Track day! 10/30/11 Streets of Willow

I think I am ready... last time the fastest in group A were running in the high 1'20s and my best was a 1'31, so I am close enough and I already know where I can pickup a second or 2 :)
I think I am ready... last time the fastest in group A were running in the high 1'20s and my best was a 1'31, so I am close enough and I already know where I can pickup a second or 2 :)

That's awesome David! It was pretty impressive to just see how much faster you got on the street after one or two track days. I'm sure you're a rocket by now with all of these track days you've done.:BLAA:
I am slowly getting faster... tomorrow I want to be as smooth as possible and get below the 1min30 lap time.

The car and trailer are loaded and ready to go :)
Have a great time David! :rockon:
Be sure to have John take some pics to add to your report so we can all share in the fun. :D
Alright so I did achieve my target to get below the 1'30 threshold with a 1'29.... I also fit well in group A as no-1 was passing me and I was still passing a lot of ppl.

The only problem of the day was a low side in turn 1 at around 90mph... the front badly tucked on me with no warning... I am not sure what happened as turn 1, while being the fastest turn of the track is a no brainer... I wasn't pushing in that particular location or expecting any issues at all in that turn, but sh*t happens (front must have hit something).

I tumbled a bit and then slid on my back from the track to the dirt... my head did not make contact with the ground. Both my ankles are sore (mainly the right) and the bike is badly mangled... it looks like it highsided right after dumping me because the top of the gas tank took a big hit... left frame slider got ripped off and damaged the frame... sub-frame is shot as well along with all the plastics and LOTs of small bits... pictures of bike + gear to follow tonight.

It sucks cose I was really feeling good & smooth around the track when I crashed... I knew I could even go below the 1'29 without too much trouble. I was incrementally pushing it more and more in 2 specific sections (the bowl before the back straight, in which I picked up the main chunk of time compared to previous trackdays, and the skidpad before the front straight where I wanted to go faster to setup for the big straight).

As John stated yesterday, there may be something to be said about changing tires for each track day... I was on my 3rd trackday with these 003s' and they may have been at their limit... I may even try a set of slicks next time to see how much more traction I can get.

No excuses though, at the end of the day I was the only rider who crashed in turn 1, so I take full responsibility.

Here is my ankle last night before bed:


All setup ready for a great day:


Cars having fun on the big track behind us:


Welcome to Willow Springs:


First session of the day, let's GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!


Group A was filled with a bunch of slackers! I was there alone, and the Marshall let me go after a couple of minutes... I had the track for myself: awesomeness.



Still on that first session, first lap... here is turn one (that's where I low sided later in the day PASSED the apex, and ended up in the dirt in the background):

Had passed that instructor in the bowl earlier in that lap :D


End of the session:




In the background, you can see a 3rd track, where folks take their cars to drift (videos of that shall follow later). It was too cool to watch!



One of the instructors we timed at 1'26 (3sec faster than me, bastard :D):



Too bad about the spill David.

I'm. Changing out my tires more often too. My current set has four days, that's enough.

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Sucks about the lowside, but what can u do. How's the ankle feeling now? I'm sure you know the drill.. RICE (rest, ice, elevation, compression) and if it's not better in few days or if you're hearing clicking when you move your foot around.. get some xrays.

Sucks about the bike damage too.. I remember reading debates a while back about frame sliders. Some would say that they work best in a tip-over, but can actually do more damage in a crash at any kind of speed :don'tknow:

Otherwise sounds like you had a really good time! :thumbup: Any video??
Ouch.. posted before bike pics were uploaded. That's properly mangled alright.
Sorry to hear about the spill david, but at least you are still smiling in that picture! As eric said, go get the ankle checked if painful, swollen, and/or painful to put weight on it. Even if it isn't broken, the ligaments that can be damaged in this type of accident can be pretty debilitating. I'm out of the country until nov5th, but if you email me to let me know how you are doing and if you have questions, I'd like to know how you're fairing.
Sucks about the lowside, but what can u do. How's the ankle feeling now? I'm sure you know the drill.. RICE (rest, ice, elevation, compression) and if it's not better in few days or if you're hearing clicking when you move your foot around.. get some xrays.

Sucks about the bike damage too.. I remember reading debates a while back about frame sliders. Some would say that they work best in a tip-over, but can actually do more damage in a crash at any kind of speed :don'tknow:

Otherwise sounds like you had a really good time! :thumbup: Any video??

Yeah we had a good time anyway :) About the video, I was PISSED!!!! I had decided to use the Contour (helmet mount) later in the day, so I did not have it with me when I crashed... that would have been a pretty cool video to have/analyse :)

As usual the ankle felt OK right after the crash (adrenaline), and I knew nothing was broken... the question was, how will it feel tonight before bed (last night) and tomorrow morning (this morning)... it started getting big last night (see pics) and so I took a couple of ibuprofen and iced the ankle thoroughly. I went to bed at 9pm expecting the worst for the morning, but I woke up with a positive surprise, i.e. the ankle had gotten a bit smaller and the pain of putting weight on it had decreased compared to last night. I actually can walk around OK right now and the pain is minimum. I may be able to play racquetball on Wednesday after all :)

I agree about frame sliders... who knows... they can help or not depending on a million variables... in my case it looks like they were counter productive, but again, we will never know for sure :)

Sorry to hear about the spill david, but at least you are still smiling in that picture! As eric said, go get the ankle checked if painful, swollen, and/or painful to put weight on it. Even if it isn't broken, the ligaments that can be damaged in this type of accident can be pretty debilitating. I'm out of the country until nov5th, but if you email me to let me know how you are doing and if you have questions, I'd like to know how you're fairing.

Thanks Rob, I don't think I'll need medical assistance :) I've had my share of ankle issues and this is just a light sprain. I will call you if it changes though.