Today's Menu: Roadkill Squirrel


Mar 28, 2007
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I ran over a squirrel today. :( I saw it running over the road, but I didn't have time to avoid hitting it. I think it's head got caught under my back wheel because I didn't see any damage in it's body, only in the head. What a fur decoration it would have made.

Hmm, I've always wondered what it is like to hit an animal with a bike. This one felt only as a little bump. I sure wouldn't want to hit a big bird or a cat or something like that.

Have you guys managed to make any roadkills this summer?
I missed a cottontail rabbit by inches the other night. It ran out from nowhere and I almost caught it with my front tire.
I got a rabbit about a month ago. It was at low speed and I was trying to stop. Stupid thing ran out in front of me and then decided that instead of running perpendicular to my path it would run in the same direction as I was traveling, all the while zig-zagging so that I didn't know which way to go to avoid it. Wouldn't really describe it as just a bump. Felt pretty soft and my front tire feel sort of (for lack of a better word) "squirrely".
PETA called, your both going to PETA prison. Vegetarian food, no showers, no toliet paper, organic cloths, and patcholi air freshener. Sorry but thats just the way it goes.
A pigeon flew into the top of my visor when I was doing doing roughly 60 mph. It did smart a bit...

Come on man, tell us what happened. Did it hurt you, or just screw the pigeon all up?
There was a turkey vulture eating road kill in the road ahead, I slowed down and got on the other side of the road to pass. Wouldn't you know that sucker spread his wings, took off and flew right into the right side of my bike just as I went by. I was going about 50 mph, and it hit the right side of my engine and then my right shin.

It was pretty damn heavy and I definitely felt it, though no lasting effects. When I got home, there were guts stuck to my engine. They baked on like beef jerky because of the heat. I had to scrape them off with a plastic putty knife.

FUN :thumbup:
Do giant bugs count? The other day I had pull over on the highway to clear my visor because I could barely see, it could have been a small bird, but it liquified instantly, I have the faster red FZ6 but it's not fast enough to liquify a bird... Is it? Regardless... SPLAT!
Mmmmmmhhhhh Jerky.

Glad you were ok, and didnt wreck. I bet that was exciting anyway.

A guy I know got hit in the helmet by a vulture. It messed him all up. Busted his nose, both lips, loosened some teeth.
This kinda goes with this thread, and I can't stop laughing:

Come on man, tell us what happened. Did it hurt you, or just screw the pigeon all up?
The suicidal pigeon got his/her wish and died instantly, thankfully it didn't break open all over my helmet, it was just a kind of oily goo all over the helmet. I got a concussion and a seriously sore neck out of it, but at least I didn't fall off... damn birds!
Oily pigeon goo. Mmmmmhhh That sounds like a great name for a band though.
I saw a giant owl last night. It didnt act suicidal at all.
Well, I think pigeons are special in that sense or could it be that the pigeon saw me as an upright and moving landing strip!?
I have hit a cat before. Not as bad as i was bracing myself for. Plus i had a passenger at the time so it frightened me a little more. Everything was ok. I just hit it and it felt like a speed bump at about 40, enough to make us jump around but not lose control.
Took a small bird right on the top of my helmet just above the visor, about a year ago. Felt like a rock. Going about 70 mph. Had feathers in the vent opening..

I'm sorry, but I felt is was appropriate...
:p lol

The squirrels must be so proud of their respectable duty.

I still think the one I ran over would have made great earmuffs or leather string thongs.
:Sport: There's an amusing video on U-tube of a guy hitting a Deer or the Deer hitting the guy? In fact I think some one has posted it on this site.
Bren as your road kill was fresh did you consider it as a menu item?
I'm not very good at cooking squirrel, so I was mainly thinking accessories. And I didn't have anything to carry it home so I had to leave the poor bastard to birds. (Or perhaps the ants ate it first, there were a lot of them too.)

If we were living in stone age, the skin would have been plain money. What a waste.