Two Brothers Juice Box


Damn Hooligan
Premium Member
Aug 11, 2008
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After searching and reading a lot of posts on here I still can't determine if anybody has bought the TB juice box. I've already ordered mine because I am in the market for TB exhaust.

So, does anybody have the TB juice box? Is there a noticeable difference with it? Does anybody know how the TBJB compares to the PCIII in terms of power addage?
After searching and reading a lot of posts on here I still can't determine if anybody has bought the TB juice box. I've already ordered mine because I am in the market for TB exhaust.

So, does anybody have the TB juice box? Is there a noticeable difference with it? Does anybody know how the TBJB compares to the PCIII in terms of power addage?

As I understand it, the TBJB has 3 rpm settings(low, med, high), - where the PC3 has 250 (one step is 75 RPM).
So I should enable you to get a better result if you use the PC3.
I have the juice box.. have not had a chance to ride too much since i got it with cold weather and all... but the few times i have grabbed a handful i could really tell... (to me atleast) it seems ALOT quicker... i do not have the TB cans yet but they should be on their way in the next 2 weeks, I do have a modded airbox witch you can hear real good... My vote... if you got TB cans get TB juice box... i think it does the same thing as the PCIII... but for less.. The PCIII can be fine tuned better... but i doubt that its noticeable, or even needed unless you plan on running moto gp :thumbup:

So did you just plug it in and go with the standard map that comes pre designed for the fz or did you choose to adjust the fuel manually?
I installed the Juice box (factory settings) when I put on the pipes. Can't notice any difference, bike continues to run just fine as before. You can just hear me now!
So did you just plug it in and go with the standard map that comes pre designed for the fz or did you choose to adjust the fuel manually?

I just cranked it up two notches on each setting... cant really comment on gas consumption because i dont think i have used a full tank of gas since i put it on... its under the seat right now (where instructions say for it to be placed) but when it warms up a little outside im gonna relocate it to somewhere by the gauges.