Yes he has insurance, they will sell and insure a car/bike here without proof of license. They just care about getting the money.
3. No, I think he stayed in ICU for 3 days.

Honestly being worried about my cousin is the last thing on my mind right now. I am pissed off at him because of this. He doesn't listen he thinks life is a joke. I hope this knocked some sense into him or else I am going to.

I am 28 years old and I have been riding since 16. That gives me 12 years experience compared to his 3 years. He just doesn't get it.

I wonder if I was that thick headed at his age??
Sad all the way around.

This is exactly what I mean. Very sad. And his parents are more to blame than he is, well his mother anyway. His father didn't want him to keep the bike, and as a matter of fact he had found 2 guys to go steal it and lock it in a warehouse for him. But he caved into my Aunt telling him to let him keep it.
Man, almost getting your cohones cut off in a motorcycle accident qualifies for a freak accident in my book.

1. This happened in Greece. I live in Greece.
2. Yes he has insurance, they will sell and insure a car/bike here without proof of license. They just care about getting the money.
3. No, I think he stayed in ICU for 3 days.

Honestly being worried about my cousin is the last thing on my mind right now. I am pissed off at him because of this. He doesn't listen he thinks life is a joke. I hope this knocked some sense into him or else I am going to.

I am 28 years old and I have been riding since 16. That gives me 12 years experience compared to his 3 years. He just doesn't get it.

I wonder if I was that thick headed at his age??
It sounds promising that the old fella is out of ICU, im glad about that. Looks like you have got a doner bike for parts to.
It seems like everyone involved broke stupid all at the same time. Oncoming could of slowed, the truck could of slowed, the old man could of waited, the illegally parked cars shoudnt of been, the rider is mega ultra wrong, no lic, unhelmeted passenger, untrained rider, untrained passenger. Possible no insurance, passing where he couldnt see it was clear. Whatever he gets he is lucky. Shoud be dead or even paralysed with the death of the passenger and old man to live with. Jail or fines will be getting off easy.
It seems like everyone involved broke stupid all at the same time. Oncoming could of slowed, the truck could of slowed, the old man could of waited, the illegally parked cars shoudnt of been, the rider is mega ultra wrong, no lic, unhelmeted passenger,.

Sadly, Greek law doesn't mandate that the passenger must wear a helmet. Helmet law here only applies to the driver. :(

untrained rider, untrained passenger.

Passenger Training??? Explain.

Possible no insurance,

He had insurance, full coverage as a matter of fact. What he doesn't have is a license.

passing where he couldnt see it was clear.

It was a straight-away. His biggest error was not estimating that the old man would try to make it across the road before the bike passed.

Whatever he gets he is lucky. Shoud be dead or even paralysed with the death of the passenger and old man to live with. Jail or fines will be getting off easy.

Actually whatever he gets.........he deserves. He may be my cousin, but I will not stand up for him in this event, just state the facts.
I have just seen the video footage from a convenience store's security camera. My cousin was actuall not going as fast as I thought. The police recalculated the speed and have figured he was going about 55mph (which is still too fast). I don't know if I'll be able to put the footage on the site, nor if I want to.

We will see.