This has gone beyond rediculous

I agree with you all, accept for the people who want me to firebomb them, or be all stealthy mission impossible style :p. Note to self, don't mess with yall lol.

I'm pretty much over all of this crap here. With yalls help, and some much needed sleep, I have come to realization I am only one man. There is really nothing I can do about this. I can be worried about the children, but in reality, its on their parents, not me. No need in bringing more trouble down on me than I need. I will worry about my family, and my own property. I will keep myself guarded just incase something happens, but I really need to focus on me, my wife, and getting us into a better living situation.
You could try writing to your local senator/congressman or whoever..Or contact your local TV station.Last thing perps like is limelight!!!:eek:

Never confront Druggies face to face (Dive by shootings that sort of thing, spring to mind)
I doubt it runs all the way up if the police are involved. Usually taking your pictures downtown and filing an official report will at least make them move. The inside man will catch wind and tell them to move the operation, or he can't help them as it's gone beyond his level.

Or drop the photos off at the news station. If you have photos of actual exchanges, this would work.

Just, take your pictures from inside from now on. If you keep the inside dark, and sit back a few feet with a zoom lens they can't see you. It's how snipers do it.
thats right.. snipe some pictures and email them to your local fbi... i meet one of our ct ones down by the casino when i used to do outside sales... they are very friendly about these sort of things and you can just email anonymously too. im sure that would get the local fuzz working a bit harder to protect and serve!!!
You must make moving priority one. Remember, these asses have nothing but time to screw with you. You are busy trying to create a comfortable life for your family and you don't have the time to play games with these people! Not going to be an enjoyable life for you or you wife looking out the window 24/7 to see what new thing these people are doing. Will cost you more in the long run trying to stand your ground, if nothing more than your sanity.

Good luck man... I have had bad neighbors in the past but not nearly as bad as you have. I worked hard to get my house ready to sell and have no regrets walking my butt right out of that bad situation.
If the guy inside is on the the take and sees the pictures, he'll know where they were shot from. If he doesn't want his dirty revenue stream to dry up, it could get worse.
Well it doesn't sound like moving is an option for you and even if it were all it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

That being said, I agree with Jmnielsen and boarder4life81, contact the FBI and/or State Police to address the local police corruption. Contact the DEA for the actual drugs. Hopefully one of the three agencies will pursue it. Show them what you got, convince them to put the house under surveillance for a day or two. Also try getting your non-druggie neighbors involved to take surveilance photos and also make complaints to the agencies mentioned.

In the meantime I will add you and your family to my prayers.
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instead of worrying about your ego and fighting with them, worry about your family and pack up and move.

sounds like there is no reason to stay there other than to boost your ego by trying to get the best of them.

leave and get a job somewhere and take care of your family.
The majority here on this forum all agrees that you should move. For the most part, this forum usually ends up making the correct decision and rarely ends up giving the wrong advise.

Be safe and let us know how it goes, whatever you decide.
I'm all for the moving/down scaling/taking to family until you can move choice. The american in me says arson is a common crime committed in the drug businesses so you wouldn't be the only suspect if the dealer's house/car was reduced to ashes, but we all know that is just a piss poor way to handle people of any social status. I lived in west africa most of my life and dealt with criminals who didn't give a **** if they hurt you, your family, or your property. With the kind of government and culture there intimidation and meeting crazy with crazy was required to coexist, but this is america and you can find a way to a safe and secure life for you and your family if you make it a priority.

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Woohoo Tennessee! *with serious sarcasm*

so im sorry if it has been said, but i dont feel like reading 5 pages of stuff right now. So far you have: (at least as you described) dealt with things in a semi-confrontational passive-aggressive and legal way, gone to the LOCAL authorities, and asked the forum. As a Tennessee resident, i know that the state and federal law enforcement is trying to crack down on this S#@*. I would attempt to contact a superior authority such as the TN State Troopers, US Marshals, or even the FBI. Then, those nifty pictures you have would come in handy.
Some searching today yielded some results. Will be a bit higher in rent, but a Nice 2 story town-home, located in a nice apartment complex in Knoxville. Still doing some searching, but we are pretty much done living here. Cops were here again yesterday. Somebody "bought" some pills, got them, and then didn't pay for them. They then were hanging out around the people they stiffed, and got punched square in the face. Cops got called, and I think charges are being pressed against the guy who threw the punch, which is one of the dealers living right next to me. They at least sent out the county cops this time.

If you want to donate money, donate it to the ride I'm doing in 3 weeks, link is in my sig :). Diabetes foundation could use the money more than me. I realized I have a lot of luxuries I can cut out, and stuff I can sell.
We're all full of opinions but then you asked for it.

As mentioned: Ignore and for a time no one will bother you. Take them on, but then be prepared to be the one going to jail leaving your wife to fend for herself. Go to a news agency, exposing to the public has a way of remedying the situation. Check to see if there's a drug enforcement/narcotics task force in your area (apparently there is, check my link) or the DEA. Work your way up through law enforcement until you get results.

As also mentioned: You are dealing with lower life forms that don't plan for tomorrow, they only think about themselves and today. They will step on anyone that tries to interrupt their day including their own family members. They don't play by the rules (laws). There are many more of them and a lot less of you. Going to jail is just a setback for them and they'll blame anyone but themselves for their incarceration. That means they'll be gunning for you when they get out.

If you want to fight be prepared for an ugly battle. You are far outnumbered. Let others do the fighting for you or remove yourself from the situation.

Whatever you decide make sure you and your wife agree it's the best thing for you to do.
Whilst I agree in the sentiment of getting the law involved, I strongly advise you to move before you bring this kind of sh!tstorm upon yourself.

Remember, they SAW you take pictures of them and their 'customers'. If I was a dealer and got busted, I sure as heck would be looking for the source.

And as blatant as you like, you've been seen gathering evidence.

You REALLY don't want to be living there when they get out on parole, or their suppliers or customers want to know where the dealer is.....

Safety first - THEN make them burn.

Don't think twice. Just get out of there.

They will kill you or your wife without blinking.

GET OUT and DON'T ANTAGONISE them anymore. It's not worth it.

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There ya go dude. Just get out of there. Chalk it up as a lesson learned. Avoid confrontation. Avoid the "in your face." there is plenty of ways to skin a cat. Never show your hand... Right now, look out for you and yours. Could be worse, at least you don't have a 30 year mortgage. Or do you? Either way cats out of the bag.

Since the topic is on the table. Regardless if you don't do anything. If they get busted, in the near future. If they have any sense in there head. Perhaps, you might be on the list of a paranoid drug addict, or drug buisness as a candidate who might of wanted them to get busted. Anyway take care, and don't dwell on it. Maybe remain alert and consider everything based on the current situation.
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Quick update, been awhile!

We are f'ed when it comes to getting a new place. With the new doctor bills from the baby, we can't afford a better place. Banks still wont give me any kind of loan on a home since I am considered contract worker for a company.

The dealers across the street, well, their daughter was taken by DCS. They have told people they "know it was them that turned us in" (them = me and my wife), when in reality it was the school who turned them in for not bathing their child (they have no running water), then not sending her to school. The dealing has gotten worse now. They back out of the driveway in front of people constantly, back up and down the road around blind corners when they leave. Here is a quick cell phone photo from literally 15-20 minutes ago. The 2 trucks closest to the trailer are theirs. The garbage pilled up in the one on the right has been full of garbage since July. They take some of it off occasionally, but never touch the bottom stuff. At one point it was literally higher than the roof of the truck. It wreaks. They have been cited and fined by the city for the trash, so now they make it 'appear' its not full. I need me some camo...