Twisted Sisters Ride - Official Check-In and Photo Thread


M em b er e d
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
Austin, TX
If you were with us on the ride, post up here to let us know you got home in one piece. Put your pics here too!

The ride was GREAT. Perfect weather, no accidents, no performance awards from the police. Although I almost got one. I keep forgetting that a radar detector is not a cop detector. He gave me a stern finger pointing from behind his windshield and then went on his way.

Details of the meet up to follow, stay tuned!

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Re: Twisted Sisters Ride - Offishul Check-In and Photo Thread

Home about 20 minutes ago. Starved, thirsty and the bike is a mess.

Fred - We passed the Buell dorks on the way back and gave them the universal greating.
Glad to hear you made it home safe and sound Ed. How late did you get in?
I'm glad you guys all made it home safe. I can't wait to see the pics from this ride.

p.s. what's the story with the Buells?
Home! I made it about 3:30 flew through Bandera, it was a little early and I didn't want to wait till noon. I'm unloaded, unpacked, turned in the trailer and sitting next to my littlest buddy right now. I think he missed me. The weather seemed to lift I was happy for you guys, got a nice ride home.

What a great group of people. I had such a good time.


I'll post up a couple of quick pics until I can go through them... We had 4 or 5 cameras there... I have a really nice one of Pete I'll post later... :thumbup:
Made it home about 1700 today. Actually waved at Pete and Rachelle (sorry if I mispelled that Mrs. Hellgate) during the trip home, on 281 between Johnson City and the turnoff to 290. Anyway, the weekend was awesome, and I'll get some pics up in a little while.

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made it back to huntsville about 4pm today...what a weekend! 821 miles total! will post more pics later guys!

-to everyone that was there, sorry about skipping on lunch but we had a long ways (about 190 miles) to get back to kyle texas. most definitely wish that i had reserved a room for us! really nice to meet everyone!

-by the way, im not sure i know everyones "user name" so not sure who is who and all that. maybe we could tag some of the photos? i know fred, hellgate, brannwebster, and thats about it that i know for sure, would like to know everyone elses member name!

awesome awesome awesome route!

(and i did fix my Leo's as soon as i got home, so they look right now! posted a pic on the show us your butt thread)

I'm more awake now after a nice long nap.

Here's the Offalshul Awards by name. Your prizes currently do not exist and will continue to not exist for the forseeable future. Bragging rights, however, have been issued and may be used immediately.

Fastest Rider Corekneelius. I was leading him and thought I was running hard. But he was making me look slow. He weighs as much as me, he was riding two-up, and he has no chicken strips whatsoever. None.

Speculation is that he's either a really experienced rider, or just too dumb to be afraid.:rockon:

Most miles/most used bike Killbane 83. No front fender, rashed on both sides, fought an F-150 and won, and the highest mileage of any bike there. Plus he has a spare tank, fairing and tail that he puts on for his track days.

Bluest bikeHellgate
Getting ready to dance with the sisters:


The first stop:


We eventually got a little separated. Fred referred to the two groups as the fast group and the smart group. :D Here's the smart group:


And then there was the beautiful scenery. This is a pic of my daughter, Brittany. She rode two-up with me for over 600 miles this weekend without one complaint...


The three sisters is absolutely awesome. Incredible roads, lots of twisties, and awesome scenery.

The people were even more awesome. Enjoyed meeting each and every one of you!

I'll post up a couple of quick pics until I can go through them... We had 4 or 5 cameras there... I have a really nice one of Pete I'll post later... :thumbup:

Wow, great pics. I like the way all the bikes are nicely aligned. Seems like the group I always ride with aren't that coordinated. :( Sounds like everyone had a great time. Good stuff. :thumbup:
Re: Twizted Sizters Reyed - Offishul Chook-In and foto Tread



Dommmit Fred you're a crack up!!!! :D
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Bragging rights, however, have been issued and may be used immediately.

Fastest Rider Corekneelius. I was leading him and thought I was running hard. But he was making me look slow. He weighs as much as me, he was riding two-up, and he has no chicken strips whatsoever. None.

Speculation is that he's either a really experienced rider, or just too dumb to be afraid.:rockon:

hasn't anyone told you? the black ones really are faster, now hurry-spread the word!

alright alright. let me begin by saying i usually ride with faster bikes, not necessarily faster riders, i am usually playing catch up on straights, but "always" keep pace with them on the twisties. i am just used to it, so maybe this is why you say i am "faster"?

as for too dumb to be afraid, not sure i agree with that lol! i had a good teacher from the first day i ever rode a "street" motorcycle (as compared to a dirt-bike), and i have learned alot from him, and still try and learn from him every time we ride together. aside from short commutes to work/school and a once a week 100 mile round trip commute, i usually take the long way to my destination if it means more time not spent on the center of the tire :)

the fz6 is a great product though, isnt it?
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