The Riding Game!


GPS Latitude: N 40d 12m 54.00s

GPS Longitude: W 74d 41m 54.00s

Location: 40° 12′ 54.00″ N 74° 41′ 54.00″ W

I think it was a little off. Google map puts this about 10 miles off. I think my phone had a stale location.

Next Challenge:Your bike in front of a Motorcycle Dealership
(that wasn't done yet right?)
Damn you armystrong, I left home early this morning and got shots at two dealers.
I'll post them a little later anyway, damn damn damn

New Challenge: Your Bike at the entrance of a tunnel.
May have to take the long way home to get this shot...

New Challenge: Your Bike at the entrance of a tunnel.

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Damn you armystrong, I left home early this morning and got shots at two dealers.
I'll post them a little later anyway, damn damn damn

New Challenge: Your Bike at the entrance of a tunnel.

I got one too!


New Challenge: Your Bike at the entrance of a tunnel.
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I got one too!

New Challenge: Your Bike at the entrance of a tunnel.

I pass about 6 bike shops in Elizabeth Street in Melbourne, these are the first two. I made an earlier start this am so I could grab the shots.
It was just as I was leaving that the post went up, oh well now I have to think about a tunnel I can get to tonight on the way home

New Challenge: Your Bike at the entrance of a tunnel.
Damn you Full Throttle that looks just like the tunnel I was going to use "cept mine runs through a casino and is on the other side of the planet (but at night one tunnel looks might similar to the next)
damn damn damn,- ok airport it is, I'll skip the tunnel pics altogether

btw thanks for keeping this going at such a nippy pace, Its really good to get them braincells moving working out when, where, how......

Next Challenge:
Your bike in front of an airport (small or large)

Sent from the phone: sorry 'bout my spileng, fat know!

Ok I hope these 2 pics go thru ok
This is the old Essendon airport in Melbourne, I'll check it later on the pc and upload again if needed
Next challenge: your bike with a big timepiece- a big clock or sun dial
Seems like this is the most active this thread has ever been!! Keep it going, everyone! :thumbup:

Next challenge: your bike with a big timepiece- a big clock or sun dial

[COLOR="Blue"]NEXT CHALLENGE:[/COLOR] Your bike in front of your neighbor or neighbor's residence.

**Bonus if you do a good deed for them** :D[/quote]

Got the picture of my bike, YES, MY OWN BIKE, not that crummy FZ1 the shop lent me after breaking my poor baby's fuel tank and rear frame! Also pictured are some added shiny bitz (i.e. lower cowl fairing, main stand, and roller protectors), and some additional not-so-visible tweaks such as rerouting the clutch cable so it doesn't block the ignition and remapping the ECU.

Even though LeoVince states that a remap is not required for their cans, I figured that if I could get the shop to do it for free after dropping my bike it would certainly easy my conscience and not my wallet :) . Unfortunately, they couldn't dyno it before remapping, so I've got no comparison before/after. I asked for the charts, which they said they'd copy out and send me, should be interesting to see.

I'm picking up my neighbours post while they are away on vacation, does that count for bonus points?

Anyway, also pictured is my old bike, the '96 Suzuki GSF600N Bandit, and the house I live in, which is sectioned into 2x2 (4x4?) blocks of condos. I'm on top (that's what she said (hehe, had to...)), and my downstairs neighbour has the green door.

Finally, also pictured is my cage, which I enjoy almost as much on torrential-rain-weather days.

[COLOR="Blue"][B]Next challenge: Your bike with a picture/image/reflection of your bike on or next to it.[/B][/COLOR] Imagination counts :)
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Your bike with a picture/image/reflection of your bike on or next to it

A picture of my bike with a reflection of my bike (in my bikes own mirror :thumbup:)

Next Challenge: Your bike in front of a tackle/bait shop
What the hell is that rusty thing in the garage? You really neglect your cage that bad in order to pamper the bike? :D

Next Challenge: Your bike in front of a tackle/bait shop
I'm going to be down in a fishing town over the w/end but going by car
Now unless my mate has his duke down there and lets me take it for a run
(both of which I doubt, coz he hasn't ridden it for months), Im gonna have to pass this one
Unless I spot a tackle shop on the way home tonight hmmmmmm

best of luck to whomever is the the next setter of the challenge,

but for now....
Next Challenge: Your bike in front of a tackle/bait shop

btw Like the shot in the mirror, very inventive
This one is for someone else. Rode all over town trying to find a bait/tackle shop, but couldn't find any. Guess there are no fishers in town, despite living on the coast. Oh well, got to ride around in great weather, so the spirit of the challenge was upheld. Victory!