This may be of interest - new online motorcycle review show

MisterX Guy
Jun 10, 2008
Reaction score
Madison, AL
For the past few months I've been working almost continuously on an idea that I came up with when trying to find something to watch on TV that was motorcycle related. Sure, there are some shows such as OCC, racing, and Sons of Anarchy, but other than that, not much. Especially not a show that does bike reviews. Well, maybe MCN.

With this, I decided to come up with my own show and with my own format with my co-host: Jen. It's called So far, with what we've done, I think that we did a pretty darn good job.

When you have the chance, please take the time to go and check it out. I created this show solely for riders and people who are interested in motorcycles. We've had a lot of fun making it, and hope that you will like what we've done.

If you find that you do like it, please go and check out the Facebook Page and hit the 'Like' button. Any support we get with this project means that it will hopefully succeed and become something really big.

Thanks! - motorcycle reviews, news & tips​.tv
Good luck with the show! We don't have cable but will catch the episodes online! Great idea and have fun riding all those kick *ss motorcycles!
Many thanks and much appreciated! Not to worry though. The show is only online for now. It would be great if it were eventually on cable though.

As for riding great bikes, yeah I'm having a blast. I've already got quite a few bikes lined up for reviews for the next couple of months, so I think I'll be pretty busy and will have all kinds of fun. I'm also covering a few motorcycle events in the upcoming months as well. Kind of to let people know what's out there and what all goes on. Something similar to the Track Day episode.
looks like a show with a lot of potential, hope you'll keep making great episodes ... now bring on a fazer review ;)

Good luck with it and thanks for your time and effort !
Very cool! Liked your review on the BMW.. have to go to bed but will watch the others tomorrow after work :spank:

Great show, shows alot of promise! Will definitely keep an eye on the site for more episodes!
Thanks for the kind words and support all!

I will fully admit, that doing this show is a blast. Not only that, but the crew that I'm working with is nothing short of great. We all have a fantastic time with every shoot, and I think that it shows. At least in the outtakes and bloopers. :D

Like I mentioned earlier, I have quite a few bikes and events lined up for many of the upcoming episodes. My hope is that the show becomes popular enough so that I can also start getting some of the new bikes for reviews. And yes, a Fazer is in the works. I know a couple of people who have them, so maybe they'll be kind enough to let me review them.

Again, thanks for your support.:rockon:
Just an update for some who may be wondering why we're riding all of these 'older' bikes and not reviewing some of the current models. The reason being is that since we are just starting off, are all daily workers, and have no real backing or viewership at this moment, we're reviewing local bikes three years or less old. My hope is that as the show progresses and we get our site statistics up, we will be able to go and 'borrow' some bike from distributors/dealers. There are a few in our local area, so I'm sure that something could be worked out.

We are already in talks with Cycle Gear since the majority of what we are wearing during our reviews came from there and it's pretty obvious what some of the gear is and where it comes from. Good advertising for them and hopefully good backing for us. But before that happens, we have to get our viewership numbers up. We're also planning on talking with Pit Bull as well since the stands will be showing in almost every episode.

Also, what we would like to know is what the viewers think. What aspects of the show do you like or not like? Is there anything in particular that you would like to see or have us do (within reason :)). I developed this show in order to give riders information about other bikes, events, tips, news, etc. It was also developed to entertain. So anything that you would like to share would be appreciated.
It seems good. I like the BMW review, it was a bike I've wanted a real review on for awhile.

The talking while on the bike is kind of weird. The audio isn't the greatest I guess, and I can't stop thinking, "Look where you're going!" Although, your mic is better than mine. But that's a nitpick more than anything.

The only real complaints I have are these. Where are the negatives on the bikes? Not every bike is perfect. The technology on the bikes is cool, but we can read those on BMW's site. We're really looking for the good and bad about things that don't relate to statistics. What does the seat feel like? Is this something that you'd want to take on long trips, or just a short commute and track days? Ect. You covered some of that, but people really just want to know what they're in for when they buy the thing. And finally, act like you're telling the cameraman something. Not like you're talking to the camera. I know that it's a hard thing to master though. I never could. My coaches always told me, "Sing to the cameraman, and act 5 times more energetic than you think is necessary. That way you'll sound more natural and act like you slightly care." And I always got told, when I tried acting, to learn the lines and say what they mean to me. It's a guide, not a dictation piece.

Anyways, I know it's been a lot of hard work for you guys. I'm sure it's been a blast. You'll get there. And keep it up, you guys are doing great work. I love the average joe take on the bikes. Most of us don't ride every kind of bike ever made on the track, we really just want to know how well a bike will get us from A to B, and if we're going to regret buying a bike because it looked cool, but was horrible to ride to and from work. Or hitting the rain makes you want to cry.

More than I could have done. Kudos.
Would have to agree with Downrange here. Too many shows focus on just the positives of bikes, then when you get the chance to ride one, you're like, "what the heck, i don't remember them saying anything about this!" Definitely a good start though, would also be cool if you had a local track or airfield that would let you use it, so you could get some better shots of the bike rather than just the front or a bike mounted cam.

Will definitely keep watching for sure! Great start!
So essentially what your trying to make is Top Gear but with Bikes?
I think it's a brilliant idea and with some work it could get on TV quite easily. Show some work to TV networks and see if you get any interest.

Alot of potential.
Thanks for your honest opinions. This is the kind of information that we need in order to give the viewers what they really want as opposed to what we think that they want. I will be sharing this information with my crew and will work on seeing what we can do about implementing your suggestions. Although still new at this, I honestly think that we have something really good going here. With the support and help of the people who will be watching the show, we can make it happen. I think that over time I know that we can loosen up and be more comfortable while at the same time keep the setting professional.

So essentially what your trying to make is Top Gear but with Bikes?
I think it's a brilliant idea and with some work it could get on TV quite easily. Show some work to TV networks and see if you get any interest.

Alot of potential.

Thanks for the vote of confidence Trip! And yes, the idea behind the show was to use some of the aspects that help make Top Gear a good show, but in our own direction. As for it going to television, we will see. That is eventually the ultimate goal. We'll be taking it an episode at a time and see where it takes us.