Torn between two exhausts


That Guy
Jun 5, 2010
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southern ohio
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Well I'm in the market for a new exhaust for my FZ and price, sound and looks are all big factors in my decision. I've not heard any other exhaust on an FZ except for stock because I'm the only one here in town. So here's what it comes down to. I'm looking at the Remus CF or Titanium set w/o DB killers from for $499.00
2008 | FZ6 | Yamaha | Street | Remus | Custom Motorcycle Exhaust Systems - Buy Yoshimura Cobra DD Akrapovic Bub Aftermarket Exhaust Pipe Sy | Product Search | Pipe City

I'm also looking at Scorpions CF set and the cheapest I've found so far is $580 at

I originally wanted a set with the rounded tail piece, the kind w/o the protrusions at the end. I want that nice deep growl but I also don't want to be obnoxiously loud and draw too much attention, mostly from the po-pos. I like the Remus because they are unique but they don't come with DB killers and from the research I've done on here they make ones that can and can't accept them and I want to retain the option of adding them IF they wind up being too loud for my taste. Plus $500 is a killer deal so that kinda reinforces those as well. The Scorpions are offered in Round and Oval so I'm not sure which of those would come with 'new' style end caps. Plus I didn't read anything on there about DB inserts either. So between these two which would be the ideal choice?

It basically comes down to this-

-very unique, not many people have them
-from what I've heard they have that nice deep growl
-available in CF or Titanium (I've read that the CF can yellow over time but I want that all black, stealth look)
-Weld quality (read that on here)
-Don't come with Db inserts
-Might be too loud
-Have the 'older' style end caps but I could settle on that for the price
-CF yellowing (which starts pushing me towards Ti)

-Decent price-$580
-have heard no qualms about CF fading/yellowing (yet)
-I assume there are optional Db inserts that come with it.
-looks good
-Not sure whether I would be getting 'new' style or 'old' style caps.
-Still costs more than the Remus
-Seems like lots of people have them
-Seems like lots of people have them

Sometimes this is a pro not a con. It says that people really like them and even though a lot of people have them here doesn't mean you are going to see them everywhere when you are out riding. I really like mine (stainless) and anything is better than stock for sound, and lets be honest its the only real noticeable gain you will get from slipons. Good luck, the new tips have been out quite a while now I would think you would get the new ones. Email the company and ask them before you pay.

ps.. not so sure you will get Db inserts. I bought used but I don't think they come with any options in the box.
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That's very true. Popularity can be a sign of people being happy with them too. I agree that sound is really the only benefit you're going to get, and it's also a safety kind of thing too. Just the other day I had my first run in with a lady merging into my lane, probably because she didn't check her mirrors and over her shoulder but I think if I was putting out a few more Db's it could've been prevented by her actually hearing me coming. The more I think about it price seems to be the determining factor and I'm going to have to give each company a call on Monday to check if the inserts will be provided with the systems. I just dont want to spend this kind of money and then be up the creek without the option of the inserts if the one I decide on is just a little too loud for my taste.

What kind of system are you using?

Edit: it seems on the Remus link I posted that they offer several different varieties of exhausts like the Revolution, Genesis, etc but it doesn't specify on which system you're getting. A call is definitely in order.
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Well, don't know if it will cause them to hear you when they are in front of you but helps once you get up next to them and give them the headsake or finger depending on severity and attitude of the driver. I am running it with no Db killers in and I don't notice them being to loud and they are easily quieted when necessary by shifting into higher gears and easing up on the throttle. I ride with ear buds in most of the time :spank: so I rarely hear my pipes at full volume. As a habit I usually down shift around police and though sub divisions as a courtesy. These pipes are unnoticeable around a majority of the Harley/Choppers around here though so I don't worry much about my noise pollution.
its definately a tough call. I've been researching it as well as stock is just too quiet. I'm half considering going "old school" and building my own exhaust with SuperTrapps. (I've run them on many cars in the past and loved the tunable sound)