The Frame Itself

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Hey Bro, sorry bout the crash. Glad your still with us and it wasn't worse. I am not a know it all bout this frame stuff but I guess for your safety I am thinking get rid of the frame, buy a new one and go Ramen for a few weeks. For what its worth you seem to have a pretty good attitude bout the whole thing and I'm glad to see you want to get back on. Good Luck and here's :thumbup: to a quick recovery.
If you can transport your bike you can try this. Try to locate a good welder in your area. Explain your situation and ask if he would be willing to take a look at it. Get an estimate and compare it to a new frame. As long as the welder only has to deal with broken or cracked pieces he may be able to help you. However, if your frame is bent in anyway, get a new frame. One thing you may run into is no one will want to assume liability for welding a bike.

Heal fast my friend.:thumbup:
I forgot to add, if you have your fame welded the resale value of your bike will be minimal. Would you buy a bike with a welded frame? If so, how much would you be willing to pay for it? The depreciated value of your bike will be more that a new frame. Sorry, I know that’s not what you want to hear but those are your options.
Man sorry about your accident. You are lucky that you're keeping your foot. Sounds like you must be in some pain, hopefully everything will heal ok and you'll be back to riding before you know it. Hope you figure everything out, just try to keep the big picture in mind and don't get too down about anything.
I hope you will be ok! Brutal scars...

What kind of foot protection were you wearing? I'm just curious

Mil-spec shin high kevlar woven hardended leather. regular jeans, Scorpion Exo Armored Jacket and Scorpion Exo-700 Helmet... perforated leather riding gloves
I would say that tab could be welded back on,BUT if the hit was strong enough to tear the aluminum, you need to have the frame checked to be sure it didn't get stressed anywhere else or bent. from my experience the insurance will call your bike totaled. the vehicle that hit you is responsible. do not settle for anything other than a replacement bike plus some cash money for pain & suffering plus loss of income for time missed from work. don't take there first offer either, most likely they are going to low ball you. don't admit to anything other then it was the other drivers fault. be careful what you say most of the time phone calls are recorded. if your not happy with what they offer you threaten to call a lawyer, if that doesn't work call one that specializes in motorcycle accidents like Russ Brown (not a plug) glad you survived!!!!

Im working with a local Motorcycle Accident specialist attourney, thanks for the advise as well. Im most likely going to end up replacing the frame
Thank you very much everyone I deeply appreciate your information and your concern. To try to sum up most of the questions and comments...

Yes I am looking into pain and suffering compensation... yes I belive I can have the other driver as witness... yes I had bad luck in insurance timing (go figure).. I was wearing Helmet, Jacket Armor, Jeans, Gloves, and Kevlar Leather Boots. I started a boot thread in the gear section about spending the extra money to get ARMOR plated boots.. because footwear is almost the last thing on anyones mind. Take it from me... though my foot protection ran out, I can't imagine what would have happened if i had been wearing sneakers. So next time anyone ever says... "meh... its no big deal..." it IS. It makes all the difference. Personally... next time out next season, Ill have Icon Feild Armor under my jacket, Carbon Fiber gauntlets, steel woven padded jeans, and plated riding boots.

Be safe
I would say that tab could be welded back on,BUT if the hit was strong enough to tear the aluminum, you need to have the frame checked to be sure it didn't get stressed anywhere else or bent. from my experience the insurance will call your bike totaled. the vehicle that hit you is responsible. do not settle for anything other than a replacement bike plus some cash money for pain & suffering plus loss of income for time missed from work. don't take there first offer either, most likely they are going to low ball you. don't admit to anything other then it was the other drivers fault. be careful what you say most of the time phone calls are recorded. if your not happy with what they offer you threaten to call a lawyer, if that doesn't work call one that specializes in motorcycle accidents like Russ Brown (not a plug) glad you survived!!!!

Sportrider: That MIGHT work. However, from the description of the crash Rekon was at fault for following too closely. (Sorry, but my son got in one of those and the person who hits the other guy in the rear usually takes the blame. Unless the cops wrote the other guy a ticket for "something", his insurance is going to come after Rekon for damages, not the other way round. OUCH.

Rekon: F' the frame, just glad to see you're ok. Foot looks bad, but man - if you can still walk on it - my hat's off to you. Sounds like you'll heal quick. I'd give the frame to the metal recyclers and buy another frame. Sounds like you're going to have some down time, might as well be shopping for MC parts with it. :Sport:
Sorry to hear of the accident. Riding too close behind a vehicle nearly cost me my life. I have sinced learned and I hope you have as well. Nevertheless, I would not attempt to repair the frame on the bike. Although it can be done, it raises serious safety concerns that your life could depend on. If I'm not mistaken your title would have to be modified to salvage if you repaired the frame, depending on where you live. You can always sell the bike or in parts at a time. These are the times when insurance pays off. Take it easy, recooperate and learn from the experience. sounds like it could have been alot worse. hang in there
Aww that sucks. You wore the gear, and at least you're alive and angry ... Get well soon man.

I would investigate suiing the construction co. If there was sand on the road, if they "jumped out" etc, they could be liable. maybe they'll pay all costs?
Glad you made it thru that with your foot still attached man. That one could of been real bad.
Sorry for your accident. Thanks for sharing so that we can all learn something from your unfortunate experience. Your accident is not the typical kind and I for one definitely think less about my feet than the other parts of my body I am trying to protect.

I wish you a speedy recovery. Remember your health and well being are way more important than all the money and bike stuff (I know easy for me to say).
Pennsylvania auto accident law: no-fault or at-fault

This spells it out pretty clear, but a lawyer may be able to make it work out. For a hefty fee obviously.

Thank you. I am going to continue parsing traffic incident specialist attourneys, though i cannot give the real issues out on the forums, I will assure all that I personally feel there are several factors in this incident that were out of my control that led to a dangerous enviroment in the first place.
Hope you heel up soon, looks like you'll be out of commission for a while. :(

Just like your not skimping on your new gear, don't skimp on the repairs to your bike. It could possibly lead to testing your new gear.
Thanks for sharing your misfortune with us Rekon hope all turns out good and your up and back in the saddle real soon.:iconbeer: to a speedy recovery.
Thanks for sharing your experience. Sorry it happend. Sometimes there's just nothing you can do. The pics of your foot are killer. Hope eveything heals back to 100%. That's what counts. Bikes can be fixed or replaced.

Best of luck to you. Hang in there.
Thank you. I am going to continue parsing traffic incident specialist attourneys, though i cannot give the real issues out on the forums, I will assure all that I personally feel there are several factors in this incident that were out of my control that led to a dangerous enviroment in the first place.

I may sound like a jerk on this one, but I don't really care:

You are obviously frantically searching for some other person or entity to take the blame for this incident, but you are the one caused the crash. All of these factors that were "out of your control" should have been assessed as you were riding. You were in a construction zone, at 3AM on a Sunday morning, and you were not able to stop in time from 30 MPH with a 2 second gap? Sounds like something else may have "influenced" you reaction time. What if the vehicle ahead of you was another bike? You might have killed the rider.

Look at this another way: if you were in front and the car behind rammed your bike, you would be FIRMLY blaming that driver for failing to pay attention to the conditions and not leaving enough room to stop.

Once again, somebody refuses to take any responsibility for their actions.
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