Thoughts on moving to a Liter bike

Thought I'd chime in!

I think it's a very personal choice, and everyone will tell you what their own opinion is. I think the only way for you to make the decision is to try before you buy!

I'd love a litre bike, but I need something super comfy as I commute every day and do a lot of kms a week. But I want the grin factor too! So if it was ME, I'd probably not consider it. But only YOU know what you want!

Try it, if you like it - buy it (it's a great price). If after 6 months you change your mind, you can always sell it and get something else.

This seems to be the general consensus. My personal thoughts on it are that it's probably not as bad as most people think. Shoot, several of the finishers of the IBA rally last year were on SS bikes. :eek: Granted I've never ridden one, but I do know that the GS500 I'm borrowing now is actually more comfortable than the FZ6 and the reach is much further and the pegs are further back and up. Even after I moved the bars forward and got those rearset setback plates that someone used to sell on here.

But Chief lets people ride his bike from time to time to keep it up since he won't ride it anymore. So I don't see why he'd have an issue with letting me try it for a day or two once I have cash in hand. So I think I'll do that. Honestly, the FZ6 was just a "responsible" step up to going super sport at some point. I was hoping to wait until I was able to get out to the track and get some track time under my belt first. Circumstances dictated that I get rid of one of my two vehicles and well, sorry truck, and they might dictate that I move to a SS faster than planned.

And while I think it's a bit much power, that doesn't mean I don't drool over bikes like the S1000RR or the ZX-14R. Or the new style Busa's, :drool: And honestly, I'd love a FZ1. If I can find one, that'd be awesome too. Although a FZ6 just popped up on craigslist out here. I haven't seen one on there in months. Says it's an '06, in the faster red, but it has the new swingarm on it. Might be worth a look too.
Just the opposite, in my opinion. Liter bikes are so much more *relaxing* for street use. There's no need to rev the motor.. plenty of low end torque to get you going from 3k rpm (feels about the same as FZ6 from 5.5k). No need to shift as often due to much higher gearing too :thumbup:

I guess technically I ride a liter bike so I'll add my .02. I have to agree with Erci on his point...I can relax more because I hardly have to shift past 3rd gear to cruise around town, and 4th gear gets me to 70-80 mph on the highway with zero buzz. I've had my liter for a little over a year and I've hardly put the bike into 5th gear.
Having said that my bike is sporty, but not a SS.

O.P...respect the cc's and keep the shiny side up.
I've got an older supersport bike, a 2000 ZX-6R. I got it thinking it would be my street/track bike. But I didn't end up getting into track days, would rather do a longer bike trip instead. Last season I realized that it wasn't the right bike for me, my wrists and back would start to bother me after 30-45mins or so. Even though it's a comfy couch compared to most modern day supersports. That's why I ended up purchasing a FZ6.

As far as liter bikes being more relaxing for street due to less shifting, I dunno. Are auto transmissions more relaxing because you don't have to shift? I enjoy my manual transmission cars and won't own an automatic anytime soon.

That being said, if it's that good of a deal, I'm with a previous poster, you might as well buy it and ride it for a while and see if you like it. If not, you can flip it for a profit (minus insurance/registration/taxes cost).
As far as liter bikes being more relaxing for street due to less shifting, I dunno. Are auto transmissions more relaxing because you don't have to shift?

umm.. YES! :BLAA: that does not mean they're more fun, but more relaxing? Of course! I too drive stick, but when I'm stuck in stop n go for 20 mins it's anything, but relaxing.

I've said this before when I went to FZ1 from FZ6.. it's almost less fun to ride because you can be lazy about shifting. I got over that pretty quickly though :thumbup:
buy it, ride it as much as you can, if you decide you don't like it after a month or 2 trade it in for fz8, fz1 or even ninja 650r, I'm sure you won't be loosing any $$$ since you're getting it for such a low price.
You will have more pressure on your wrists than the fz6. Other than that SS bikes aren't that uncomfortable. The gixxer 1000 will however dump you in a half a heartbeat. They pull the front up very willingly. Even when not trying. Lighter with about 50 more hp.

They do have a sweet twist throttle too! Unlike the stiff throttle on the fizzer.
Well, they did total my bike. I went up and pulled the tags off and the HID lights out this morning... Patted her tail and said, "Thanks for all the good rides. I think I might actually miss you." And my wife rolled her eyes and me and called me a sap. :rolleyes:

So, when I went to go talk to my chief, he started back pedaling on the price. I have qualms about dealing with coworkers (particularly bosses) and family, so as soon as he started that, I walked away. I can't fault him for wanting $6500, the bike is worth more, but my buddy that I'm borrowing the bike from just had to dish out another $1500 for the car he bought from his chief. Since his deal was a gentleman's agreement, he had no recourse. Warning flags popped up and I walked.

Full coverage on insurance was retarded anyway and I sat on some SS bikes today, and I think sitting on flat steel would be more comfortable. Maybe one day when I'm rich I'll pick one up as a toy.

So I'm in the market for a new to me bike. I almost got a deal on a 09 Ninja 650, but they just wouldn't go down the last $200, so I couldn't afford it.

I'm looking at a few bikes right now. This one looks cool, but I've always really wanted the SV650SF, and the more I look at these pics, the more I notice little things that worry me. Like the lack of bar ends, or the broken clutch lever...

And then, with this one, it looks sexy as hell, but he thinks its a tourer... Where's the windscreen, sissy bar, and saddle bags? Sounds like he's trying to pull a fast one. But um... :ban: There's not any twisties here in Florida, or in west texas so...

A 07 FZ6 popped up, but after riding with a GOOD gear box for a few weeks, I'm not sure I want to go back. It still amazes me that the bike doesn't try to buck out from under me when I come out of neutral to first. I always think, "Must not have made it to first. Bike didn't kick." *Kicks shifter again that's obviously in first* "Oh right, this gear box doesn't suck." Of course, if the only complaints are sucky seats and a cruddy gearbox...

I just wish there was a used Monster 696 I could pick up. :drool:
Well, they did total my bike. I went up and pulled the tags off and the HID lights out this morning... Patted her tail and said, "Thanks for all the good rides. I think I might actually miss you." And my wife rolled her eyes and me and called me a sap. :rolleyes:

So, when I went to go talk to my chief, he started back pedaling on the price. I have qualms about dealing with coworkers (particularly bosses) and family, so as soon as he started that, I walked away. I can't fault him for wanting $6500, the bike is worth more, but my buddy that I'm borrowing the bike from just had to dish out another $1500 for the car he bought from his chief. Since his deal was a gentleman's agreement, he had no recourse. Warning flags popped up and I walked.

Full coverage on insurance was retarded anyway and I sat on some SS bikes today, and I think sitting on flat steel would be more comfortable. Maybe one day when I'm rich I'll pick one up as a toy.

So I'm in the market for a new to me bike. I almost got a deal on a 09 Ninja 650, but they just wouldn't go down the last $200, so I couldn't afford it.

I'm looking at a few bikes right now. This one looks cool, but I've always really wanted the SV650SF, and the more I look at these pics, the more I notice little things that worry me. Like the lack of bar ends, or the broken clutch lever...

And then, with this one, it looks sexy as hell, but he thinks its a tourer... Where's the windscreen, sissy bar, and saddle bags? Sounds like he's trying to pull a fast one. But um... :ban: There's not any twisties here in Florida, or in west texas so...

A 07 FZ6 popped up, but after riding with a GOOD gear box for a few weeks, I'm not sure I want to go back. It still amazes me that the bike doesn't try to buck out from under me when I come out of neutral to first. I always think, "Must not have made it to first. Bike didn't kick." *Kicks shifter again that's obviously in first* "Oh right, this gear box doesn't suck." Of course, if the only complaints are sucky seats and a cruddy gearbox...

I just wish there was a used Monster 696 I could pick up. :drool:

Did you try ?? Check out there they have some good SV's for sale. Since you were already contemplating a 1000 might as well keep an eye out for an sv1000s :)
Lol, ask and you shall receive, right?

2009 Ducati Monster 696 Said he'd let it go for $6000 without the saddlebags. So, here's to hoping it looks as good in person as in the pics.

If you'll excuse me, I have to go bounce off the walls for awhile. lol.
i know i mentioned comfort as well but in reality unless someone has a bad back ss bikes really are not that uncomfortable. yes its no fz6, but ive rode a couple of 600cc ss bikes and they really are not as bad as people are saying, like the you can only ride it for a hour comments. i know quite a few people who ride ss bikes everyday and have went on a all day ride with a few of them as well. they never asked to stop, take a break, or complained one time. now if you have back issues, especially if you have lower back problems it might be a little too much to handle, but i have some issues with my lower back and the ss bikes that ive rode didnt bother it one bit. plus even though ive never rode one, the ss Lt. bikes that i have sat on felt much more comfortable then the 600 ss bikes. so that might be a real good idea if he would let you ride it for a couple days to and form work to actually get a feel for the bike before you make a decision. or just go for it as stated above and if it turns out that it is too much hang on to it for a bit and suffer through it and sell it next season. as long as you dont damage the bike you should still be able to very easily make a profit next year on selling the bike with the price that he is asking for it.

The older you get the more comfort and practicality takes over when bike shopping. I'm 33 now and would never consider an SS bike unless it was a second bike. If I were to upgrade the FZ6 it would be for something even more comfortable and capable for long distance touring.