The Cheech


Staff member
Feb 9, 2007
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Many of you know the Cheech from my photoshopped avatar.. I posted him here because he was a part of the site..

We lost our Cheech.. ( George ) Cheech was his nick name.

He sat in my lap while I built it, Admin'd it and made all the great firends that I have on the site...

He passed away Nov-24-2010 between 10 and 11 am He was 10.

George We miss you and will never forget you. Thanks for letting me be your human for awhile. We will always love you!
Is always sad to lose a pet, at least his memory lives on in your heart, and in your avatar!

So sorry dude :( This thread brought a tear to my eye. I know firsthand how sad it is to lose a pet. Just remember the good times and be glad he was a part of your life.
That's sad to hear. I don't know if 10 is old for a cat, but at least he had caring owners while he was here. A lot of animals don't.

Sorry to hear of its passing though.
Sorry to hear. My Cleo is close to 18 years old and is starting to fade abit. She is nearly deaf these days.
Dennis, Sorry to hear about your buddy passing away. Pets are a big part of most families and are like our kids. Thanks for everything you do for us here on the forum! You Rock.