Vegas-Grand Canyon-Southern Utah-Vegas


Junior Member
Sep 12, 2008
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las vegas
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My budy and I are planning the trip described in the title this weekend. Round trip = 690 miles almost split evenly between friday afternoon and saturday morning. I'll be on my FZ6 and he'll be on his FZ1 (hopefully I can keep up...)

What's the longest trip anyone has done on their FZ6? Any suggestions? Do you think we've planned a reasonable trip?
Sounds like a heckofa good trip to me. Lotta good scenery.
On the way to UT are you gonna see the Valley of Fire? I've heard a lot about it & would like to go thru it sometime!:cheer:
We did the Valley of Fire ride 2 weeks ago and it was awesome. I don't think we'll pass through the Valley this time. If you do make it out to Valley of Fire, you'll have to pay $6 just to drive through the road. Try to ride through really early, before the fee station opens, and you can ride straight through. It just irked me to pay $6 to ride on a 15 mile road that's been there for decades.
Off topic:
I deleted your first thread about this, not sure why you posted up two. No big deal really, just wanted to let you know where it went.

On topic:
Sounds like it will be a great ride. No worries about keeping up with a FZ1 you should be out there to ride, not to race.

The longest trip I have been on was around 1800 miles or so when I rode to FL and back in March. Got a bit cold on the way back home, in fact it snowed on us in Atlanta.

Enjoy it. Ride safe!
