Top Saddlery seat height question


Junior Member
Feb 22, 2010
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North Alabama
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I have been reading through the threads that come up on a search, and even PMed a couple of you. I appreciate the help I have gotten. I have pretty much decided to just order a seat custom, as I would be pissed looking at a seat I spent that much on, wishing there was something different about it. And knowing that for about $100 more, I could have gotten exactly what I wanted.

So here is my current issue. The bike is about as tall as I can stand it as is. How much of a difference does the standard TS seat make as far as seat height?

I have read that it is a little taller (and read where on person stated that they felt it was shorter:confused:). I could order the shorter seat, but then I would loose some of the comfort of the seat. I could then add gel, but then I have the issue of the gel retaining the heat and the cold, plus more $$$$. I would prefer to just order it standard, but don't want to drop $475 only to realize that I don't like it because it makes the seat height too tall.

Thanks for any help you can give me. I am the type that likes to THOROUGHLY get a crap load of info before making a purchase, especially one this expensive.
well.. im 5.10 and i can still flat foot it.. i belive that the seat does add a little hight, but no more than maybe an inch or so.. but imo the seat is worth every penny that you'll pay...
Yeah, I am about 99% set on it (just trying to battle my inner cheapskate, lol). I am just torn over whether to get the shorter version or the standard. And if shorter, whether to get gel or leave as is.

BTW, I am 5'9".
Yeah, I am about 99% set on it (just trying to battle my inner cheapskate, lol). I am just torn over whether to get the shorter version or the standard. And if shorter, whether to get gel or leave as is.

BTW, I am 5'9".

Well, it will add about 1 inch. I am 6 ft and can still flat foot but barely. Is that an inconvenience? Hell NO! I can ride all day without my fat ass complaining :D
Thanks. You guys, along with searching over at SBN in addition to here, confirmed. I need the lowered seat. But I am not getting the gel. Do not want it to heat up in the sun.
Nice! I just ordered mine today too after sitting on the fence for a couple weeks (I have a 5,500 mile trip a month from tomorrow though so I figure the time is now).

Now to play the waiting game...
you guys are going to be sooo happy once you get the new seats and break them in.. your A$$ will thank you for it... :thumbup:
Hi all,

I made a enthusiastic review of my T-S seat here:

But as read here and there on the Internet (unfortunately AFTER having issues with my seat), BE CAUTIOUS with Top-Saddlery!
Maybe I drew the wrong ticket... Or maybe it's me: am I too much "in demand"?.. I think Top-Saddlery seats are a sort of a lotery at time to order: you can't be sure what you will realy get!

Well, at time of delivery my Top-Saddlery seat was not perfect, but OK not so bad at first glance. But after some weeks of riding and testing, I feel very disappointed with it.
Comfort not so bad, I confess, but not at top-range. But bad craftsmanship for sure, at least so it is for my seat (and I read this from others).
See pics below:
- Silver stitching and cord don't fit the edge of the rear base.
- The seat is twisted up on the right rear end, though it is locked to the bike with the stock rubbers in place, I tried different settings, but no succes.
- T-S plastic base VERY soft/flabby.
- Bad fitting on the front end (no pic)...

500$ (with shipping) for such a "far from perfect" work is a bad ticket IMHO... Here in Thailand I had to add import taxes and VAT. At my door, my T-S seat is worth 691$. I knew this before, no problem, but such a lot of money for something you don't like :eek:

Add to this: bad custommer service (answer to your request within many days, more than one week one time). No answer if you don't insist (hoping you feel fed up, I guess...). Easier I suppose if you live in France, but when you are settled abroad (10000 km from them for my part) it's a lot of hassles...
I own another bike and my wife owns one too: NEVER, NEVER I'll go for a future Top-Saddlery seat for both... Though they have a smart design (IMHO) and look great on some pics and as seen on the merchant site... I can't trust them anymore!

For me now, Top-Saddlery it's a big NO-NO!
Sometimes it's good to learn by oneself... Next time I go through purchasing a custom service, I will do a better homework before, saving some good money!

Please, take it as you feel it. And no offence intented here: I just hope it will be OK for you...

No matter: life and rides go on!

Cheers to all,

PS: I'm going to add this to my previous review. Better to make clear what it have to be...
so sorry to read that and see your pictures. i would have been ticked if my seat had looked like that when it showed up. that is not acceptable. i got my seat before anyone had any issues and i gotta say that i have a great seat that fits well. you really should pester them until they make that right. either that or you poster that on every website you can find and tell people not to buy from them.
I think they make a lowering like for our bikes that might help if the bike is still too tall for you. I'd say go with the most comfortable seat and install that link to get it where you want it. Good Luck :D
Hi all,

I made a enthusiastic review of my T-S seat here:

But as read here and there on the Internet (unfortunately AFTER having issues with my seat), BE CAUTIOUS with Top-Saddlery!
Maybe I drew the wrong ticket... Or maybe it's me: am I too much "in demand"?.. I think Top-Saddlery seats are a sort of a lotery at time to order: you can't be sure what you will realy get!

Well, at time of delivery my Top-Saddlery seat was not perfect, but OK not so bad at first glance. But after some weeks of riding and testing, I feel very disappointed with it.
Comfort not so bad, I confess, but not at top-range. But bad craftsmanship for sure, at least so it is for my seat (and I read this from others).
See pics below:
- Silver stitching and cord don't fit the edge of the rear base.
- The seat is twisted up on the right rear end, though it is locked to the bike with the stock rubbers in place, I tried different settings, but no succes.
- T-S plastic base VERY soft/flabby.
- Bad fitting on the front end (no pic)...

500$ (with shipping) for such a "far from perfect" work is a bad ticket IMHO... Here in Thailand I had to add import taxes and VAT. At my door, my T-S seat is worth 691$. I knew this before, no problem, but such a lot of money for something you don't like :eek:

Add to this: bad custommer service (answer to your request within many days, more than one week one time). No answer if you don't insist (hoping you feel fed up, I guess...). Easier I suppose if you live in France, but when you are settled abroad (10000 km from them for my part) it's a lot of hassles...
I own another bike and my wife owns one too: NEVER, NEVER I'll go for a future Top-Saddlery seat for both... Though they have a smart design (IMHO) and look great on some pics and as seen on the merchant site... I can't trust them anymore!

For me now, Top-Saddlery it's a big NO-NO!
Sometimes it's good to learn by oneself... Next time I go through purchasing a custom service, I will do a better homework before, saving some good money!

Please, take it as you feel it. And no offence intented here: I just hope it will be OK for you...

No matter: life and rides go on!

Cheers to all,

PS: I'm going to add this to my previous review. Better to make clear what it have to be...

Man, I am sorry to hear that. First thing I did was go to my garage and check mine out. Phew... all straight and looking good. I know there was a post beside yours with someone having quality issue and he got a hell of a deal by having a proper one next sent to him next to free. Have you contacted them?
Personally, I like my TS seat as well and got mine before they started having problems with their quality control as well. Interestingly enough, I don't think my TS seat is any lower or higher than my stock seat. I am 5' 8" and can put my feet flat on the ground (which I could do with my stock one as well). I think, the trick with TS is to stay away from "TS" seat pans and instead get one with "used original Yamaha" seat pan. It appears that most folks who complained about TS seat issues had the TS seat pan instead of the Yamaha one. Also, don't forget to transfer little rubber things from your original seat pan to TS seat pan. TS seats do not come with them and without the rubber things, seat does not fit correctly.
Interesting point you make goker...
It could be part of the issues.

I already strongly ask for a NEW one, but no answer since about 1 week now: all is OK when you order, but things are very different for "after-sale" service! And you know, one guy living 10000 km far away from company/factory, who cares?
If I was going to send back the actual one, I know what it will happen in the workshop: some stapples off here and there + some new ones to "make it a bit better" and come back to the beginning!

Maybe am I going to post my rant on some different forums on the Internet...

Thanks for the comments,