Versys man is back!


Ambitious But Rubbish
Mar 28, 2011
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
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Hey all, last 12 months has been so busy it's not funny, i hope all you guys have been well!

So to recap:
Decided to get a low pay high hour production job (70+ hours a week) that worked for oh, probably 8 months. Quit that gig late last spring and took the summer off. Fall i decided i wasn't going down the no/low skill trade path again and started looking at schools.

Basically ended up getting a ride from the goverment to study what i wanted to do coming out of high school (werent any programs nearby at the time)-Precision Machining.

Not only does this keep my ADD mind working, it's also good for making aftermarket motorcycle parts ;)

So anyways all that time ive been riding the V around and loving it. I took a M/C trip through the Adirondack mountains in NY and vermont, caught an airshow in Massachusetts (i will have to tell you all about that in another thread).

Anyways thought i'd pop in and start posting again. Hope you've all been spectacular :thumbup:
Welcome back!
Cant wait to hear about the airshow....hope you have lotsa pics:thumbup:

Heh i will have to dig them up... 6 months goes by and ya can't find anything!

Was great thought, saw my first Osprey in action, a school bus with a jet engine in it... funny thing, usually you see that sort of thing and they use it to burn up an RV or something of that nature....Nope he opened the taps on that thing and hauled down the run way doing at least 150mph lol... was a fun time, we had to leave early to get to our next hotel because at the time a tornado producing storm was coming from the west.

Fun times though!
Heh i will have to dig them up... 6 months goes by and ya can't find anything!

Was great thought, saw my first Osprey in action, a school bus with a jet engine in it... funny thing, usually you see that sort of thing and they use it to burn up an RV or something of that nature....Nope he opened the taps on that thing and hauled down the run way doing at least 150mph lol... was a fun time, we had to leave early to get to our next hotel because at the time a tornado producing storm was coming from the west.

Fun times though!

I see the Ospreys every day. I live 3 miles from MCAS Miramar! :p I get to see the Blue Angel every year for 3 days. :rockon:

D'oh! Ignore my other post in "versys" thread. Great to hear from you! :thumbup:
I see the Ospreys every day. I live 3 miles from MCAS Miramar! :p I get to see the Blue Angel every year for 3 days. :rockon:


Very cool plane, i just wouldnt want to fly something that drops out of the sky like a rock if it loses an engine :D