The "find Ben a good cheap exhaust" thread

Well I should be made one of these member status's.

God, aka Cesc Fabregas does not deserve to be crammped in such a small window.

As Kazza siad, you need to be a paid up member of the forum to get a bigger Avatar.

As for putting your pipes on, acheap set of Allen Keys, a socket set with, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, sockets at least.

Doing the exhaust on an FZ6 is not hard....sorta explains itself, does the FZ6, when you pull it apart...very easy bikes to work on...cause Yamaha actually built them properly for easy access...

Ok I'm a week and abit late.





ok they are loud. to me..
Other people (a pillion, a work mate I passed whilst driving) have said they are not.. So I wonder if i can now hear my own engine more than before?

I dont get the same "head turney" look I did before with the VTR250. maybe as its not a twin? I dunno.

But down low, in low revs, its sounds awsome (to me)
once you get over 5k, it suddenly petters out, and its gets all "high pitched" (again to me).
I think alot depends on throttle percentage and rev percentage.. (make sense) a good take off, will result in a nice clean sound. mixing and maxing it up will get that "petter" out effect.....

I have not retuned my bike. not that I believed you would have to.
it does burn more fuel.. maybe to compinsate for the lack of outwards compression (does that even make sens)

OMF!G what a pain in the arse..!
It took me two goes. in the process, I got the ****s and took a CBF attitude and have scratched the outside of my pipes in the process.....
many reasons..
connector pipe is not parralle, the alignment requires the constant fitting and refitting of the rear grab handles.....
Mine are not perfect (to my standards) but are good. now... before. they looked ****. I never considerd undertail twins would be so hard to do..
I would seriously consider getting anothe rbike with undertails before I bought it..

I now have a "bigger" tool collection....

build quality of Scorpions is pretty low, the badge is not even welded on properly, that said. they are budget, and do the job...

(ps I am happy with them)