The athlete thread

Well I dont know how I missed this, but I am currently a member of a university track and field team, I throw shot put. I love the sport and the sports that do with it (power lifting).
I also really enjoy trap shooting and would like to get into pistol and rifle one day!
Congrats!! I'm jealous :( .. if I run more than 3 miles, my knees hurt for at least a week .. sometimes longer. Thank God for cycling.

Do you have an old injury? I'm not a doctor, but I've read a lot about the subject and in a lot of cases, knee pain is caused by overstriding, not bad knees. If you're interested in running, it might be worth your while to go to a running store and have a gait analysis done. A change in shoes or stride might make all of the difference in the world. But if you don't want to run that would be unnecessary :thumbup:
Do you have an old injury? I'm not a doctor, but I've read a lot about the subject and in a lot of cases, knee pain is caused by overstriding, not bad knees. If you're interested in running, it might be worth your while to go to a running store and have a gait analysis done. A change in shoes or stride might make all of the difference in the world. But if you don't want to run that would be unnecessary :thumbup:

No old injuries to the knees and I *think* my stride is ok.. I never had my gait analysed though. Chances are with good, proper fitting shoes I may be able to run pain-free, but for now I'll concentrate on cycling. Thanks for the tip though!
Do you have an old injury? I'm not a doctor, but I've read a lot about the subject and in a lot of cases, knee pain is caused by overstriding, not bad knees. If you're interested in running, it might be worth your while to go to a running store and have a gait analysis done. A change in shoes or stride might make all of the difference in the world. But if you don't want to run that would be unnecessary :thumbup:

You're right. Some people try to go too hard too soon. Start running light and build your legs... Do short stride. If your heal hit the ground in front of your knees it will put too much stress on your knees and it will hurt.

The running / walking program is the best way to get into running. Don't think about speed or pace... just run slow and add some miles... That will build your endurance.
I find it odd that everyone used to do sports as kids, and now are into running or cycling. (primarily) Solo activities.... What about all the softball leagues and whatnot that are out there?

Anyway, I used to be a very competitive fencer in my youth - epee primarily, although I was decent with a sabre as well - but have long since lost the finances and drive necessary to remain in the sport. I tried getting back into it last winter, but my old team seems to have lost its competitive edge, and if I want to dabble, I can do that on my own time, and all the other teams local to me that are competitive are very expensive. I also was a field hockey goalie, shot put-ter, and marching band member (and don't you dare tell me that isn't a sport).

I recently began running, and completed my first race in March. I didn't finish last, and it was a whole 2 miles. I'm hoping to finish a 5K this year, but I also have a problem with my knee. And my problem IS an old knee injury (two dislocations, lots of scar tissue, some nerve damage, and a bone chip), so I know I need to be careful with it.
I find it odd that everyone used to do sports as kids, and now are into running or cycling. (primarily) Solo activities.... What about all the softball leagues and whatnot that are out there?

I actually think it makes a lot of sense. Many of us have a lot of responsibilities and time constraints. With cycling (or running) I don't need to make plans to be on someone else's schedule.. I just get out and go :D
Very tired right now (and this whole week.. which is why I haven't read any other threads).. just finished a 107 mile solo ride :thumbup:

7 hours and 30 minutes total, 7 hours of moving time.. which gives me a rough average of 15.3mph.

The lead up to the ride was 42 miles on Sunday, 66 on Monday, 30 on Tuesday and 19 on Wednesday.

Finally can relax a bit.. just gonna do a mellow 19 mile cool-down ride tomorrow.

Time to set next goal!
That's really amazing. Congratulations!

Erci's next goal

Thanks, man!

That *would* be quite a goal. I've done 4400 of elevation gain on a 42 mile ride and that was rather brutal.. I don't know how the pros do this stuff day after day (well.. if there are any that actually do it without cheating).
I cycle as much as I can, even though remodeling my house and a very wet spring has slowed me down. I ride two longer group rides each year. The first is Wheels of Hope 83 miler and a group of friends ride the Great Greenbrier River Trail from start to end then back (154 miles). The 154 miler will happen on July 30th this year if anyone wants to tag along. We dont ride hard. Every ten miles we take a 10min break to eat, drink or whatever (one of the guys has a walnut for a bladder). The mid point of the ride is at Cass Scenic Railroad State Park, seeing the old trains n eating some well deserved hand scooped ice cream is a treat at the mid point. Here are a few vids of the ride from two years ago. [ame=""](1 of 3)[/ame] [ame=""](2 of 3 midpoint)[/ame] [ame=""](3 of 3)[/ame] The trail is flat, a 1% grade going up the first 77miles and then 1% down coming back. The trail is 99% gravel, so a thin road tire wont make it. This is an all day event for sure. Always looking for more crazies to tag along.
I've always considered myself an amateur athlete. Although since tearing my Achilles tendon and having a family my activities have been reduced. Some of my more involved was running (marathons, tri-athalons etc), tennis, hockey, biking, etc. etc. There are not many sports that I have not played or tried to play.
Wait.. you do 154 miles in one day on MOUNTAIN BIKES?!?! :eek: :eek:

:bow: :bow:

lol ... yeah 154 miles in one day on a mnt bike. It's about 16.5 to 18.5 hrs depending on how long we take at Cass and/or the pizza place about marker 70. It's really not that bad but when we get to the end of the ride I don't want to see my bike for a few days.
Only two weeks left till the 154 miler... it's so gonna suck this year... haven't done much on the bike... i guess i have no takers to tag