This has gone beyond rediculous

Well if you're not going to post pictures, I have googled "Maynardville, TN" and it's not even a big city, more like a town. I'm surprised such a small town or city would have that much drug traffic.

You describe it like you're living in the bad part of Phily, Chicago or LA. I'm just trying to picture what you're going through and it's hard to picture it being that bad in such a small Tennessee town.

Not saying that what you have described is not true, but I'm just having a hard time understanding how bad of a neighborhood you're actually in in being that it's such a small town out in the country away from a big metropolitan city. And I do not consider Knoxville a big city, I've been there a couple of dozen times.
Have you contacted the state police. If they are dealing drugs they are probably transporting drugs. If you have pictures and suspicion couldn't hurt to contact them. Be sure to mention that you have already attempted to contact your local authorities, but have seen no action taken by them. :Flip: Can you hook up a webcam inside your home looking out a window at the area in question or even where you park your vehicles? Then you can record, stream, any activity that happens to you from behind a locked door and rifle. I've had roommates that turned out to be bad like that and local PD wouldn't do squat. Luckily the Sheriff was an old cowboy that didn't put up with that sh!t in his county and drove him out. Good luck, and stay safe.
Well if you're not going to post pictures, I have googled "Maynardville, TN" and it's not even a big city, more like a town. I'm surprised such a small town or city would have that much drug traffic.

You describe it like you're living in the bad part of Phily, Chicago or LA. I'm just trying to picture what you're going through and it's hard to picture it being that bad in such a small Tennessee town.

Not saying that what you have described is not true, but I'm just having a hard time understanding how bad of a neighborhood you're actually in in being that it's such a small town out in the country away from a big metropolitan city. And I do not consider Knoxville a big city, I've been there a couple of dozen times.

Believe me, before I moved here, I didn't believe the rumors either. I thought really, it can't be THAT bad, its such a small town.

When I first got irked today, I looked out the window to see 6 vehicles parked over at the house, one hanging halfway out in the street. 1 truck was the renters, one car was their daughters(druggies as well), another truck was the drug dealer's(extremely well known dealer in the area), the other 3 trucks were buyers. In less than an hour I saw 4 more cars make stops. Forgot to mention I have been nearly hit head on by these people. Came to a complete stop in the road and laid on the horn. A split second before he hit us, he swerved over. This is the same road my wife's brother had his car totaled because a girl hopped up on pills hit him head on.
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Dude, your wife is pregnant, move! You will understand after the baby is born.
Good luck. This is no way to live.

Well if you're not going to post pictures, I have googled "Maynardville, TN" and it's not even a big city, more like a town. I'm surprised such a small town or city would have that much drug traffic.

You describe it like you're living in the bad part of Phily, Chicago or LA. I'm just trying to picture what you're going through and it's hard to picture it being that bad in such a small Tennessee town.

Not saying that what you have described is not true, but I'm just having a hard time understanding how bad of a neighborhood you're actually in in being that it's such a small town out in the country away from a big metropolitan city. And I do not consider Knoxville a big city, I've been there a couple of dozen times.

lol :BLAA: are u serious???
Don't put your family at risk.

Do not antagonize them.

Do you really think pictures or whatever is going to make any difference? You will not solve this problem and anything you do is only going to put your liabilities at risk. Your property, your family, the peace of mind of your family. These are the things that stand to get hurt.

Say they firebomb your house. That happened to me once. I couldn't sleep for weeks it really gets under your skin. Imagine how your wife would feel.

Solution for you is a simple three step process.

1) Make your house a pain in the ass to mess with so it becomes an obstacle to actually do anything. Security laminate your glass, and get a solid padlock/frame installed. Couple security cameras are a big deterrent too.

2) Stop antagonizing them. You're not going to change their behaviour in the long term and you are not going to singlehandedly clean up the street youre on. This isnt a movie. You are not Clint Eastwood.

3) Move somewhere nicer when you can and just enjoy your time with your family in peace in the meanwhile.

It is....


worth it.
Have you thought of fire bombing ??? Crystal Meth labs can be a b!tch & they go BANG a lot :D

Seriously dude , I just the hell outta town & find somewhere nice to live... Like Queensland , Australia :BLAA:
So, I live in a town that is riddled with drug sale and use. When I say riddled, I mean half the town is pill poppers, and the other half is meth heads. Well one of them spouts off that if I take more photos, they are going to shoot me. I warn them I am armed as well, and to not test me.

This is not going to be a gun fight at the OK Coral... You are not going to blast away at each other from 30ft away and from behind parked cars... You Americans think you're safer because you own guns... They are going to ambush you one night and put a bullet in the back of your head... Take you and your family and move....
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Well if you're not going to post pictures, I have googled "Maynardville, TN" and it's not even a big city, more like a town. I'm surprised such a small town or city would have that much drug traffic.

You describe it like you're living in the bad part of Phily, Chicago or LA. I'm just trying to picture what you're going through and it's hard to picture it being that bad in such a small Tennessee town.

Not saying that what you have described is not true, but I'm just having a hard time understanding how bad of a neighborhood you're actually in in being that it's such a small town out in the country away from a big metropolitan city. And I do not consider Knoxville a big city, I've been there a couple of dozen times.

I'm most cases it's the small towns that are the worst. Things like this mostly go unnoticed in big cities but in smaller towns it's a lot easier to notice. Also in smaller towns there are less things to keep people occupied and tend to be more addicts, most drug dealers know this, simple supply and demand. Look up some of Alaska's statistics on alcohol abuse or what ever else you can find. Alaska is a perfect example of what I'm talking about.
They are going to ambush you one night and put a bullet in the back of your head... Take you and your family an move....

Also this is America that **** don't happen in real life, only in gangster movies...

As for guns, I know I feel safer with guns around. Especially if someone threatens me with a gun!!!

And once again this is America, guns have saved countless homeowners lives from home invaders...
Seal team six..boom, problem solved!

But really GTFO is about the best resolution. Good luck!

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2
I feel for ya Man, but I sure as sh!t wouldn't be advertising they're being watched.

You're just making yourself a target.

Small town or no, you're going to end up getting shot.

I know it's distasteful when maggots and low-life scum make it so you don't feel safe, but if the authorities wont help, think you not yourself, but of your partner and the unborn life she carries within.

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another option to them out of business

start selling drugs on your property, at 50% of what they charge. All their customers will come to you and they will give up and find a better corner. When they leave, bring price back up to 150% since you will now have monopoly. Don't worry about the law since as you say they don't really care...
Dude, i was in a similar place, nice neighbourhood gone bad. Seriously, when people start getting shot outside your house, and you have to explain to the kids that you know the cops lights are keeping them awake, and that they're scared of the man with the gun ...

Move. As soon as you are able to. There will never be another option.

Move? Honestly what are you waiting for? So what if you could beat them down?. I know its a pride thing but you have nothing to gain by staying. Your not appeasing anyone by moving. What are you really going to be an anti-crime advocate and make a difference here? You can do that just as well 5 miles away.

In saying all this I could see myself staying just on principle. Its easy to recognize the right thing to do but another thing to do it.
Let me share a story that I think is fitting:

When I was of fewer years and lacking in wisdom, I had terrible road rage. Anything would set me off, and I went off in spectacular fashion. Middle finger, cursing, erratic and irresponsible driving, and even a few roadside brawls. I believe my "logic" at the time was, "Oh, I'll show him to drive like that... He'll never do that again once I unleash the Fury Fingers." Basically, if I rage long and hard enough, the world won't drive like idiots.

One night maybe 6-7 years ago, I was driving home on the highway. Not many cars on the road and someone did something unnecessary... I don't even remember what it was, but I got really angry. Nothing really happened but as I was steaming over what just happened, I started to get off the exit and my back tensed up. It was like nothing I’ve ever felt before in my life. I was able to drive through it, had myself a beer and basically reevaluated the last decade of my behavior behind the wheel.

That was the night I learned what I now know is the most valuable lesson in my life. If you can’t change the world you’re in, accept and move on. I never taught someone a lesson. They probably still drive the way they did years ago. All I got out of it was high blood pressure and tension.

I guess what I'm saying is... you don't fight these people with guns or even the news/etc. You will lose just by participating. You win by getting away from them.
Also... remember that they're not out to hurt you. In fact you kinda have something in common with them. They just want to do drugs and go about their business. You just want to not do drugs and go about your business.

It's ugly, not particularly pleasant or remotely ideal, but if you leave them alone, I think they'll leave you alone.