Top Speed Run

I think most of us do speed to some extent. You are correct, its how and where that makes the most difference between being responsible or being an asshat.
I won't flame you for going 150. I think your choice of location was fairly smart, with no traffic turning in and no risk of bambi.

You know the risks inherent with that speed.

I will mention one thing that I suspect you forgot.

Tunnels are FULL of cameras with people watching them.

If they got your plate, you may be getting a letter from the police in the next few weeks. I hope you got away with it, but be prepared for the worst.


I didn't forget. There are two inherent problems with this. If there are cameras in this tunnel that are high tech enough to catch a clear, full frame of a bike going anywhere from 55-150 mph, then I would bow down. It's just not possible unless the camera is taking 60-120 frames per second with extremely high res feed, we are talking about 640p-1080p.

The biggest issue is that the cameras are faced against traffic, so they will never see my plates anyways, since it's in the back. I could be wrong on this, but last time I checked, they are really small cylinders aimed at oncoming traffic.

LMAO! But seriously, i cannot sit in judgement as i have been guilty of similar exploits, but through a tunnel, ouch, walls hurt real bad when you come off!

If you are going to do it on the road, go find a nice flat deserted back road, with very little things for you to hit either side of the road if it does go all pear shaped...


Well, I am banking on human logic and my experiences of the tunnel. Yes there was still a chance of him changing lanes, but it would not have been logical at all. Changing lanes in the tunnel is not an option for a car, for fear that he might hit the side walls since he is much wider than I am. He's too busy making sure he doesn't curb rash or hit the walls. I have never in all the hours I spent in that tunnel seen any car change lanes. If he did, I would have been sure to lean and dodge the best I could. Better sliding against the wall then hitting him dead on.

I think there is a misconception here. I was holding the bars with both hands. My left hand just more centered on the bar while holding the camera. The only time I had one hand up was when I cut it off and put up the camera at 150mph, thats all, lol.
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I don't think you willl have to worry about the camera catching your plate unless the tunnel was a Toll. As they usually catch the front and probably the back of the vehicles as they go through the plaza .

I'm aware that there are usually no lane changes in the tunnels, but I have done it numerous times myself going thru those long tunnels that go underneath the water.

Remember, the car that you passed could have reported you too. Not too many motorcycles riding around that stretch of the road at that time of morning, so it would have been easy to spot you.

One thing about doing it in a tunnel, no entry points, which is a very important safety factor when going this fast. No chance for someone to pull out in front of you.
Must agree with all the others. This stunt should never have been done on a public road - too many variables. Imagine hitting a truck tread at 150 (they're all over the place - even tunnels).

My family and I were in Northern Michigan over July 4th, and were passed by a sport bike going at least 120 (on I-75). A Michigan Trooper passed (somewhat slower, but very fast) about 1/2 mile behind him. I'm sure he got away, but hopefully they captured his plate on one of their video cameras.

We bikers (yes, I own an FZ6) need to be cognisant of our actions lest we endanger the safety of ourselves and others, and, promote the less than popular image of bikers in general.

If you must max speed your bike, please don't do it on a pubic road.
I'm aware that there are usually no lane changes in the tunnels, but I have done it numerous times myself going thru those long tunnels that go underneath the water.
Ah, you found the secret tunnel in front of the Bellagio! ;) :D :D :D
i'm not gonna down u for what u did.. ur a grown up and i'm sure ur capable of making reasonable decisions.. my bike topped out at 126 m/h with me and my bf on it.. i got it up to 92 m/h in 2nd gear.. so i'm not sure how fast i could get it up to with just me on it.. i'm very curious, but i don't think i'll find out anytime soon.. just be safe out there.. esp. when it comes to the other drivers out there..;)
you know, not to rain on anybody's parade here but when we all get on our bikes, we all feel invincible behind the throttle and curious to see what our bike will do....and with that adrenaline rush going thru our bodies and obscuring our mental rationality, we tend to forget that at that speed and any mistake would be catastrofic....I'm guilty of that today..driving on the freeway towards Oxnard out of Point Magu, a guy in a Beamer passed me by doing well over a hundred and I was doing 80. I have an R6, by the way,, I downshifted and caught up to him doing 130. Later on taking the 126 thru Filmore, a guy on an R1 came up next to me waved, he downshifted and took off, hence I downshifted and went for the chace. Doing 140 is something else when you're on the back of these powerful bikes. After it was all done and said, my brain caught up to my body after 15 minutes of this then I remembered why I watch youtube videos of motorcycle keep me in perspective and slow me down..I think it would really hurt if I crashed.
Be safe
Cool vid. Seems to me for your part of the world a tunnel would be a good place to open her up a bit. I think it is much more dangerous riding at regular street speeds around cagers or deer country.
Nevada has plenty of areas where these speeds are easily reached with relative safety (smooth roads, low sagebrush where big animals and Leo's can't hide). Nothing like crusing at a buck 25 (on my FJR) for 5 miles.
There is a time and a place for everything, the smartest move is to know when and where.
Ah-ha, I found the $5 camera mount page now.....

I say "whatever floats your it, but just don't harm anyone/thing else in the process".

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