The Cheech

Sorry to hear that Dennis. Most of us can sympathize as we've all lost dear pets.

Looks like Cheech had some fun with that dresser though, and left some of his marks for you to remember him by!
Ah sorry to hear about that. By the way, in the last picture it looks like he has the dual headlight mod - a true FZ6 cat! :thumbup:
Sorry dude,
I love my animals, (1 cat& 2 dogs) my forum name "Hoshiko" came from my cat "Hoshiko" I rescued him from a shelter on Spanish Harlem, He lived with me in NY until last summer when my wife's little step sister (2 years old) really really really felt in love with him, now instead of my shoe box apartment, he lives down in California, has a garden and a 2 little humans who play with him all day long.

Once again, Sorry for your lost.:(
Sorry Dennis. Our little black cat (Inky) is as much a part of the family as anyone else.

Your avatar always makes me smile. His smile makes him look like he was up to some mischief...have you counted your goldfish lately? ;-)
I feel your pain, mate. Still grieving the loss of my boy a couple of years ago. Be thankful for the time you got.
Sorry for your loss. We lost one of our pets two weeks ago. She was almost 12 years old. She had a diabetic stroke and I had to put her down. She's resting under the little tree in the yard that houses the birds she loved to chase.

RIP, George and JP.
Sorry for your loss. He looks very much like Bibi (Benjamin) who we adopted in July, 1999 when he was 6 weeks old.
I am so sorry to hear this. Every time I saw Cheech in your avatar, I couldn't help but think he must be a special cat, and well-loved. I know it can really take the starch out of you, losing a cherished companion. My condolences.
I just saw this thread after the new posts today.

Sorry about the lost family member.

I can relate. A month ago I lost my first dog. It's really not easy, and it still feels very weird. He was a 12 year old yellow lab, who rebounded from a severe decline in red blood cells two years before his passing (purple tongue, gray skin, etc.) He was a fighter.

It's so hard to do the right thing. He couldn't walk anymore. He knew exactly who I was. He just laid there on the floor smiling and wagging his tail like always, and all I could do was tell him he wouldn't have to suffer anymore, and how I was sorry that we couldn't do anything more to help him.

P.S. Your cat is the origin for the picture in your avatar? I have seen that picture numerous times, and it's pretty popular across the internet. It's the first result for "smiling cat" and the fourth result for "smiling kitty" on As far as the internet goes, your cat would be considered legendary.
Condolences, Dennis.....

Our furry friends are much more honest in their relations with us than we are with each other. That makes it a very special thing.