The Riding Game!

Not fair not fair at all. I took this pic around 1pm. looks like about the same time that you posted yours....



Next challenge: your bike in front of an ice cream parlor.. extra points if it is not a chain!
*chuckles* Just sent an e-mail to the largest mall in town, (Kvadrat), or Square in English, with a request to bring my bike inside to take a photo of it, as I don't think we have any outdoor ice cream stands around here. Eagerly awaiting their reply, though I'll probably not hear back from them until tomorrow.

If I get rejected, I'll drive around town tomorrow and see what I can find, as it's now 9pm and even most convenience stores are about to close...
*chuckles* Just sent an e-mail to the largest mall in town, (Kvadrat), or Square in English, with a request to bring my bike inside to take a photo of it, as I don't think we have any outdoor ice cream stands around here. Eagerly awaiting their reply, though I'll probably not hear back from them until tomorrow.

If I get rejected, I'll drive around town tomorrow and see what I can find, as it's now 9pm and even most convenience stores are about to close...

Just buy a bunch of boxes of ice cream and related stuf and put it in your garage ;)
You can say you're the local ice cream parlor :D


your bike in front of an ice cream parlor.. extra points if it is not a chain!

I have like 3 near my house but I'll sit this one out since I just picked the tackle shop challenge..

your bike in front of an ice cream parlor.. extra points if it is not a chain!

Next challenge: You bike in front of a famous landmark or attraction

My house is the best attraction in the area, does that also count?? :Flip::BLAA:



Next challenge: You bike in front of a famous landmark or attraction
Dammit! Oh well, if I get the goahead from the shopping mall, I'm doing that one anyways :p

Next challenge: You bike in front of a famous landmark or attraction
Went out this morning, had a pretty cool (or so I think anyway) monument in mind.

Near where I live, at a place called Hafrsfjord, three enormous bronze swords stand monument to the "Battle of Hafrsfjord" in the year 872, when Harald Hårfagre (Fairheaded Harald) united Norway into one kingdom.

At about 10 meters (30 feet for you imperialistic bastards ;) ), with the sword of Fairheaded Harald standing taller than the others, the swords are all planted in solid rock. This monument was unveiled by Norway's King Olav in 1983, my year of birth in fact, and stands as a testament for peace and unification.

I tried taking the first picture from a sidewalk nearby but it didn't turn out too well, so I drove the bike on the grass and up a small pathway to get a better shot. :)

Third image is courtesy of a professional photographer, linked from Stavanger-Web.

Next challenge: Your bike with a musical instrument on/next to it. Bonus point if someone, including yourself, is playing it (pretending to play works too)

Oh, and a radio and/or MP3 player doesn't count as a musical instrument! :)

EDIT: Hey, what happened to all the other images in the thread? Something gone wrong with the forum references or something? Should we page a mod? Be a shame to lose all the great shots on here.
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Nicely done, GTPAddict; rocking out, FAZtER style!

And Humperdinkel, what can I say. Didgeridoo on an FZ6? The Madness, the Madness! *chuckles* Good one, though.

As for the next challenge, "Your bike near a religious temple (not a plain church)"
This is going to be a tough one for me, considering I live in a country where the state religion is Protestant Christianity, and where the sole heritage religiously are those wooden churches that the satanists (or malcontent children) like to burn down. There are no mosques, temples, or otherwise here, dudes!

Oh well, another day, another challenge :p

OK, got some ideas on the way home from work. Sure, the pictures aren't actually taken outside the "temples" of ratified, organized religions, but I figure enough people "worship" at the first one often enough, and I've damned sure heard a woman or two state that the second is close enough to "heaven" for all intents and purposes :D

*chuckles* Anyway, found a few churches but no temples or mosques, so good luck everyone!
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I drive past this place every day. Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago.


Next Challenge: Your bike in the Rain!! (Sorry if it's not raining where you live)
Next Challenge: Your bike in the Rain!! (Sorry if it's not raining where you live)

Perfect timing.. just walked out of a store and it started raining :D



Next challenge: Your bike in front of a stone house/mansion/structure. Extra bonus points if it's really old
Eric, RdrManny, Alr21 and I found the stone structure.


Next challenge: Your bike in front of a unique house.

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Here is my baby in front of every girls dream. It is even for sale if someone has an extra 1.6 million laying around and wants to live in beautiful La Crosse Wisconsin

Next challenge: Your bike in front of a large bell
large bell :BLAA:

Since it's now October:
Next Challenge: Your bike by an "OKTOBERFEST" sign!!:germany::beer::iconbeer: