The happening


jsteinb95 I was told by the owner of the movie store, if you like m. night shyamalan, you'll like this moving and if you don't like him, you won't like the movie. My opinion, I like him, but I didn't like the movie. It could've been good, but it just wasn't.
it was an interesting idea playing off the current media based topic of global warming/climate change caused by man. but I didn't really care for the way it all came together. I normally like mark wahlberg as an actor, but I didn't like him in this, not very convincing at all. I was told by the owner of the movie store, if you like m. night shyamalan, you'll like this moving and if you don't like him, you won't like the movie. My opinion, I like him, but I didn't like the movie. It could've been good, but it just wasn't.

I like you like M. Night, but this movie just plan SUCKED. I took my son to it on opening day, We both like a few of his other movies.

As soon as it was over we looked at each other and were like , well that just plain sucked, waste of time and money.

As we were walking out of the movie a couple guys behind us ( in there 20s) were saying that they wish they would have seen Kong Fu Panda, I just turned around and laughed and agreed with them.

poor poor poor movie
I actually saw this movie in the theater, what a waste of 18 bucks and an hour and a half. I'm a fan of M. Night and Mark Wahlberg but he couldn't salvage this movie, two thumbs down, dont waste your time even when it comes to television.