Unbelievable Stupidity


Junior Member
Apr 22, 2014
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Chesterton, IN
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So I just got back from a short ride, but not before a close call. I was headed up a hill and there was an SUV preparing to back out of their driveway. They started to back out then stopped (so of course I'm thinking they saw me and are waiting for me to pass). Though, they were just waiting for me to get even CLOSER then dart out into the road. I was on the slope up the hill, and stopped 10 feet shy of their bumper.
SO I'm sitting there behind them waiting for them to continue down the road. Then the SUV began to reverse (they were already on the road right in front of me!) and I was starting to back pedal when they finally threw it in drive. Then they decide to "pull over" on the other side of the hill. They were an inch off the road putting us in danger of anyone coming from behind. As soon as oncoming traffic passed I flew around them. I looked in my mirrors and saw her doing a VERY slow U-turn on the hill... I could not believe it.
Always keep your head on a swivel, especially driveways. Never assume a cager sees you. Glad you didn't have a mishap.
Did you use your horn? Based from your description of events, this was a perfect example of what a horn can do to let other drivers to beware, although there are no guarantees.

Bottom line, never assume!
Did you use your horn? Based from your description of events, this was a perfect example of what a horn can do to let other drivers to beware, although there are no guarantees.

Bottom line, never assume!

In the moment I didn't even think about the horn. Assuming is terrible, I know. This being my first season I have truly seen the reality that we are completely invisible.
I had something somewhat similar as that happen to me, a violation of my right of way. I was doiing about 30MPH and this POS car, going slow, just turns in front me as he APPEARS to be looking at me.. I always cover both brakes, climb on both brakes (brand new PR3 of course) and blow the Steble air horn (all at the same time, (kinda habit now I guess).

He stops right smack in front of me, doesn't back up, doesn't go forward, freezes like a deer in the ole headlights.

Missed him literally by 6" and broke in that brand new tire (I was scubbing it in)..

Ride like your invisable!
Ya i had one like that in a parking lot. Guy made full eye contact as he cut me off. I always have my levers covered in those environments to so i made a quick stop before i T boned him. I circled back around and was venting to a coworker about it. I think the look I gave him scared him because the guy didnt get out of his car till I left. Haha.

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You said:

Though, they were just waiting for me to get even CLOSER then dart out into the road.

That sounds intentional, not negligent. If so, this wasn't stupidity, it was vicious evil.
In the moment I didn't even think about the horn. Assuming is terrible, I know. This being my first season I have truly seen the reality that we are completely invisible.

To some people, everything is invisible.. not just bikes. Always imagine the worst and stupidest possible thing anyone around can do and position yourself in the place where that stupid thing, should it play out, will not affect you. Glad you got out of it unscathed!
The roads are a dangerous place! Not everyone has the skills and coordination to ride a motorcycle but they will let any idiot drive a 5,000 lb vehicle if they can pass a simple driver's test and drive in a circle around a parking lot.

I have found that the greatest 2 things I have done to increase the chances of blind cagers seeing me are 1. Wearing a high visibility vest when I ride 2. Swerving the bike from side to side when approaching an intersection or a cage that looks like it might cross my path.
Get some loud pipes. You should still ride like you're invisible as some people will still not notice you, but I've found the likelihood of someone ignoring me is a lot less since I upgraded my cans.
Swerving the bike from side to side when approaching an intersection or a cage that looks like it might cross my path.

+1. Been doing this for years and I remember noticing right away how it decreased the number of people pulling in in front of me. I continue to use this technique on every ride.

As always, absolutely no guarantee that it will work.. so conitue to imagine worst case scenario and ride away pleasantly surprised if it does not play out.

As always, absolutely no guarantee that it will work.. so conitue to imagine worst case scenario and ride away pleasantly surprised if it does not play out.

Expect the worst hope for the best! That's always been my motto. Well that and when in doubt tach it out but that don't always help lol

Sent from my pocket rocket that don't know how to spell
+1. Been doing this for years and I remember noticing right away how it decreased the number of people pulling in in front of me. I continue to use this technique on every ride.

As always, absolutely no guarantee that it will work.. so conitue to imagine worst case scenario and ride away pleasantly surprised if it does not play out.

Absolutely! Always have a plan and know your move if that cager does something stupid. If you expect them to do stupid things it won't catch you off guard. I think the biggest thing to remember around cagers is to never assume! :thumbup:
I cover my horn a lot now great forum tip as it's warmer andse people have there windows down. I hit that baby a few times to let them know I'm here.

Had a close call I lifted the visor and started yelling at the retard. They just look bewildered like "what? Why? I did nothing wrong?"

Of course if there is a idiot who tries to merge into me, they get the size 11 to their car. They can handle freaking our and going somewhere else.
I cover my horn a lot now great forum tip as it's warmer andse people have there windows down. I hit that baby a few times to let them know I'm here.

Had a close call I lifted the visor and started yelling at the retard. They just look bewildered like "what? Why? I did nothing wrong?"

Of course if there is a idiot who tries to merge into me, they get the size 11 to their car. They can handle freaking our and going somewhere else.

I've found myself doing this more and more. Whenever I find myself riding into an area with poor visibility or multiple directions for cars to go, I cover the horn. Never had to use it yet (knock on wood), but I'm ready for the situation that I do need it (hopefully).
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I've found myself doing this more and more. Whenever I find myself riding into an area with poor visibility or multiple directions for cars to go, I cover the horn. Never had to use it yet (knock on wood), but I'm ready for the situation that I do need it (hopefully).

I'll either back off out of their blind spot or make some noise with the open mufflers and get just ahead of them (in the adjacent lane) just to make them aware of me and /or disturb them enough so they know I am indeed there.

As a general rule, if possible, I try to work myself way ahead of the crowd (multilane road) which isn't hard to do once its clear. Then you don't have to focus/plan on the potential of being squashed with no where to go..
I'm glad you are Ok. Scary. Again another example of being invisible.

Too many people ride and drive with a spotlight instead of a floodlight.

I read the analogy somewhere. Ride with a spotlight - looking in all directions like a flood light in your yard VERSUS riding with a spotlight - looking only where you are going.

Sounds like you were riding with a floodlight. Too bad the SUV wasn't....