The Riding Game!

I just cleaned, detailed, and parked both bikes in a friends garage for the winter, so I'm out until spring. Looking forward to picking this up once Norway thaws up again.

Thanks for all the good times so far, folks.

I still want the unicorn challenge!!
Real current one:
Your bike out front of where you work
.....I might try for this in the morning, I will need to be early...see how we go
Sent from the phone: sorry 'bout my spileng, fat know!
My place of work....The Burgundy Group, Mesa AZ (PeopleSoft Consulting)


Your next challenge....A picture of your bike next to a boat.
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1) if a challenge is not met after 48hours a new topic is picked by the last winner...

Since it's been a few days...

A picture of your bike next to green grass (Cold States) or white snow (Warm States)

Don't mean to stomp on anyone's toes here, but I believe it's up to Humpy to change the challenge :confused:

UNLESS you can meet his last challenge, then by all means...............
Ill be in this thread alot trying to participate if the request for a photo is possible in my area lol, it seems this will be enjoyable if it starts going again.

A picture of your bike next to a pasture.
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Since flight is another passion of mine, how about this:

A pic of your bike, irrespective of make, in front of a plane/airport/airfield