Transformers 2

The NEW movie is ok. But I'm sorry it pales in comparison to the original animated Transformers: the movie. Sometimes you just shouldn't mess with perfection.

Mesing with perfection is the idea that they are remaking the Karate Kid :shakehead:

I took the 24th off for Transformers :eek:
going to see this movie tonight.....loved the first one...but never saw that on the big am looking forward to the full blown cinema experience tonight!

Huge disappointment imo.. The storyline was crap, and those twin "gangsta" autobots ruined the experience for me..
Well, I liked it, maybe a little off from the first one but some motorcycle scenes in there made it all worth it! ;)

Some good tunes in there as well. I was out of town the past week and trying to commission some new equipment, nothing was going right, when this song from the soundtrack came up on the radio, we rocked!


"Bring the rain......"
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well as OP i thought it was time i gave my .2c..dissapointing,im guessing the twins were the yingyang twins .crap caracters (couldnt be arsed to watch the credits)..the script writer was trying waaay to hard to be funny and what was the obsession with humping ,first the dogs and then the rc car..then again im sure i'd attatch myself to fox' leg too

the only time i raised a smile was the the "shirt" line at the frat party