This has gone beyond rediculous

Jeez, you'd think they would learn...I guess some people dont have their priorities straight!
What else can you do? Keep calling the cops about the trash, the threats, the reckless driving? IDK.
Keep on trying. Hopefully one day it'll get taken care of.

Also, saw the FZ in the pic and made me think that hopefully you secure your bike inside or locked up or something more than just sitting outside. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing my baby is not secured with those neighbors. :spank:
Nowhere else to put the bike :(. I do lock the forks, and use a disc lock. My wifes car is also parked in front of it most of the time. If the get past all that, then they have to push it uphill to get it out of the driveway. Also have security cameras watching the front door and the vehicles lol. Dog also wakes up barking when the neighbors sneeze.

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If this is Tennessee can't you just have target practice in the front lawn,taking aim at the photos you snapped:BLAA:

BTW did you get security cams with a web app. I know the setup at Walmart had it where you could watch stuff from your ipad/iphone/android products.

I'm sorry you have to go through it. If Sheriff Joe Arpaio would ever get voted out of office here in AZ, he'd clean up that problem real fast, well, at least he would get his slice of it and make sure it didn't get on the papers/news.
I think you are overreacting. These people only care about getting high. They are not going to do anything that will risk ruining the possibility of getting their next fix - like doing something stupid to you, your family or property so that police will really become involved and ruin the situation they got going on.

Yes, it sucks to have lowlife neighbors but I do not believe you are in any danger.
More than likely your wonderful neighbor friends are violating several codes and ordinances in your township. Simply because of how they live in their houses. My suggestion would be to tell the codes and ordinances department of your town about them.

Also, talk to their landlord. You could pursue civil litigation. Or, you could continually pestering the Cops until they do something. Although....we don't typically like that...and that has a possibility of backfiring....
You need to move somewhere else. If the police are turning a blind eye to what is going on then there is not much you can do about your safety or the safety of those you care about. You could call the TBI - ya know Tennessee is one of those states that has put corrupt officials in jail, like to gov a number of years ago. :) Side affect of the drug business is violence and there seems to be no bounds for what they will do.
Sure thing :). She was born on October 9th, weighed 8lbs 12ozs, and 21 inches long. Her name is Natalya Faith Simpson.


[ame=""]Wookie baby - YouTube[/ame]

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Wow, what a week! A few days ago, the usual guy that would drop off some pills, came up the road, went to do a u-turn to stop at their driveway, and was met by two cop cars. He tried to drive back down the hill, but they caught up to him. Busted him, as well as 2 other people that tried to leave the house.

Skip to tonight, they got evicted. 2 police officers showed up, and stayed while they got some of their stuff out, and left. Shortly after leaving, a car that had been staying with them for a few weeks pulls into the driveway. A man and woman get out and proceed to climb in the window that had been missing a glass pane for months. Cops get called, within minutes they are there. Both got carted off to jail, and the cops searched the property. What a way to end the week lol. So looks like the dealers across the street are gone. Lets hope the traffic dies down now.
Sometimes it's best to stay put and watch the storm pass.

Although a 1216 shotgun & some incendiay rounds is an exciting daydream!

[ame=]FPSRussia- The 1216 Shotgun! - YouTube[/ame]
congrats on the baby and good fortune!!! now hopefully the next people that move in will be a nice family!!! nice end to a story!!
Just talked to an officer that was there the night of the eviction. They found a hollowed out wall full of crack, cocaine, and several other drugs. Supposedly they can't try them for the drugs since they didn't show up with a warrant for it, but they did confiscate it all.

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Call the FBI AND the DEA. Upload your photos. Tell them about the cops renting the house. Somebody up the food chain is on the take. The FBI will find them. The DEA loves to raid drug houses. The more shooting the better.
Send the Wife to her Momma's for a week or so. Tennessee? It's illegal to just shoot them in Tennessee. State has gone to 'ell the last few decades.
Congratulations! On your beautiful daughter, and for making your neighborhood a better place.

Much respect! :thumbup: