They said it wouldn't hurt!


Super *********
Jun 30, 2007
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Delran NJ
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So I decided to get a vasectomy. Thirty something and several kids, it was time.

Going in, the main comment I got from friends who had had one is that it hurts more than the doctor lets on in the pre-op consultation. Not the most comforting thought.

Day of Surgery (Doc's exam room, not hospital)
So I'm in the room waiting for the doc. He asks how I'm feeling, I say, "nervous." Apparently he took this as a que to that I would like things to get weird. Right after this he says, "you know, I have an intern who would be really interested to observe this procedure." Now the exam room is not spacious, so this person would be within a foot of me. I'm thinking, well let's not be a prude here, it's for training a doctor.

Wrong. Doc goes on to say that she's not actually a medical student, she just wants to go to med school. What??!! So here I am nervous enough to begin with that my ball sack is going to be operated on (when there's nothing wrong with it), and he thinks I want a 19 year old girl sitting next to me watching just for the sheer novelty aspect of satisfying her personal curiosity! I can see her years down the road, "I would like to thank my family as I accept this Nobel prize for medicine, and to give a special thanks to the man who inspired me as a teenager by letting me watch his ball sack get sliced open and his sperm tubes get yanked out." In reality, she probably would have gotten a "call" on her camera phone during the operation and my crowning moment would have been immortalized on the Internet.

While I didn't really want to disappoint my ball sack surgeon right before the operation, I said, "no." He gives me one of those condescending doctor looks and that's the end of that. But not the end of our time together. The fun is just beginning.

Step one is the anesthesia. A local. Now the problem with locals is delivery. How does your dentist get you numb? That's right, a shot. Turns out they make some sort of special ball sack novocaine. And they deliver it with, you guessed it, a needle. And the shot to prevent *pain* is given to you, not in a vein in your leg, not in a vein in your groin. No, the needle get stuck right into your ballsack. And not just into the ballsack, but into your ball. Yes, you heard me correctly. Right in the ball. And the doctor actually says, "You may feel a pinch." Really? A pinch? Who the F*** used to pinch you doc? A f***ing gorilla with f***ing vice grips?

And one shot is not sufficient. You get five. And not a quick in and out, no it's the old, "I've stuck the needle there and I must slowly release the ball sack novacaine while wiggling the needle back and forth." It feels like brain freeze to the tenth power in your ball. It makes you want to vomit and cry all at the same time. Then they start on your other ball.

Seems that part of the pain management is to inflict such severe pain during the administration of the anesthesia that really you wouldn't notice just about anything else they did. Just about...

So this was supposed to be a special type of vasectomy- no scalpel. In fact, his brochure said something about lasers (I like lasers). Turns out there are no lasers. And there's no scalpel because he just jams a big ass pair of pointed forceps directly into your scrotum, making a puncture wound, grabbing the sperm tubes and pulling them out through the hole. But it's OK, b/c you're under a local anesthetic.

Now he's not done when he pulls out the first set of sperm tubes, and this was not a good thing, for more than just the obvious reasons. Turns out that my breakfast of cold pizza wasn't the best choice of ball sack operation day cuisine. Pizza gives me gas and I had been fighting to hold back the inevitable since the beginning of the procedure. But when he stuck those forceps in me with is face right down by my ball sack so he would have a good view, we had a breach. A large foul loud machine gun breach. For a split second, I wasn't sure if it was just gas or if I had crapped myself. All I could see was a vague look of panic behind his ball sack surgeon safety glasses. I mean, he's holding the sperm tubes in his forceps and he knows he can't just pull back, but his position is untenable. He can't withstand another assault. For about ten seconds, no one moves. And no one acknowledges what just happened (see, it's not just on dates that people act like that about flatulence, but that's a different rant). Fortunately, things stabilize and we continue.

Another five minutes of tugging and sperm tube cutting, and voila, we're done. A simple ten minute procedure is completed, and I do at least feel confident that what we did was sufficient to destroy my reproductive capacity.

And by the way, if you haven't caught on yet it does hurt more than the doctors let on. So the lesson here is- when your buddies hear the word vasectomy and cringe, it's not just some dumb man type response to a myth. It is a rational reaction to having anyone go near your ball sack with a sharp object or pliers. A lesson I learned to late.

Next up on the rant front: the ball sack had to be shaved for the surgery. Now maybe the porno guys make this look cool, and we've all hear about Brazilians for the ladies, but what no one talks about is the razor stubble...
Ouch! I don't know if my tears are from sympathetic pains or from laughing.
Thanks for sharing, I think? This better not give me nightmares.....
Sorry about the pain but that was a hilarious write up. With my rib being cracked I definitely was laughing until it hurt (which was pretty early on). It took me like 10 mins to get through it all. I gotta ask though - did someone give you a quarter for every time you could say ballsack?
I loved the use of the word UNTENABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel so bad for you and your ball sack, but I was reading this at work busting up laughing! Great write up. Hopefully when my time comes they'll have real lasers to do the dirty work.
Hahahahahahaha awesome storytelling! That stubble is gonna itch for awhile... (Or so a friend told me once... yeah... a friend...)
Sorry to hear of your discomfort. Mine was quite the opposite. I had some discomfort driving myself home afterwards since I drove a manual transmission.

I had mine done on Valentine's Day. I told th edoctor I wanted to give my wife something unique for V-Day. He didn't see the humor.

Mine was done on a Friday, the doctor said I would need the weekend to recover. I replaced our water heater the following day, no issues. I played basketball the following Monday evening.

I know others have missed several days of work after theirs. Have the bruises started? They can be quite alarming.:eek:

Anyways, cheers. Tell your wife the doctor said to "soak them in cider".:D
Ahhhh, great story Ant, I really thought it was

We too, are in pain. I couldn't read all of it in one sitting, you know how reading about that stuff just "gets you".. like pins and needles in the fingers when you see it.
Then there were the tears from when you "let one rip"... I was crying....LMAO!!!!!!!!!

Razor stubble... Ugh.

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LMFAO!!!! I know your PAIN !!!! I had a vasectomy at 26 after my son was born.THEY TOLD ME IT WOULD'NT HURT too.......LIAR'S LIAR'S LIAR'S!!!!! I sat with my post op Graipfruits for 5 day's trying to wear that goofy half thong thing they give you to wear for support!!....more like for Extra Aggravation.....unlike the LIAR's who told me it won't hurt.....I warn everyone who mention's it how Incredibly Painful and agonizing it realy is...You are performing a public service with this thread by telling it like it really is....and not continuing to spread that horrible lie about how.... "I went dancing right after I left the doctor's office"...If I ever see that guy again that told me that very lie I will kick him right in his junk as hard as I can.... :rockon: :D the fun begins. Speaking strictly from experience, did your doc suggest how you might clear out those disconnected tubes of the dreaded spermatozoa? Or how long it might take you to do that? Or how you supply a sample for the nurse to check for total sterility? Trust me on this one. When you supply the lab with a sample-EVERYBODY knows what you've been doing for the last few weeks!!!!!;)
Sadly i have to spread
some more rep around first. Or I would have added some, for the finest piece of non motor cycle related journalism ever. Ball breakingly funny mate.
ps are you changing you name to jaffa now?:spank:
Ant, I'm glad this wasn't you. I would have felt bad laughing so damned hard at the discomfort of someone I know. I was laughing so hard, I think I woke my wife and son.
That is the best thing I have come across on the internet in a long time and I LIVE on the internet.

haha, wow, I am going to bookmark this to read when I'm feeling blue.

Thanks for sharing man.

haha, im still chuckling.
Had it done myself about four years ago. I recall the most painful thing being when the Dr was trying to bring the vas tube to the surface so he could cut and cauterize it. One tube was easy to each, the other seemed more deeply embedded, and it was a bit traumatic for him to get a good grip on it. I failed my first sterility test at three months (I guess that's just how studly I am), but was good to go after six months.

I'll stick to the conventional methods of good old birth control, condoms, pulling out and the morning after pill. Used individually as needed in that order from best to worst.
Hilarious writeup.
I let the 20-something gal watch during mine and I think the doc let her cut one of the tubes!

At least we only have to do it once if all goes well.