The police?

dealt with the police

  • never been pulled over on the bike

    Votes: 220 74.3%
  • accident situation

    Votes: 9 3.0%
  • this is my story

    Votes: 67 22.6%

  • Total voters
I've had cops write me tickets before and they purposefully wrote down the wrong information so that in court it gets thrown out. Either the cop did that or you have the wrong tag on your bike.

So it looks like i dont need to worry about it? i have registered my bike on this plate witch one he putted on the ticket. but just the bike is different. so they probably throw out the ticket?
So it looks like i dont need to worry about it? i have registered my bike on this plate witch one he putted on the ticket. but just the bike is different. so they probably throw out the ticket?

more then likely yes, plus since you have pictures showing that you were not passing but sitting still you should be fine in court. just be polite and the tickets should be imediatly thrown out becaues of the mistake of motorcycles
A lot of the cops around here are pretty chill about bikers, as many of them ride themselves and generally let bikes ride 5-10mph over the limit. Sorry this isnt a MC story but here i go anyway. I drive an UGLY work truck most days. well i was in my truck on my way to school one day after stopping for breakfast with a couple buddies. the truck was loaded with guitars and gig equipment for a battle of the bands at school on that day and my one friend is sitting in the middle seat holding another guitar. so i turn through the intersection on the signal, used my blinker (I knew the cop was there), etc. as soon as i get through the light, Christmas time! so i pull over and he has to call in backup:eek: we wait for 20min for the three yes 3 other cruisers to get there. my buddies and i are now standing outside in the drizzling rain, the gear is getting wet, im now late for school, the 7 cops feel the necessity to search every bit of equipment we have and my extremely small single cab with no cubbie holes (except for a tiny glove box.) after all of this he finally tells us that he pulled us over because my friend in the middle seat didn't "appear" to be wearing a seatbelt. Not that he could tell anyway because he was holding a guitar!! anyway my friend got a $5 yes a $5 fine, no court, nothing else, just mail in $5, for not "appearing to be wearing a seatbelt." needless to say i was 2 hours late to school on a late-start day. But i got to miss the 2 classes i hated the most:rockon:
I need to change my vote! = Yes now . . . but NO citation.

On my way to work got lit up for changing lanes without staying in the designated lane long enough! OK - picture this; 3 lanes in one direction. I'm in the far left and move through the center to the far right. I stayed in the center what I thought was reasonable as I was not darting, dodging, or flying diagonally but just a casual drift to the right. Mind you traffic was doing 65 in the 55 and I was likely going 4 ~ 5 over that in the left lane, so the biker cop asked if I knew how fast I was going and asked how long I'd been riding. But his main dig was that I didn't stay in the center lane long enough.

So i ask; what is the proper amount of time to reside in the lane before moving to the next? Is it different on a side street than the Freeway? Side streets people do this all the time and no mention is made of it.

Was that Boring enough? PS - he followed me for about 4 miles in the right lane before the lights came on. Even then I had excited the freeway, the off ramp and was on another street when he decided to light it. At least he didn't catch me with the nose up where the street abruptly drops from the rail road tracks. This a known to happen on clear mornings with no traffic around! :rolleyes:
I had a couple moments where I went through a speed trap and it made my heart skip a beat.

The first time I was traveling on a highway with four or five lanes of traffic. A cop was positioned on the opposite side with a radar, other cops were traveling with the traffic pulling people over. I passed by and I am sure he looked right at me. I was doing maybe 10+ over, I wasn't trying to speed just get through traffic. I saw lights in my mirror and started getting over and took the next exit. I'm not sure if the lights were for me or someone else, I didn't try to run and I kept watching but didn't see anyone following either.

The second one I admit I was going to fast, I was traveling along and saw another biker up in front of me. I prefer to travel with someone so I was trying to catch up with out going to fast. The other biker was traveling around 10 to 15 over. Fast but not blowing by everyone because on average I've found people tend to drive right around 10 over anyway. I was coming up on my exit so I sped up to wave "good bye" then turned to see a cop with a radar on the side of the road. I know he saw me because he pointed at me as said "Slow Down" or something like that... I looked down and saw I was well over 15+ so I thought I was done. I pulled over, parked and started taking my gloves off. I wasn't going to try and run. As I got my first glove off I noticed the cop hadn't moved yet. He was still standing there with his radar. So I just put it back on then went on my way.

I really do try to watch my speed when I'm riding. I do like to move around traffic rather then letting them move around me because I feel more in control. I also try not to be the fastest on the road either.
Only good experiences on the bike.

On a 650R with Saskatchewan plates and DL. Headed to my folks in southern MN, on a road I've driven and ridden a thousand times. Making time, 77 in a 65, I know you can only get away with 73, on a good day. Get lit up. Turn GPS off. Bike speedo is only marked in kilometers per hour.

Do you know how fast you were going?
About 110kph. What is that in miles?
I had you at 77.
I'm sorry. I wasn't sure on the conversion. I'll be sure to slow down.
Have a nice night.
Yes, sir. :D

Back in SK, on a holiday, approaching a stop sign. Cop goes by, then stops to wait in traffic for a train. I stop, then proceed through the stop sign as it was clear. Half a mile later he comes up behind and lights me up. Says he saw me in his rear view mirror running the stop sign. I said nope, I stopped. He says I went thru fast enough that I couldn't have stopped. I said nope, bike is light and accelerates quickly from a stop. I wasn't speeding, he had nothing. I think they were just pulling people over to check endorsements and for drunks, since it was a holiday. Or he was bored and didn't want to wait for the train. Annoyed me slightly that he tried to get me to admit wrongdoing so he could write a ticket.

One other time, heading into Penticton, BC, waved over by a cop on the side of the road. Asks for my license. Says they're just checking for valid endorsements and sends me on my way. No biggie.

In the two years since I've been back in MN and on the FZ6, I have yet to be pulled over (knock on wood). I had one local cop in Iowa wag his finger at me when he passed - we'd be rolling at something over 70 in a 55 when we spotted him and rolled off. Another time rolling along at a bit more than ten over, a MN HP car flips a u-turn, follow me for five miles, then turns off. I think the FZ6 looks very much like an R6 or R1 from the front, then they see the dork in full gear and the hard luggage and decide it isn't worth it. Just a theory, but I leave the cases on all the time.
I was actually doing pretty good until I got the R1 this year. I legitimately got 5-9 tickets (lost count just have a giant pile of them now) over the span of a few months.

Each time the officer became progressively less understanding of my story haha.

Now I've got a traffic lawyer trying to sort them out.

The most annoying one was when I rolled on the throttle in first gear relatively casually and my speedo clipped 100kph for a split second before i brought it back down and an unmarked cruiser just HAPPENED to be driving by for the 0.2 seconds I was at 100kph. I had just left the house and was out being very casual and was not rushed or really in the mood to speed at all. I had just come out of a corner at 60 and rolled on the throttle to hear the exhaust come to life for a moment.

He gave me a lecture on how speeding is dangerous and I referred to the fact there were no cars or pedestrians or turn offs or crosswalks or anything for vast stretches of distance and that visibility was perfect with no trees/signs/etc. I stopped short of referring to how quickly dual 4 piston front brakes stop something that weighs under 400 pounds.

Still gave me a ticket for doing 20 over. It was a 60 zone. So many of our 60 zones have no business being 60 zones and it really grinds my gears.
You won't see many Cops here in Germany as they use Cameras for everything, But as luck would have it there was a domestic dispute in this little farm town I used to live in and while not on the FZ6 I was on my daughters Yamaha PW-50. I just got it out of storage and ready for the summer and was caught riding it down the street by them standing in front of that house. It didn't have plate or insurance obviously and no helmet so it was ugly. But by some chance the town Mayor or whatever he is called came home and talked to the cops about how silly it was in this Farm town and that he himself rides his dirt bike on the street to get to the different sections of farm land. So they let me go but man a ticket on a PW could have been funny I guess.
We were riding up Icefields Parkway toward Jasper, there was a section of highway market 60 kph. We thought we were passed it and sped up to 100. Police were out and pulled us over. Now I was in the lead, and haven't had a ticket in many years, probably not even in their computers. They let us off with a warning, which baffled us all. From that day on I have been "Clean Dean" and very welcome at the front.
I have had a few experiences with cops, only one on my bike. My first one was in my old blazer that was having some electrical issues. I pulled into a gas station to get gas and as I get out of the car I see red and blue lights flashing. So I look to see who got pulled over to see 3 cruisers with cops at the doors guns pointed at me and yelling at me to get back in the car. The officer said they pulled me over for not using my turn signal and having my licence plate light out. I explained to him how I was having some electrical issues and that my turn signals didn't work, right as I was telling him this my car did what it is famous for, it locked, unlocked and opened the rear hatch (thats the problems I referred to) and he got mad at me for that. I said watch it will do it again and I held my hands in the air and luckily it did it again and he believed me finally. He said sounds like I have some issues and to get it fixed then left me alone (I was 17 at the time so I was pretty freaked out by this).

The next time I was pulled over in my mustang (95 v6) because the officer said I went on two wheels making a left hand turn towards my house. First of all I don't think that car could, second I was going 20 mph. After pointing this out he said I sped up to 37 after the turn and that it was a 25 zone. I then had to point out it was a 35 zone and he was like oh yeah then let me go.

The last time I was on my bike and I was meeting my gf for a movie and she lives 30 miles from me. So I was going and I was a little late but I stayed at 65 for the first 26 miles. I then realized the time and decided for the last mile or two before I had to pull off I would go a little faster. I was going 77 when I saw the officer through the trees around a corner so I slowed down to 65. After I passed about a mile down the road I saw the lights behind me and I pulled over. He said he saw me going 86 in a 65. Still don't know how he saw me through the trees when there was a car that just passed me... but he wrote me a ticket for going 80 in a 65 and told me to be more careful.
I live in Ireland and majority of my encounters with the Garda (irish police) here has been either hillarious or of nothing worth mentioning. I have been pulled over a few times but it has always been for a check or breathaliser test.

During August this year, I was on the back roads with a few friends having a right laugh, nothing dangerous but lively riding regardless.

We part ways in Carlow at a petrol station after topping up the tanks. I realised that we were out longer than planned and I was going to be late for an event that I had to go with my family, my other half would have skinned me alive if I was late so I gunned it home from Carlow, usually about 25-30 minutes of a jouney and I had to cut that down to half if I wanted to make it on time. Perfect day, great visibility and good roads, very few cars on the road.

I was less than 5 minutes away from home when I saw a single headlight in the mirror catching up to me.Next thing I see the flashing lights and realise it was a Garda on a motorcycle... oh $h!7! I pull over he comes over and I can hear him shouting before I see him.

I took off my helmet and shouted "I have to get to the hospital my water broke", you see my wife was pregnant and due to give birth at any day so it was the only thing I could think of! As soon as I shouted that he bursted out laughing and said "you mean your wife's water broke and she's in the hospital" " I said sorry yes, I'm jsut panicking" Next thing he puts on his helment and said "Gear up, I'll give you an escort I'm headed toward Kilkenny anyway" The hospital was 40 minutes away from my home which I was 5 minutes away from!

So I had to follow the Garda on the bike all the way out to the Kilkenny hospital, took 20 minutes to get there LOL. When we got there I got off the bike and thanked him then ran in through the A&E doors and towards the front doors of the hospital, circled around the outside to where my bike was parked. Peaking aroudn the corner (must have looked soo wierd to everyone since I had all my gear still on me) no sign of the Garda, jumped on the bike and drove home without exceeding the speed limit! Needles to say I was in deep $h17 until I explained what was after happening!
Not quite pulled over by the police but had a lot of dealings with them this year after my crash.

First memory is of being breathalysed in hospital, they had also been to the scene of my accident and taken witness statements, and done some basic forensics as they thought it was going to be a fatality.

In hospital they told me I had nothing to worry about, and later when giving a statement they were very positive and supporting. Had an officer on a bike come around to my house for an hour or so to take a statement off me, and again he was a very nice chap and reassured me that it wasn't my fault (I had amnesia of the entire event).

Some months later after taking the car driver which caused the accident to court they were able to get him to plead guilty and he got fined and points on his licence, though sadly not enough to take him off the road.

All in all I've had a positive experience with them :thumbup:
We were riding up Icefields Parkway toward Jasper, there was a section of highway market 60 kph. We thought we were passed it and sped up to 100. Police were out and pulled us over. Now I was in the lead, and haven't had a ticket in many years, probably not even in their computers. They let us off with a warning, which baffled us all. From that day on I have been "Clean Dean" and very welcome at the front.

Hi Dean..why don't you lead then? :BLAA: (this is your ICU buddy BTW...;) )

Last I got stopped, the wife and I were coming back from dropping our tents off to secure a long weekend campsite.
We were between Black Diamond and Okatoks heading east.
It was late, dark and very cold (-4'C) IIRC...brrr
We were crusing about 130ish in a 100 together. When the LEO (RCMP) went by he turned on the red and blues, I slowed and pulled over right away, but was sure to roll to the top of the hill (so everyone could see me and the LEO)
Anyway..standing in the brrr, looking for paperwork ect, I was unable to locate my insurance papers (D'oh!) and I figured I was screwed..
But no...after a brief lecture, and questioning as to where we were comming from and where we were headed...we were told to slow down and to ride carefuly...
no citation....phew!!...
I've been pulled over once in 5 years of riding, although they've tried a few more times. :spank: haha

I had actually gotten a ticket in my car that very morning on my way to work, but I had gone home and taken my bike to church that night. So I was cruising down the highway at a brisk pace, but I didn't think I was going too fast, but I see a pair of headlights enter the highway about 200m behind me out of my mirror. I dindn't think too much about it, but after a couple miles I start to notice that the car is matching my speed. I wasn't too alarmed because it hadn't gained any ground on me, although I did keep an eye on it. Well, eventually, it started to bug me a little bit, so I exited the highway and was just going to pull onto a side street for a bit just in case.

As soon as I get to the bottom of the off-ramp I look in the mirror and see a HP car barrelling down the off-ramp with his lights on so I immediately turn right and off the road. Before I can even get my sidestand down he's right next to me yelling at me with his hand on his gun, so at this point I'm terrified because I still have my headphones and helmet on.

HP: I'm gonna cut to the chase. I pulled you over because you were speeding.
HP: Do you know what the speed limit is on this stretch of road?
ME: It's 65, sir.
HP: Wrong. It's a 55mph construction zone.
ME: Crap.
HP: Do you know how fast you were going?
ME: No, sir, I don't.
HP: Well, I do. 86. I've been chasing you for the past six miles, but couldn't catch up because of the traffic...

At this point I thought he was gonna tase me and throw me in the back of his car because he's yelling at me and his hand is STILL on his gun. Anyway, I start apologizing, because I had no idea since he didn't have his lights on. He asks me where I'm coming from and why I'm in such a hurry, so I explain that I was just coming back from church and that I was in no hurry, just cruising. His response is:

"Well....I'm gonna go ahead and give you a warning since you actually pulled over. You were'nt weaving in and out of traffic, or driving like an ass, you were just going a bit fast. I just didn't want to have to chase you."

It was awesome, he switched from bad cop to cool cop in the blink of an eye, although I was still terrified that he was going to see that I'd gotten a speeding ticket that morning in my car and come after me. haha.

Sorry for the novel! :BLAA:
I live in Ireland and majority of my encounters with the Garda (irish police) here has been either hillarious or of nothing worth mentioning. I have been pulled over a few times but it has always been for a check or breathaliser test.

During August this year, I was on the back roads with a few friends having a right laugh, nothing dangerous but lively riding regardless.

We part ways in Carlow at a petrol station after topping up the tanks. I realised that we were out longer than planned and I was going to be late for an event that I had to go with my family, my other half would have skinned me alive if I was late so I gunned it home from Carlow, usually about 25-30 minutes of a jouney and I had to cut that down to half if I wanted to make it on time. Perfect day, great visibility and good roads, very few cars on the road.

I was less than 5 minutes away from home when I saw a single headlight in the mirror catching up to me.Next thing I see the flashing lights and realise it was a Garda on a motorcycle... oh $h!7! I pull over he comes over and I can hear him shouting before I see him.

I took off my helmet and shouted "I have to get to the hospital my water broke", you see my wife was pregnant and due to give birth at any day so it was the only thing I could think of! As soon as I shouted that he bursted out laughing and said "you mean your wife's water broke and she's in the hospital" " I said sorry yes, I'm jsut panicking" Next thing he puts on his helment and said "Gear up, I'll give you an escort I'm headed toward Kilkenny anyway" The hospital was 40 minutes away from my home which I was 5 minutes away from!

So I had to follow the Garda on the bike all the way out to the Kilkenny hospital, took 20 minutes to get there LOL. When we got there I got off the bike and thanked him then ran in through the A&E doors and towards the front doors of the hospital, circled around the outside to where my bike was parked. Peaking aroudn the corner (must have looked soo wierd to everyone since I had all my gear still on me) no sign of the Garda, jumped on the bike and drove home without exceeding the speed limit! Needles to say I was in deep $h17 until I explained what was after happening!
To funny, for words I can't wait to tell the crew at work this one.

I dun got pulled over last May with mah little riding companion.


We passed a line of cars on a dotted yellow, 'n 'bout a mile up the road wuz a CHP parked, 'n couple miles down the road he lit us up. :confused: (We were go'in the speed limit when we passed him.) :confused:

Ends up there was an off duty pig in the line of cars we passed, who said we passed on a dy. (The little bitch wuz just butt hurt he got passed by a girl.) The CHP scratched us out a ticket on the other bitches word. They tried say'in it wuz a citizen's arrest, butt the citizen never said boo to us, or arrested us (Don't think you can even make a ca for an infraction?) 'n the CHP can't write an extortion ticket on the word of another. (Even if it's another extortion pig.) Needless ta say, I fought the thing 'n beat it. :cheer:
Sorry ladies, not in America! :Flip:
Last time I got pulled over was after a spirited mid week ride with my fellow track riding buddy. We had just finished a 20 minute stretch of tight and technical twisties. We pulled over in the town at the end and had a little chat, still sitting on our bikes (him a CBR1000RR, me an R1)...helmets on.

I was just about to turn my key to leave when there was a bright blue flash behind us!...Plod had been sitting there for fvck knows how long...evesdropping! (bloody whisper quiet BMW's K1200's!)...cheeky bastard.

He got off his bike and asked us for our licenses. At this point there is nothing you can do but say yes sir, no sir, and try to emit a mature attitude! LOL

He had been going the other way a good 10 minutes earlier. We passed him nearly knee down, in the middle of a very tight series of lefts and rights. You know how it pause for a sec and consider the likelihood of him being able to turn around, in the middle of a series of corners...and you think "naaah...fvck it!", and keep on fanging.

Seriously...he must of seen us for less than 2 seconds...but he claims he measured our speed in that time! (The sweat had started to bead by this point).

"I clocked your speed", he said. "But you were doing 79 in an 80 km zone, so I can't book you...."

The section we were in was posted as 25km corners....

"But...", he continued, "You look like monkeys wrestling coconuts!...and this isn't the place for it..."

He had noticed and recognised the race club stickers on our helmets, and proceeded to give us the "You ought to know better" routine. All in all he was one of those good ol' boys who accepted our 'cap in hand' admissions of foolish behaviour, and let us go with a decent tut tutting.

So we lived to thrash another day...and not stop next time we pass a copper going the other way! :thumbup:
I was parking the bike at work on a Saturday morning a couple of summers back when I saw the cruiser pull up beside me. I couldn't think of anything I had done wrong but I really was surprised when he started asking about the bike, what size, model, is it quick, stuff like that. We ended up having a pretty good conversation about the bike and bikes in general. Before he left he asked what time I would be leaving and said he may stop by again. Much to my surprise, he DID stop by but not in the police car. He had finished his shift and wanted to show me his new VStrom 650 he had bought a couple of days earlier. We rode together quite a few times until he sold the bike. He and his wife had a new addition to the family this past Fall and he got rid of the bike.
I fired up my Ninja 500r to prep it for spring riding. I then decided to take it for a 5-10 km ride (on my uninsured bike) to see if anything needed to be done to it. Well, my battery died on my ride at the furthest point from home.

I called my daughter to bring me her car and jumper cables to start the bike so I could ride it home.She pulled up (it was dusk now) and we tried to start the bike. Every time I tried to take off, the bike would stall. Of course, this is when the police showed up. I chatted him up for a while, hoping he wouldn't ask for my insurance and registration but eventually he did.

I then had to confess what I was doing and he informed me that I would have to get a truck and haul it home because the bike wasn't insured. We contacted everybody we knew with a truck but came up empty handed. I then tried to restart the bike and it satarted up fine. The reason it kept stalling on me was because I had left the kickstand down (DUH!!!)

The Police officer told me it was a $ 456 fine for riding a bike uninsured...I cringed!!

He then said to me, "Tell you what, If you promise to never do this again, I will escort you ride the bike and I'll follow you."

I agreed and he did exactly what he said!! I can't tell you how grateful I was!