Traction on a newly paved road?


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Nov 23, 2007
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Rhodes, Greece
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There is a newly paved road that I use on my way to work. The road has some twisteis and as I was going through them today I was wondering if the traction is good or poor. It felt pretty good. The road was paved yesterday with new asphalt. I have been following Formula one for years and I know that those cars perform well when rubber has been set on the track (by the cars of course). So I'm curious whats best for us? New asphalt or an old but good condition road? Where would we have the best traction?
You'll want to use caution on a newly paved road. There is a lot of oils that will come up for several weeks while it totally cures. Don't push it too hard through there yet. You'll be able to visibly see when it starts to cure and dry and even then, stcik to one of the two cager tracks and stay out of the middle.

Ride safe!
^+1 New asphalt can be pretty slick for two reasons. One, as mentioned above, is the oils that are in the tarmac. After about a week or two, those will settle out and make for an awesome road. The second issue is the loose gravel that is left behind during the paving process. This is a huge problem for bikes, as I'm sure you know. For this reason alone, you need to stay in the lines where cars have their tires. This will ensure that you have a nice clean path with the least amount of loose gravel under you.:Sport:
both are very good points, in a month you will be hitting that road like a punching bag... until then take it easy and learn the new road...