Track day Autobahn north report


I Love Lamp
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
Just Right of St. Louis
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Hey guys havent been on here in a while, Been working a ton, riding a ton.

I left friday night at about 10pm. Renting a 5x8 uhaul trailor is awesome btw. i got there and drove around chicagoland speedway from getting lost. finally got there at 330 am and went to sleep in the front seat of my truck. after waking up at 630, i went and signed in and drove to the track.

I was in Group I. the first lap was slow, i was following everyone to get the lines. The only people i was faster than was to females riding. (not saying anything because one had the best form i have ever witnessed) After two sessions I found the right lines and the right gears and got faster. I was starting to pass more and more. The track is awesome.

Only had one scary moment on session 6. I was following the control rider through turns 3,4,5,6 going faster and faster each turn. going into turn 7, my fav turn on the whole track, a nice left hander, the cr told me to pass. i was going to go around the outside for a better line but he breaked hard and forced me to the inside. I had the bike leaned over hard as i can and the "when in doubt, gas it" thing went through my head so i sticked it out hard as i could. i got close to the outside of the track, stood her up and went through the grass about 70mph. I then hoped back into turn 8 and kept going not even thinking about it. rode the rest of the session going hard as normal.

My hypothesis: Lack of passing experience, horrible line.

all in all great trip, will be doing again in september.
GOOD JOB, NICK!! And thanks for the pics. I'm glad you kept your cool during your off-road experience! :)
^ damn is it me or women are getting into trackdays more and more? :)

Nick: nice pics and form! :cheer::rockon: