This has gone beyond rediculous


Flaming Hot Doughnut
Elite Member
Mar 27, 2011
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Maynardville, TN
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So, I live in a town that is riddled with drug sale and use. When I say riddled, I mean half the town is pill poppers, and the other half is meth heads. Where I live specifically, there are 2 dealers within pissing distance of my door. There is constantly traffic in and out. Sometimes one of the places gets so backed up with people coming in that they have to park in the road. Beautiful part is, a cop rents this place to the druggies. That should give you a mild idea on how corrupt the government is around here. I always though "Pfft yea corruption these days isn't real", boy was I wrong.

So anywho, ever since I got my DSLR, I have been going outside and taking pictures of these dealers showing up, then car loads of people running in and out until the dealer leaves. Mind you, I have been taking these photos from my porch, in clear sight of them the whole time. It scared them for a little bit, and calmed down the activity for a few months. Recently its started back up pretty hardcore again.

Today I stepped out on my porch with my camera, and took a few photos of the 7 cars packed into their driveway, and hanging out into the street, and of a clear drug deal in the middle of the road. They apparently didn't like this. A few minutes later, the drug dealer is standing in the driveway with a digital camera taking photos of me yelling "I can take photos of you too". After ignoring it all for a few more minutes, I start to respond back.

They ask who they think I am and blah blah blah. I know my rights, if you are outdoors it is considered being in the public and anybody can take whatever pictures they want. Cop today even agreed. Well one of them spouts off that if I take more photos, they are going to shoot me. I warn them I am armed as well, and to not test me. I then proceeded to mind my own business, and they proceed to go about theirs. My wife's parents find out about it the ordeal, and call the cops. They live on the same street, and agree with me, they are sick and tired of the drugs being run, done, sold, and dirty needles left everywhere around all these kids we have around here.

So, cops come, first thing I ask them is if it is illegal to take pictures of people. I get immediately told it is not, so we let them know about the threats and the drug problem. Cops act like they have no idea about any drug problems, and that they are tired of getting called up this road for this and that. I basically call him a liar, he shrugs it all off, tells us to not confront or argue with them (the druggies) anymore, and that they will have a talk with them. In the end, nothing happened. The lady who threatened to shoot me ended up moving their vehicle next door to me, and just sat there staring, until the owner came home and requested they move.

Now, I am hearing of more possible threats of "vehicles will just not work anymore". So, what is yalls advice? I was declined on a home loan since I am considered self-employed by loan agencies as a contract worker, and need atleast 2 years of self-employed tax information. This is also the only place we could find in the area that would rent to us with my 60lbs chocolate lab. Atleast we aren't under a lease :p, but until then, I need to protect my property, wife, and unborn child. The main problem is I often have to fly out of town for a week at a time for my job, leaving my wife home alone.

Are there any ways to escalate these issues past the local police? Any good, fairly tamper proof security camera systems that aren't too pricey and easy to setup/use? I'm locked and loaded for short range and long range if they decide to get violent, so not very afraid of that type of confrontation. More worried about the "What are they going to do when we aren't home or sleeping?" kinda situations. These are the kind of people that would rather do something to your property while you weren't looking than confront you face to face.

I appreciate any help that can be given.

/ranting over lol
Hmmm thats a tough one. In my city there is a guy on the news who publicly outs wrong doings by businesses and people. After its on the news it usually solves itself the day after LOL. Its called the Turko Files.

Since law enforcement seems to be in on it somehow, I would just move or downsize or something asap. It envolves a defenceless wife too, and you cant always be there :(. Drug dealers in my area arent scared of anything since they are usually sampling their own stuff. Do you know anyone in the military?? Maybe they can set you up with some crazy night vision top secret security system. Or at least show you how to make boobie traps around the house.
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In my personal life experience you've tried to enforce the law on your own without being a law enforcement agency. This can be risky. You've based a decision to do this on what you perceive is a threat to your family and well being. This is totally understandable but you can jeopardize yourself and others.

You're dealing with people that need instant gratification for whatever they are experiencing and when you threaten that type of person you must remember they don't rely on vision into the future as you or I do. This means they will react with out thought of consequence as compared to you or I.

Your power is to move if you believe you're fighting a lost cause. Don't let your peace and health be dictated by them.

There is always a possibility law enforcement has an inside person. You are always better off going to law enforcement with your concerns first to see if there's an alternative instead of alienating them.

Good luck with this. I totally understand your frustration. :( Be strong!
Wow. Its threads like this that make me realize just how good I have it in some ways... :(
Don't know what to tell you.
it's too late now, but next time leave it alone, you are only inviting serious problem for you & your family. It will start with property damage, and get worse from there. Who cares if they sell drugs? It shouldn't bother you.

What you need to do is move to a good, or at least better neighborhood. Where there are no "undesirables". I feel for you if you can't afford to do that, but think of your unborn child's future. Do you want him/her to grow up in this neighborhood and go to school with these undesirables?

You're going to have to make some sacrifices. Get a second job? It's all about your family from now on.

next time someone threaten to shoot you, shoot them first and tell the police they were reaching for it, because that's why happened.
Only other avenue i can think of is to contact a local news channel and try that angle.
I had a similar situation at my old house. Neighbors were doing illegal things, same as you with high traffic and stopping/parking in my driveway. I stood on my porch to have a cig and would watch them, it slowed for a bit but started again. One day I came home in uniform, when they realized which branch of service it was kinda scared them. The cops (I would speculate) seemed familiar with what was going on and would make frequent stops to their house for various reasons..DYFS, complaints, etc. I recently moved because I got transfered, but would have either way. I really wanted to escalate the situation because I didnt want that type of crap going on with my kids around, but I realized I was gonna bite off more than I could chew and just let it go. IDK if they are still up to it but they kept it low key because I didnt see anymore "friends" stopping by after a while.
Simply put, they do not care about you or your family. They see you as an obstacle in the way of their money and drugs. The best thing to do is to remove your family from this situation; your family’s safety depends on it.
They have business to run and unless they r absolutely bananas - they don't want any extra attention. I say keep it cool, ignore them completely and don't provoke with taking pictures. Treat them as wild animals (mind you - I love animals :)) - don't look their way, ignore their provocaions.
When you are out - make sure someone checks on your wife and dog, make sure your wife knows how to use the gun. Btw, don't leave your dog out of sight - they go after the weakest. Move out as soon as you get a chance.

Move family to safe place
Armor the place, buy plenty of ammo
Provoke them and extinguish them on your property
It gets to news, you write the book, Hollywood will make the movie - you are now rich, I get my tiny 10% for idea and everyone is happy.
Sit on you're porch with a banjo and a shotgun.

Sorry, i know thats not helpful but i felt the need to inject some humor :D

DEA sounds like a good idea tho..
Choice #2 is not a choice. There is just you and your wife, even if you take down a dozen scumbags there will be a dozen more with nothing to loose wanting revenge. Hollywood is a big lie. Move to somewhere where crabgrass is your biggest problem.
You say you are taking pictures? Can you post them here on this forum so we all can get a better understanding on what you are talking about. Show us all how bad it really is.

Sounds like you need to move, not just from the city but possibly out of state. Take a chance.
For the record - I don't recommend choice#2. However - most low level criminals are street-smart and kind of dumb in a way, they are not intelligent.
So the guy with bright head like OP can certainly come up with the plan. Just thinking out loud - distract drug house occupants with something, get them out, through couple of molotov ****ails in the window. Rinse, repeat with some other weapon. Cover your tracks. How long do you think it will take them to recover? they will probably move on after first couple of attacks. And this is extreme example. There are ways to stay subtle and out of the picture and stil do a lot of damage.
But should you become vigilante? IMHO, no - you have too much at stake: wife, future child and your furry kid. I know how hard it is but just do not confront them
And as of DEA - if police is on the take as you described it can get real ugly.
So keep cool for now and GTFO as soon as you have a chance.

I dealt with similar situations before - not in Canada, back in home country.
It is easier when you have nothing to loose and they can't hurt you. But in your situation -they certainly can: parents, wife, dog, your bike, etc.
Involving public may not be a bad idea. Like news, getting the blog up like this guys do Blog aims to expose criminals by posting Facebook photos | WCBD-TV 2 , etc.
But you have to really think it through, 100 steps ahead and think long and hard about concequences.
Because as you said: "When I say riddled, I mean half the town is pill poppers, and the other half is meth heads."
So does public really care?
This is not the ideal economic time to do this, but it sounds like the safety of your family and peace of mind would be well worth it: sell and rent. There must be a place that would take pets. If absolutely not, could another member of either of you family take the dog? Temporarily or otherwise? I know that sounds cold but it would be a price I'd be willing to pay for the security of the fam (lab included).

Also... Where do you live? I SO have been looking for some meth and my dealer has been at the dentist for like 3 days now.

Sorry. Couldn't resist. Good luck.
Contact your local politician & tell him him about the situation.Also tell him that you have contacted your local tv stations various current affairs programs & see who respond's first:thumbup:
Contacting anybody locally, does no good. A little while back, there was a big "sting" on some illegal **** fighting and prostitution involving cops. Main news network was covering it all. Nothing came about from it, literally, nothing, and that was broadcasted and handled by the Knoxville local news and Knox police. I have zero faith in the police department and government anymore. On my bicycle ride today, I saw a needle, as in syringe used to shoot up with drugs, laying on the side of the road. Oddly enough, there were 3 cops parked on the shoulder a 1/4 mile up the road. I stopped and informed them of it, and they brushed it off and went back to their conversation.

I was trying to get the druggies to calm down in the area, dealers and doers, by scaring them, because of the problems they bring in with them. 2 kids in the neighborhood have come across needles. One told the parents and they cleaned it up. Another stepped on one in the grass and was stuck by it. That was a nice little scare for everybody. While I was being threatened to be shot, there were 3 kids riding around on bicycles listening to it all. I have watched a guy pull into a driveway across from a dealer to pick up drugs, plow over a bicycle that a kid left outside, and then just leave. These druggies could care less about how they effect those around them. It has really come down to a point of feeling like you need to do something to fix it. I guess I have a problem with being able to turn a blind eye to it all =\.

My plan right now, if they confront me, or start yelling at me again, I will call the cops, and make sure police reports are filed, copies in my hand. They eye balled me all day today, which is fine by me, they don't scare me one bit. If they come at me armed, they better be ready to be met by one enraged M'Fer. I've dealt with gang members in my previous apartment, these druggies have nothing on them. The public here either doesn't care, is to afraid to do/say anything, or are buying/doing/selling drugs themselves. I met a completely random guy on my last flight sitting next to me. We got to chatting, and he was an associate with a law firm and knew the Knoxville area slightly. He was based out of Washington DC, and as soon as I mentioned Union County and Maynardville, he chuckled and told me he has dealt with ALOT of cases out of that county, most to deal with the state taking away the children of these people, and gave me his condolences for living there. Being as this is a pretty small town and county, its a bad sign when a random stranger knows whats up.

I am not going to post up the pictures, cause I don't want to open up more problems from that. Its one thing to take pictures. I'm going to setup my webcam for the time being pointing out my window to watch the cars and the bike. This weekend is also going to involve some hardcore apartment hunting to get the F outta here lol. I really like the idea of the motion activated lights. There is a street light directly over us though. I really appreciate the help guys. Keep any comments and ideas coming! Had a damn good bicycle ride today too, works well to get alot of frustration out :)