The thrill is gone


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Oct 5, 2009
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Long Island, NY
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I just finished my 6th season as a biker all inclusive years having the FZ6.

It's been a good run with many zen moments, exhilaration and friends made.

The vibe this year was just totally different. 2 of my good riding buddies domestic situations have changed (think turning into real grownups with responsibility at home).

I found myself riding solo almost 75% of the time and not enjoying most if it. Cagers are ill mannered and had to work hard to keep my temper in check

yeah I know the tone here sounds conclusive but it's really not. Really just letting some stuff vent.

For years I wanted to get the Ninja 1K to keep the enthusiasm up. I realized that wouldn't change much now. I enjoy modding the bike more than really riding it at least lately. I have also kind of run out of things I want to mod. So instead I've turned my attention to restoring one of my project cars - a '68 Firebird convertible.. a lot of work to do

Anyone gone through this malaise? what gets you through it?
I got a second project bike to work on cause I was kinda bored with the lack of work/mods to do on the FZ6, both money and not wanting to have any down time stopped me from doing any real big mods. I have gotten the bored feeling, during the spring I commute to work 12 hour days for each weekend approximately 350 km each way, that sort of grind really makes riding the bike a bit more of a chore rather than a fun thing.

I fix it by planning a weekend tour hitting all my favorite twisty routes and getting away to camp, as soon as I can get out and ride purely for pleasure it brings the love back. I do probably 90% of my riding solo, and I can say that having a riding buddy also increases the enjoyment exponentially.
Re: The thrill is NOT gone

Some what in the same boat but I like her after some functional changes (MODS) but I ride solo much of the year and this does have its limits as to how far one can go in a days time (wants to go?).
Anyway, this wraps up our 5th season on the FZ with 25,000 miles covered and no downs pretty much riding for pleasure and sanity!! I seldom commute as too many people here run each other over while F'ng off their phones so its NOT worth my life.

Overall I'm very happy with the mods and what its done to make this little bike a joy to ride. With the ignition and exhaust gone over, she sings with abandon. A couple parts thrown at the suspension and she behaves well in all terrain. She's gonna stick around for Season SIX!

Be safe and don't do anything rash! :thumbup:
Re: The thrill is NOT gone

Well, I've been riding the street since 1977. Dirt bikes before that.

I commuted to work, on the bike(s) for 21 years, rain, cold, heat, etc and can easily document 225,000 miles on all my bikes (total).

I rarely ride with others and it is for pleasure now.. I used to do LD rides but that was on the old Goldwing/FJR but don't anymore so the FZ suits me fine.

I use the FZ as my daily driver (store runs, going out, etc) and never (well maybe not when its 92F) get tired of riding.

It relaxes me and never fails to put a smile on my face.

I've NEVER considered giving up riding, its an important part of me.

I last restored a 69 Camaro (canary yellow to blue metallic with white hood/trunk, factory strips) several years back which I enjoyed doing.
That was a hobby but I never considered doing one or the other. The bike was a given, and I worked around my SUV and bike on the Camaro in the garage (and MANY Camaro parts in the living room)...

Point being, do the restore, you'll likely enjoy doing it. I wouldn't give up the bike. I suspect at some point, especially when your not caged up in cold weather for months, you'll have the urge to ride again. The weathers just getting really nice down here, so going out is much more enjoyable than mid summer..

As a side note, I know how cold it gets on LI. I grew up in Brentwood (near Islip) till I was 19 and I know about the cold, nasty weather. Most of the winter prevents riding

Just my 2cts... :)
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I just finished my 6th season as a biker all inclusive years having the FZ6.

It's been a good run with many zen moments, exhilaration and friends made.

The vibe this year was just totally different. 2 of my good riding buddies domestic situations have changed (think turning into real grownups with responsibility at home).

I found myself riding solo almost 75% of the time and not enjoying most if it. Cagers are ill mannered and had to work hard to keep my temper in check

yeah I know the tone here sounds conclusive but it's really not. Really just letting some stuff vent.

For years I wanted to get the Ninja 1K to keep the enthusiasm up. I realized that wouldn't change much now. I enjoy modding the bike more than really riding it at least lately. I have also kind of run out of things I want to mod. So instead I've turned my attention to restoring one of my project cars - a '68 Firebird convertible.. a lot of work to do

Anyone gone through this malaise? what gets you through it?

Have you considered a Dirt Bike?
Re: The thrill is NOT gone

Wow, my story is very much the same. Started riding dirt bikes at 9yo. First street bike in 78. Road on and off road till 94. Bought the 08 FZ6 spring 2011 and put 27,000 miles on it. Every autumn I lose some interest in the little FZ and think about something different but after a long cold winter it's back on 6 and fall in love again.

I do see a FJ-09 in the future maybe sometime next season. But if that doesn't happen the 6 will get another happy 5000 miles.
I have been riding for 10 years and owned a handful of bikes before from 150cc to 1000cc. Test ridden a few rides and decided to stick to Fz6 as recommended by a friend. It's currently being used in traffic school so what the heck. It's not as grunty as the ole R1 I had but it does meet the requirements I need. I was contemplating on getting a new ride such as the Mt 09 tracer but COE road pricing is a killer and I gotta renew it every 10 yrs in order to use it on the local roads. Plus, the mt 07 - 09 offerings does not have what I was expecting. I decided to stick to my current Fz6 and mod some of the simple things. Currently send it for valve clearance, clutch plate changes and upgrade to my hyperpro suspension (front and rear). I had installed handguards, handlebar risers and 12v usb sockets, and ordered many other things to accommodate the thrill that I had lost. Getting a litre bike will be a couple years later for me and the traffic conditions here ain't pleasant. I hope you get what you wanted.

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Everyone who rides must take a 7-10 day road trip on their bike and travel great distances and visit other areas. It's an experience. Go with friends or solo. Either way, it's a new experience and you will appreciate being a rider even more.
I think everyone gets that nasty itch now and then. I felt a pang of it last month when my son said he was going to start using public transport to get to work instead of riding- he has to drop his daughter of to care.
But his missus had her on Monday so Cal got to ride and he said after a few weeks of PT it was soooo good to ride again, I thought I should not take this for granted. 'specially after I did a two hor run down the coast the other w/end. There are so many good things about being on two wheels.
Maybe spend that time working on the firebird, maybe see if there is a local club for the occasional run. I hope you don't grow to miss riding, nor get complacent with it if it becomes a bore
I've done pretty much all the mods I want/need, and I still drool over new bikes on the market, but I don't test ride, whats the point, I like the size and power of my bike and I don't need a new one

But you have to do what YOU have to do
Well... I never felt like that, mainly because I have a group of friends from the age of 20 to 65 that love to ride motorcycles and their wifes are into it, so I never get bored and I only travel alone with my girlfriend if I want (wich happens many times).

The engine size doesn't matter to me in the matter of thrill, since I do like to travel and see the landscapes, towns, taste foods... all that, I really like to do mototourism and I'm not into the speed thing on public roads.

It's also by far the best way to commute, so yeah, I rather take my motorcycle under heavy rain, even on severe weather warnings, than going in my car.

Regarding cagers, I do get way more upset when driving the car, maybe because I ride much more on a defensive side on my Fazer.

Yea.. this season i think i put on maybe 2000 miles? last season a few more than that. This was the first year i did not take the bike and go camping anywhere due to just being bogged down with work and home projects. I wouldn't say the thrill is gone and not that i need a new bike to make it exciting.. but between some close calls and such, i just either don't have the time or don't make the time... not selling the FZ anytime soon and hopefully going to try an epic trip this coming year. That and i think this is the first time Ive posted here in months...
Hey guys...thanks for all the responses. It's time to put the bike away for the winter right now. I had just been reflecting on how different it felt this season. I used to create opportunities to get out on the bike any time I could. I would wander all over Long Island and explore the little I could find that I didn't know already. The roads are mostly flat with a decent road here and there. being on this island means spectacular views if you like the ocean or LI sound.. and that is all good, in fact I live close to the LI sound. There's something just too damn stagnant about it feeling handcuffed not wanting to venture westward out of Nassau county alone because if I ever thought cagers were A holes here, just go to any of the 5 boros and you basically have to travel through at least 2 of the boroughs to get any decent riding in like westchester and above or over the hudson river and up to places like bear mountain, 7 lakes and west point.

I've done much better having a destination often times with an errand or 2 to run. I really hate just riding around which had been the whole point of having a bike up til now.

So yeah.. the Firebird. I've had the old girl for 27 years and am starting to feel the passion for it come back. Come spring time I hope to have most of the metal replaced with new (re-skinning the whole car). By end of summer 2016 if things go well I will be in the process of laying down basecoast/clearcoat. Then there's the interior. Itmay not see completion for awhile, possibly into 2017 but it feels good to have a decent project I am motivated to work on.
Have you considered a Dirt Bike?

no never considered one. there's no where to really ride one legally here because people are so litigious. I wouldn't want the hassle of trailering the thing places. I like the freedom to open my garage and go.
Everyone who rides must take a 7-10 day road trip on their bike and travel great distances and visit other areas. It's an experience. Go with friends or solo. Either way, it's a new experience and you will appreciate being a rider even more.

Roger that Vegas!! yes for sure that would put the spring in back in my step. I've done 2 10 days trips. To Canada in 2011 and to Tail of the Dragon in 2012. I am about due for another one
Roger that Vegas!! yes for sure that would put the spring in back in my step. I've done 2 10 days trips. To Canada in 2011 and to Tail of the Dragon in 2012. I am about due for another one

You really need to head out west, I believe the best roads are out on this end of the country. In my opinion, part of being a real motorcyclist, you need to be adventurous and ride far away from where you live. I'm not talking about a couple of hundred miles over the course of a weekend. , .Ride to a different part of the country where everything is different from the topography, demographics, geography,food and even the people. Being on two wheels you are able to absorb much more and different things that can only be achieved through riding. That's why I didn't mind purchasing my new bike that was 800 miles away and in the dead of winter. I made the whole buying experience and getting home into an adventure.
a real motorcyclist,

Grrrrr, I hate that phrase. I know you don't mean any malice by it, it just winds me up. So much squabbling in the bike world over what/who is a real biker/motorcyclist.

But back on topic:

It does suck sometimes, trying to get the motivation. I'm lucky in that my commute demands a bike. A car doing that is stuck all the time, nightmare. But I feel your pain in that I don't often get to ride for fun, if ever. I managed to time it well this year and some of my longer trips coincided with the car not being available, so I had the excuse. But between work and family, I very rarely get the chance to drop life and go for a ride, and to be honest, I don't really want to. I just haven't the time when there's so much other stuff that needs doing.

All I can say is, either fit it in as a practical measure, or just come back to it more when you're ready.

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I haven't been at it as long as a lot of the folks on this forum, but I think the key is to have more than one hobby. I ride mountain bikes (recently every weekend) and it's a great way to build physical fitness and challenge myself when I don't feel like blasting around on the fz6.

I've definitely gone through spells when I didn't feel like being on the motorcycle but I'm planning a big trip this coming Summer with maybe a few weekenders. I love to ride, just sometimes I need a break.
Grrrrr, I hate that phrase. I know you don't mean any malice by it, it just winds me up. So much squabbling in the bike world over what/who is a real biker/motorcyclist.

Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk have to understand our USA culture and lifestyle are much different than across the pond. For starters, our motorcycles are not considered vehicles by the insurance companies , but recreational vehicles, in other words, toys where helmets and other safety gear are optional. We also have a lot of riders who are the pretenders, they are the posers and most cities host these individuals every week, they are called Bike Nights. Many of them own Harley's. Although it's been a while since I was in Europe, from my observation, most of the riders are very well geared up, and it's an accepted form of transportation. You have much higher licensing and skill requirements than here in the states. I can continue on, but I think you get the picture.
Seems to me I'm one of the few riders that ride for pleasure, even if riding means to get out of the bed and go to work on a rainy day.

One thing if for sure, I couldn't ride a motorcycle if I wouldn't love, the same with cars, trucks and other things.
