the prodigal has returned

dean owens

Elite Member
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
pittsboro, nc (near raleigh)
not sure how many noticed but i was gone for a bit. no big news... just busy with work, family and vacation. so busy that i've been on the bike once to go into the office and once for a saturday ride with some locals. that's it.

anyway, if you haven't missed me, that's fine. if you have... well... i can understand why. :BLAA: hopefully i won't have that much of a break from here in the future.

btw, i've been gone long enough that i had to get caught up on 9000+ threads. :eek:
I missed you and would see you pop in once in a while. Figured you were busy in life and would get back to us. As soon as I'm working again, you'll prolly hardly hear from me......
So glad to have you back Dean......there's quite a few of us that missed you!
It's kinda of scary when a member disappears for awhile, espically since we all ride, you know?!?!
theres another guy here called dean9812 or something. i kept thinking you were him. then i would realize he wasn't you and die a little bit inside.
I noticed to say the least!
I have been running our conversations over and over in my head wondering what I said or did that could cause you to leave without at least a goodbye. But now you are saying it's not me, it's you? Oh I've heard that before!


Welcome back, buddy.
And to think i thought we had finally managed to get rid of ya! ;):rolleyes:

Seriously though, welcome back and i look forward to continue watching your progress with the CX500 cafe racer project!

I say play it safe and RUN , RUN for the hills :BLAA: :D I'd be scared to think how much he may have missed you :thumbup:
yikes! you gotta point. maybe i'll go into hiding a while longer. :eek:

I noticed to say the least!
I have been running our conversations over and over in my head wondering what I said or did that could cause you to leave without at least a goodbye. But now you are saying it's not me, it's you? Oh I've heard that before!


Welcome back, buddy.
well.... i didn't want to say anything and make it awkward.... but since you brought it up.....

thanks for the welcome back.

And to think i thought we had finally managed to get rid of ya! ;):rolleyes:

Seriously though, welcome back and i look forward to continue watching your progress with the CX500 cafe racer project!

didn't know you were trying. :rolleyes:

thanks though. i'm happy that i finally have some progress to show on the project. how do you like my shop? one of the threads i saw when i was going through the 9500+ was a "show us your shop" thread. i saw yours. wanna trade? :D