Try not to post too much!


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Elite Member
Mar 30, 2007
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Atascadero, CA
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Well, all. I will be away from the computer for about a week. I am traveling up to Alaska to take my father's ashes to his chosen resting place.
(Lost him in April to Lymphoma). :(

I am very frightened about catching up on the new posts when I return.

So do me a favor and keep the posting to a minimum, or I may never catch up!

Not to mention I won't be riding for a week :banghead:

At least I won't be at work though :Flip:
Sorry to hear about your father. Hope you have a good trip anyway.

We'll surely be writing as little as possible... NOT! ;) Well at least you'll have something to do to spend time when you get back home and back to work.
Sorry to hear of your loss.
I am glad though that you are able to take him to his resting place, and that you will hopefully have some time to reflect in such a beautiful place.
Thanks guys,

I am back, 310 posts since I left. OUCH!

I will post some pics in the next few days.

It wasn't a ride, but I think some of the pics are worth seeing anyway.

Well I have a lot of work to do catching up! :thumbup:
Logistical Brain Fart

Hey guys, help me out.

I took high megapixel pictures on my trip.

I wanted to post some, but they are all over 1 MB each.

How can I easily reduce their size for posting?

I would recommend not downsizing them, pretty scenery should be enjoyed in maximum resolution. If you get a flickr or picasa account you can post the fullsize pictures and then just link to them here. If you link directly to the image (url ending in .jpg or .png, not .html) then they will even show up in your post as if you had directly attached them.
I'm off, dudes!

OK guys and gals, I'm outta here! I'm leaving for a week to drive around in Finland. I'll post some pics when I get back and perhaps write a story as well. Have safe miles and try not to post too much while I'm away.
I would recommend not downsizing them, pretty scenery should be enjoyed in maximum resolution. If you get a flickr or picasa account you can post the fullsize pictures and then just link to them here. If you link directly to the image (url ending in .jpg or .png, not .html) then they will even show up in your post as if you had directly attached them.

Thanks shaggy, I'll do that.
Thank you for the photos. I really enjoyed them. I bet you will never forget that trip.
Glad I could help....those pics are just amazing. That plane ride must have been something else.

My folks retired this spring and have started putting together an RV trip up to Alaska (that's one hell of a trek from Kentucky to the far northwest). I'm awfully tempted to join them, but I figure they have probably had enough of my company for the first 18 years of my life :p.

One of these days I'm going to do a backpacking trip up there, but I'll need a lot better cold weather gear a partner with enough balls to hike through that country with me and the polar bears. It is some really gorgeous scenery though, and to think their biggest industry is oil drilling. I wonder how much longer it will last.
715 posts!!! Thanks guys... It'll take me ages to go through them all.

I spent five days on the road, 1406 miles. The next day I got back I left again with my friends to Hanko for a few days. I'll post some pics and stories soon when I get myself back on tracks on being home again (and get all the laundry done).

PS. Still missing the seat warmer, no roadkill this time.