Today I realized what I would do if I got cut off by a car.


Sep 27, 2009
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Port Orange, FL
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Coming home from school today, I was hitting the lunch rush hour on a busy street. I was riding fairly far back from a truck that was in front of me with a speed of around 45-50 mph. I then noticed an Indian guy an his wife just pulling into my lane with a cell phone in his ear. I leaned up outta my seat I kicked the hell outta this dudes door with some leverage, definately dented it, and sped up to get in front of him. Not far down there was a stop light. I stopped, put the kickstand down, got off my bike and just started to chew his ass about being on a cell phone. I don't know if he heard me cause his windows were up and his doors were locked and my helmet was on. He hunkered down in his seat and just stayed on his cell phone with a lack of concern on his face waving "sorry" to me. I was fully prepared to either knock this guy out or destroy his car. However, I was fully satisfied because as I pull away from the stop light, everyone who was there at that light (around 10+ cars) witnessed this event and made it very clear that they were staying away from me. Lessons have been learned...
First, I'm glad you were uninjured by the dangerous/unaware driver, and it goes to show that defensive driving by motorcyclist can save life and limb.

I'm not one to preach since I don't know how I would have reacted in the situation, but so many unanticipated things can happen out on the road when other people are involved. Take a look at what happened to this guy after kicking a car.

It's good that you get to ride another day because you were aware of what was happening in front of and next to you. Keep riding safely.
While I dont condone this type of behavior, I totally understant the frustration that results from an event like this. And it is even more aggravating when the offender is on the phone which seems to be the case often.

Its always better to just try and remain calm, thank god that nothing happened, and just go on your way. With that, I typically included flipping the person the bird for good measure.

There was one time though, when a woman was intentionally trying to block me from passing, shooting me dirty looks all the while and foaming at the mouth like an enraged animal. Clearly one of those people who just hates bikers. I kindly smashed her rearview mirror as I passed :p
1) I'm very glad no one was hurt in this situation, as it could have been much much worse.
2) Looking at this in hind-sight, do you think you reacted appropriately? I've certainly wanted to kick someone's car before, but honked instead to get their attention or simply sped up/slowed down to avoid them, then yell their ear off at the next stop.

I agree that the driver of the car needed to learn their lesson in one form or another. However, consider if you came across someone with the same road rage as you elicited, but while driving their cage... you would have likely ended up run over and seriously injured/dead.

I'm not only a motorcycle enthusiast, but also love my cars. If somebody kicked my car, only to then stop at the next light and get off their bike to yell at me, I would have pulled up, run their over bike and kept going to get even (presuming the rider wasn't on it anymore).

If they had simply honked, gotten my attention (I never talk on my phone while driving btw), and simply given me a well deserved middle finger, we all could have gone on with our day. But I have to be honest, I think you over reacted unless there is more detail you haven given us yet (eg he kept trying to run you over despite knowing you were there, etc)

Just my opinion... we're all too vulnerable while on our bikes, and need to remember that.
I've got a temper, but in that situation, I'd just get the hell out of there. If you can kick the door, the driver can turn the wheel and step on the gas just as quickly. That's not a fight I'm willing to get into. Glad your safe anyway.
As much as I have felt your pain (as most in cities have - and regularly do) - you never know who's door you're dinging, or if he'll drive you off the road on purpose next time.

Its a never ending cycle since they piss you off, you get 'em back, then they try to kill every other biker, and so the cycle continues. Every cager in NYC gives me the look of death, and I am conservative - most likely reason - every other sports rider here (mostly) rides like a j@ckoff.

While on a group ride this weekend to CT, I realized just how awesome people are when then respect what we do and waves back and forth go a long way. I try to go out of my way to nod or let pass cagers so that maybe they'll think twice about blocking me from passing in the future, etc... then again... doesn't seem to work :spank:

...rant over :)
Totally understand where you are coming from, but that is a great way to get killed. Control your temper. Remember motorcycle always loses to car.
Glad you got out of it! With the whole "Stand your ground" law in Florida combine with the fact that you can get a conceal permit as easy then a membership at Blockbuster... Not something I will try. The kicking part and getting away... I can see myself do that in a piss off moment. But the second part... unless you carry yourself??? Not sure...

Be safe Bro... sometime I know it's frustrating here with all the idiot down the road... but at the end of the day be smarter. That will keep you riding longer.
This was a poor driver (we know what cagers are like, even though most of us drive cars as well as ride bikes) but an even worse reaction.

And now some of you are mentioning guns? This was a road incident and you want to shoot someone? What's the world coming to?

Without passing judgment on the OP's reaction, IMO the most effective thing to do (that is, the thing that might keep the driver from doing the same thing to the next rider) is to let them know they screwed up and promptly move on. No fingers, no door dents, no vulgar language or gestures, nothing. Again, IMO all those gestures/insults do are distract from what the driver did wrong.

Say a driver didn't see you and almost turns left in front of you. Make sure it's safe to continue and do so without incident and next time I'd bet they'll be a bit more aware. If however you give them the stare while giving the finger, suddently they forget about what they did wrong and are just focused on how rude that douchebag biker was.

Just my opinion.
Kazza, I think what Marthy was trying to say is for people to be careful because (especially in various states), you never know if someone is carrying. If they are and you aren't, it is very unwise to escalate any situation. Of course it is unwise regardless, but it is just something to take into consideration in the United States.