To Lane Split or Not to Lane Split

To split or not to split

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Oct 10, 2007
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South Africa
So i've been lane splitting the same highway for over four years now. Since they were doing horrendous road works, where there wasn't even space for bikes, until now, where the highway has been improved, and it's all great and happy.

Now i guess i'm about the only rider who is still riding from back then, but a whole bunch of new guys have also taken to riding to work. The thing is, none of them lane split, they all take the shoulder lane next to the fast lane of the highway. Yeah that's illegal, but i'm not worried about that.

Now i tried the shoulder to work, it's really cool and fast and easy and most say safe. But i disagree, and i'd like to get your input.
I know what "snelweg" (highway) you are talking about. I strongly disagree with using the shoulder, if by shoulder you mean the most right lane with the white line.

Lane splitting is not safer, but the shoulder may have a car broken down in that lane. Also, the shoulder leaves you with nowhere to go when you need to make evasive maneuvers. Cagers are also not accustomed to looking to their right when they are in the fast lane, so they won't see you in the shoulder lane.

Just always keep you brights on when filtering and keep your speed constant and you will be fine...
not sure what the standard of driving is like there, but over here most people filter between the 2nd and 3rd lanes, people wouldn't expect you to overtake them in a slower moving lane, and especially not in the hard shoulder. Also the hard shoulder is often full of crap and dirt.

If the traffic isn't going that slow then it's best to just stay in lane. Don't filter more than 10-20mph more than the traffic speed, people will pull out without indicating and you will have less chance to react. You need to be hyper-aware of everythign going on around you when filtering.
I only lane split when cagers are stuck at a set of lights. (stationary)

I suppose if there's road works or the like, I will also lane-split, but only when the vehicles are controlled by a stop light or traffic controller with a stop sign.

If they're all bunched up, as cagers do, then they CAN'T suddenly cross my path.

Legal in Oz, and I, and a lot of other riders I see do it too.

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I lane split regularly in the Netherlands, but then again it is legal (if done correctly).
This old thread explains the Dutch rules.

I have split lanes in England in the same way, although not 100% legal it is generally accepted there.

I would never use the hard shoulder not only as it carries a hefty fine here (as it is meant for emergency vehicles and breakdowns only) but as Greg said it is often strewn with all sorts of debris.
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You don't have to lane split when you live in the countryside! :rockon:

If I get stuck behind one slow moving vehicle on my 7 mile commute to's a bad day. :D

Here's part of my commute from my car:
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I only lane split when traffic is moving very slowly (40mph or less) or traffic is at a dead stop. I dont risk it otherwise.

I occassionally move to the shoulder to make a pass but try to avoid this because of broken down vehicles and road debris.
I lane split all the time.. There is no other way of commuting here in Athens..
I don't know if its legal, but it is tolerated. I rarely use the hard shoulder (the emergency lane) because it's dangerous.. cages are turning right without looking in the right mirror and also there is a lot of debris in that lane from dust to broken parts, and sometimes even oily patches from broken down vehicles and nails..
I usually drive between the left and the middle lane
I lane split here in California. If you think about it, lane splitting is as much cultural as it may be legal or illegal. I had cars try to stop me from doing it by closing off the the space I was headed for. That driver will eventually try to uphold the law he thinks he's upholding with the wrong character. As well, he is committing a high felony attempting bodily injury or worse to me. Some people are not qualified mentally and/or emotionally to be behind the wheel and that may also vary with the day they're having. In any case lane splitting is as much a psychic skill as anything else when you are traveling between two cages. You have to be ready for the guy that's going to open his door right in front of you to spit. You must accept the fact that there can be all kinds events that can occur in an instant so adjust your awareness and speed to splitting.

Be courteous and sensitive to people in cages because that exhaust can be surprising to them. It does us no good to create animosity between us and cagers when they're already perceiving you as getting ahead of them in line like you're at the checkout stand.

I try to split in heavy traffic where it is slow or stopped. Generally where we have more room between lanes on our freeway you can lane split a little faster but after 40 MPH I generally stay in the lane. There have been times on a group ride I've broken my 40 MPH rule trying to keep up with others so as not to get lost.

In the end it is a matter of safety no matter what the law or circumstance.
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I lane split in here in California. If you think about it, lane splitting is as much cultural as it may be legal or illegal. I had cars try to stop me from doing it by closing off the the space I was headed for. That driver will eventually try to uphold the law he thinks he's upholding with the wrong character. As well, he is committing a high felony attempting bodily injury or worse to me. Some people are not qualified mentally and/or emotionally to be behind the wheel and that may also vary with the day they're having. In any case lane splitting is as much a psychic skill as anything else when you are traveling between two cages. You have to be ready for the guy that's going to open his door right in front of you to spit. You must accept the fact that there can be all kinds events that can occur in an instant so adjust your awareness and speed to splitting.

Be courteous and sensitive to people in cages because that exhaust can be surprising to them. I does us no good to create animosity between us and cagers when they're already perceiving you as getting ahead of them in line like you're at the checkout stand.

I try to split in heavy traffic where it is slow or stopped. Generally where we have more room between lanes on our freeway you can lane split a little faster but after 40 MPH I generally stay in the lane. There have been times on a group ride I've broken my 40 MPH rule trying to keep up with others so as not to get lost.

In the end it is a matter of safety no matter what the law or circumstance.

I whole heartedly agree with everything stated in this post, even down to the 40mph general cutoff speed for splitting. I cant even count how many times a cager ahead of me saw me coming and immediately became infuriated to the point of nearly causing accidents just so I wouldnt pass. I actually find these scenarios comical and simply back off, then split the other gap as I wave to the person with a big smile on my face.

To these ends, I believe it is just as important to watch for mentally unsound individuals trying to block your way as it is for people trying to make a quick move in or out of a lane.

Without lane splitting, my typical 30-40 mins commute home during rush hour could easily take an hour or more. That is just the simple hard truth.
Yes it is legal uncle VEGASRIDER :welcome: although at your own risk ... lol

As i mentioned it's the shoulder riding that's illegal, But the new guys are all using the shoulder ... As a biker, i'm getting annoyed with the bikers ...

... noobs man, noobs :spank:

Jacobien and greg and Deux Ex you guys all got my thinking on this, it's just less safe right? So why are the guys doing so, other than it "feels" easier to them?

It's a nuisance to me and the cages, and i almost feel silly for staying where i am, because well, some things you just have to double check. :ban:

I know i'll keep riding through winter, no snow just cold, so i'm curious to see how this pattern holds. Thanks for the re-assurance!!!
lane split in LA for the past 4-5 years, never had someone trying to block my path, i must be lucky..then again, i had my first close call when a clearly intoxicated lady decided to run me off the road and slammed into me from the side...i was lucky once long uncaged frame slider put a big hole on her door though LOL
The difference between NorCal and SoCal is huge in my experience. The traffic in SoCal is much worse than up here in NorCal but in the many trips I've made to Southern California I've personally observed that the cagers in SoCal are much more willing to move to the side to make room for bikers. It's a whole different mindset spitting (sorry, lane sharing) in SoCal than anywhere else that I've ever ridden...just ask Cali rider and Wavex.. :rockon:
I lane split, but not often and only when I feel comfortable about it. If I don't like the look of the cars (you can sometimes pick the ones that will try to push you out the way) I won't do it.

It is not illegal in Western Australia, as long as you don't cross a solid white line.

Bottom line is, if you don't feel confident, don't do it
I lane split all the time but I will never use that shoulder, one reason is that if you are driving a car in the outside lane you REALLY don't expect anything coming up on your right. Secondly if anything goes wrong in the outside lane, the shoulder is where a car will swerve to. Thirdly, on some of the new stretches round Johannesburg the foundations for the lighting masts protrude into the shoulder so you have raised concrete sections.
I agree that lane splitting is dangerous. But it's not a matter of feeling "easier", it's more a 1.30 hour commute (by car, or, without lane splitting, bike) compared to a half-hour trip with lane splitting... which would you choose?
PS: These are actual numbers here in Athens. We have a huge traffic problem...
Not legal in Texas. I didn't ride street when I lived in California where it is legal. Never tried it, sometimes wish I could but I try to avoid Austin traffic like it's the black plague. I know the back roads pretty well and they're more fun to ride...

I also don't commute. I'm at work as soon as I log into the computer in my patrol car in my driveway. So all of my riding is for enjoyment. I plan ahead, look at Google Maps and the traffic layer. If I get to an area where the traffic starts to slow down I jet off on an alternate route. The only time I'm in a hurry to get somewhere is if I'm meeting for a ride and already late.

Even though I've never done it I agree there are inherent dangers in lane splitting just like anything else. I also would stay off the shoulders, too much crud over there I don't want my tires to get stuck with while also being illegal.
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