The Riding Game!


1) if a challenge is not met after 48hours a new topic is picked by the last winner...

2) you do not have to own an FZ6 to play this game

3) your bike should be in ALL pics...

4) after any comment, please put the current challenge at the bottom so everyone can stay up to date.

5) Pictures must be taken AFTER the challenge. Don't cheat, there's no point of cheating... the point is to get out and ride!

You're bike by an emergency MEDICAL services vehicle (such as an ambulance or fire engine providing BLS or ALS service).

Sorry to be a stickler, but it's kinda a PITA to "go back" and hunt for the last challenge.
Thanks :)
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Sorry to be a stickler, but it's kinda a PITA to "go back" and hunt for the last challenge.
Thanks :)

Stickler :BLAA:

You're bike by an emergency MEDICAL services vehicle (such as an ambulance or fire engine providing BLS or ALS service).
Stickler :BLAA:

Or just lazy :scared:

I don't want to have to 'search' for the last challenge, I want to click the last page and bam, there it is!

You're bike by an emergency MEDICAL services vehicle (such as an ambulance or fire engine providing BLS or ALS service
I don't think this one is going to be achieved anytime soon, so can we have a new one please . . . .

You're bike by an emergency MEDICAL services vehicle (such as an ambulance or fire engine providing BLS or ALS service

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I got this :)

Was out driving the FZ1 the shop loaned me, and happened by two fire engines coming out of the station and heading to a nearby club to respond to a smoke alarm.

Snapped a shot after "parking" on the sidewalk. Oh, and bonus shot of the FZ1, which technically isn't mine.

New challenge: Your bike with stars (the celestial kind) in the background
Bad luck for crazy Dave, unless he posts up the photo first with a new challenge ;) . . . .

Oh and don't forget to repost the current challenge on every reply :D

You're bike by an emergency MEDICAL services vehicle (such as an ambulance or fire engine providing BLS or ALS service

Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
I got this :)

Was out driving the FZ1 the shop loaned me, and happened by two fire engines coming out of the station and heading to a nearby club to respond to a smoke alarm.

Snapped a shot after "parking" on the sidewalk. Oh, and bonus shot of the FZ1, which technically isn't mine.

New challenge: Your bike with stars (the celestial kind) in the background

D'OH ..... The pictures wernt there when I started replying on my phone.

Anyway, Nice one :thumbup:

New challenge: Your bike with stars (the celestial kind) in the background[/QUOTE]

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Can't see any stars in my pictures... :-( I can always photoshop them, lol

Next challenge: Your bike with stars (the celestial kind) in the background
the sun is a Star...

only problem in Melbourne is its as overcast as and expecting rain, thunderstorms and hail.
did think about a shot last night with the sun as a backdrop, but I dont hink I have a hope this week

I would really liketo get a shot like this but I dont have a camera with a "bulb" setting:(
Next challenge: Your bike with stars (the celestial kind) in the background
Woops, been a little more than 48 hours. Well, since it's been overcast here too, I wouldn't even have been able to do my own challenge.

So, let's change it to simply read:
Your bike, with stars in or on (celestial, celebrities, or just star graphics will do)
Well after over 30 minutes I could not get my point and shoot to take star photos let alone one with the bike, the angles are next to impossible.:( need an slr and a tripod, a dark area with enough slope and VERY little traffic.