Triumph Street Triple R

Friend picked one up about a month ago. We've done a couple lunch rides so far. Once he gets out of the break-in period, will take him up on the offer to ride it a bit.
I think it's a better looking bike in person than the pics. Fairly compact compared to FZ6 too.
I haven't seen one in person, only in pics. Love that matt paint finish. I've always been a naked bike fan and wish we could get the fully nude euro styled FZ6 here in Canada.
Be careful with that triumph matte paint. One at the dealer the other day was scratched badly and it shows horribly on it. Almost like a fine dust that won't come out.
I have dreamed of a Bonneville since I was a kid... I almost got one if I hadnt been talked out of it by a dealer warning me about maintanence... He said somethign about rubber gaskets on all Triumph bikes and their tendency to leak... Any truth to this or was he blowing smoke??
I have seen this at the dealer and sat on it (didn't ride it). It looks WAY better in person and I have plans to get one hopefully this Spring. Amazing bike.
It would take some convincing to get me to part ways with my beloved Fazer.

This baby could do it...:cheer: