Traveling to Singapore


Junior Member
May 9, 2011
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Capital Region NY
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Hey everyone. I will be leaving next week to Singapore on business and was wondering if there were any recommendations from people who have been there (or are there) as to some things that I can't miss. I will be there for just over two weeks and will get some time to myself while there. Any recommendations are appreciated as I've never been anything close to that far away! Thanks for the input!! :thumbup:

the aquarium is pretty cool

not really a fan of zoos but the dolphin show was impressive

tbh i spent most of my time there suffering from a fever after contracting some kind of brd flu type illness

there's a bar that's famous for it's ****tails too, i forget the name though

Oh and the street food is awesome, if you buy anything from the shops remember to haggle, and check prices of things before you leave. Tbh though american prices are already quite cheap, so it may be hard to find bargains. Plug sockets are the British kind but they will probably have others too.
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I'm pretty sure we have a member in Singapore..

Wait.....Triple X is I believe in Singapore.
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Places to visit. Do surf the net for details.

Pinnacle at Cantonment Rd
Marina Bay Sands area
Marina Barrage
Cloud Forest, Flower Dome
Jurong Bird Park
VivoCity,Sentosa,Universal Studios
Sultan Mosque
Changi Airport T3, T2
S'pore Science Ctr
Mustafa Ctr, thosai at ABM restnt
Safti Discovery Ctr
Omnimax Theater